Another ER Visit

I worked from home today; therefore, I picked up Xuân and Vương from school to go to the skatepark. Đạo tagged along as well. We skated for about 15 minutes before Vương slipped, fell, and busted his chin on the concrete inside the bowl at Wakefield. I took him to the ER to get stitched up.

Xuân busted his chin twice before. The second time was also at the skatepark and I took him to the same ER. Xuân gained back his confidence and went back to the skatepark a couple of days later. He had not thought much about it. He continued to soar.

I am not sure if Vương will do the same or he would just quit after this incident. I won’t hold it against him. Accidents happen, especially at the skatepark. I had my share of accidents. I twisted my knee one time and hit my head on the ground another. Even though I had my helmet on, I blacked out for a few seconds.

Vương’s accident gave me a pause. The skatepark could be a dangerous place even just a minor mistake. Then again if I wanted to prevent accidents, I would never skate, ski, or snowboard. Life is short and a bit of risk is good.

I talked to my kids’ piano teacher about skiing. He would love to give it a try, but he was afraid of breaking his hands, which are his livelihood. A nail technician told me the same concern. If she were to break her hands, she wouldn’t be able to do her work. It could be true for me as well. I wouldn’t be able to design if my hands weren’t working. Fortunately, I didn’t think about it that way when I picked up any of these sports. I am glad that I didn’t factor accidents into the sports. For me, the reward outweighs the risk.

Getting stitched up sucks, but I hope Vương won’t give up. Life will be full of challenges and he will have to weather through them. This was one of the challenges he faced. Stay strong, my son.


I can’t wait for the election to be over. Politics has become so damn polarizing that I haven’t talked to anyone about it. I haven’t discussed politics with my friends. I haven’t discussed politics with my family members. Anyone tried to bring up the topic, I shut it down.

I haven’t posted anything related to politics on any social media network. The only place I am comfortable talking about politics is on this blog. This is truly my personal space where I can write whatever I want, including my view on politics. I only have one vote and I cannot control the outcome of the result. Nevertheless, I still want to speak my mind.

I voted early and my wife did too. I didn’t even ask my wife who she voted for. I even refrained from discussing politics with her. She made her own choice. Her vote, her rights. She gets to make her decision.

In this election, women rights are on the line. They should be able to make the decision on their own, particularly on their own body and their own health. The choice between Harris and Trump on this issue is clear. Harris fights for women rights. Trump fights for his own power.

After the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Democrats had won any election with abortion on the ballot. I am optimistic that Harris will win this election because women will vote for their rights. We’ll see.


Rally is a small digital product studio in Salt Lake City, Utah. Its website is just beautiful from colors to typography to transitions. (I should start looking for cool website designs again).

More Penny Stocks

Our investment in Tevogen (TVGN) is doing good. It raises steadily. The strategy is sell high and buy low. It is very tempting to sell off then buy again, but we are no expert. I can’t follow the stock price all the time. I have a full-time job to do. We just keep it for now.

Today, we invested in CNS Pharmaceuticals (CNSP) at $.27 a share. I don’t know much about CNS other than it is “a biotechnology company specializing in the development of novel treatments for brain tumors.” The risk is quite high, but my wife told me to buy it. We made a small investment. If it busts then it bursts.

Lê Dương Thể Hạnh: Lặng thầm đưa khách sang sông

Qua những bài văn nhẹ nhàng cảm động, tác giả Lê Dương Thể Hạnh nhắc nhở chúng ta nói lên những công lao thầm lặng của bật thầy cô giáo đã dìu dắt chúng ta trên con đường học vấn. Từ mẫu giáo đến đại học, họ đã không ngại khó khăn và luôn nhẫn nại để dạy dỗ chúng ta tới nơi tới chốn như những lời thơ của Thể Hạnh:

Đời thầy vất vả nắng mưa
Tối lên bục giảng, sớm trưa ruộng đồng
Lặng thầm đưa khách sang sông
Trao em con chữ thắm nồng yêu thương
Vòng tay vững suốt chặng đường
Thầy nâng em bước vấn vương ân tình…

Cám ơn tác giả đã viết lên những gì chúng ta muốn nói với bật thầy.

Mental Illness Response

Mental illnesses are common 1 in 5 adults in any given year. If you can recognize the signs and symptoms and provide the appropriate responses, you can save lives. The Mental Health First Aid training will give you the early intervention tool to help someone experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge. I completed the Adult Mental Health First Aid training and highly recommend it, especially the in-person portion.

Rivian (RIVN)

I am keeping an eye Rivian electric car. Its stock price is $10. It was almost at $130 back in 2021. It seems like a good time to buy. I am sure Rivian will be around for a while. I just need to find the fund to invest.

Thirteen Years at Scalia Law School

Today marks my thirteenth year working at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School. Thirteen years is a long time, but I am still here and still holding on to the title: Director of Design and Web Services.

My role hasn’t changed much this past year. My main responsibilities are still our websites. The new site for the law school has been underdevelopment for more than a year. It will launch soon—hopefully. I don’t design or code anymore. I give advice and feedback. Someone else is doing the coding. I am cool with that.

Flexibility is the other aspect I am enjoying. It gives a balance between work and life. The benefit is the reason I am sticking around. I get to spend more time with my family through the PTO I had accumulated over the years. My kids are still my priority. I hope they will love me back because I know damn well my job won’t.

Nevertheless, I can’t complain about my job. I still have the freedom and the flexibility within my perimeter. When you are not your own boss, you have to follow orders. I am fine with that. I just need to do my job. When I leave my passion and pride outside of my work, I do a better job.

I don’t need to show off my work. I don’t need to put my name on a design. I don’t get bogged down when my work is gone. I don’t need to protect my legacy. I just need to make money to feed my family.

That’s where I am at with my career. I am just going to ride it out. I am taking it one day at a time. I don’t think about the future. I just go with the flow. I will adapt when I have to. For now, I am thankful for the opportunity to continue to work at George Mason university’s Antonin Scalia Law School.

Harris Won Another Dabate

Trump was too much of a wimp to debate Harris; therefore, Fox had to do it for him. Harris came to be interviewed, but she ended up debating a white guy who constantly interrupted her and talked over her. She came prepared and showed him who was in charge.

Trump Doesn’t Need Your Vote

It is crystal clear in his response to a 56-year-old construction worker that Trump doesn’t give a fuck about the working class.