Free Book From Zeldman

Zeldman offers free download of Taking Your Talent to the Web. I haven’t read it yet, but heard good things about it.

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New Big Spaceship

Not sure when Big Spaceship relaunched, but the new none-Flash design rocks. Dig the big headlines.

Africana Studies Program Redesigned

The web folks at Vassar gives Africana Studies Program a fresh, clean, elegant look.

Got Mentioned

I was quoted in The GW Hatchet‘s “Schools Embrace Social Media.” Well, sort of. I don’t recall saying, “I looked at the other schools on Facebook and these sites and I was like, ‘Wow, we’ve got to be on there,'” at all. The writer has done a great job of making me sound like a foreigner. I don’t remember saying this either: “Most of us are already on these sites, so now all we have to do is spread the word. It’s efficient and probably one of the best ways to get in touch with people nowadays.”

Nikki Yanofsky – Ella… Of Thee I Swing

Who could be mad at a thirteen-year-old girl trying to swing like Ella? On her debut Ella… Of Thee I Swing recorded live at Montreal’s Place des Arts in 2007, Nikki Yanofsky perfected Ella’s chops on fast-tempo tunes like “Old McDonald,” “A Tisket, a Tasket” and “It Don’t Mean a Thing (If It Got That Swing).” She imitated not only Ella’s nimble style, but also her scat. Needless to say, her technical skill, particularly breath control, is nowhere near the First Lady of Song. She has a remarkable voice for her age, but lacks the experience to fully articulate the blues on “Evil Gal Blues” and “Ain’t Got Nothing But the Blues.” She needs a few more years to develop her potential.

Susan Boyle Got Talent

An effortless rendition of “I Dreamed a Dream” performed by Susan Boyle.

Racist Incident at Tufts University

The members of the Korean Students Association who were practicing their cultural dance were racially insulted by a drunk white freshman:

“This is the gayest shit I’ve ever done… Fuck you. Fuck you, I could take all of you. I’ll kill you all… Fuck you all, you fucking chinks, go back to China! Go back to your fucking country, you don’t belong in this country.”

This is saddening. We still have a long way to go.

AU Redesigned

American University redesigned by HUGE.

The Baby

Our friends’ daughter who was expected to come out a day before our boy had made her way out yesterday. She is healthy and very cute. Now I am getting quite anxious about our boy. He could pop out any minute. We think we’re prepared.
