The summer went by so fast. Đạo starts ninth grade. Đán starts sixth grade. Xuân starts second grade. Vương starts kindergarten. The summer was short but we had a handful of activities including summer vacations, camping trips, and family reunions.
Xuân joined the swimming team over summer and he had a blast. He seemed to be very competitive. He will continue to train soon. I hope he will stick to it. Vương got to spend time at home before joining his older brothers for school. Đạo and Đán had done an excellent job keeping their daily writing. They didn’t miss a day.
Đạo has developed his skills as a fiction writer. His writing is clear and descriptive. I could visualize the scenes he described even without knowing the backstory. He wrote scene by scene. I encouraged him to write something personal, but he refused. He doesn’t like to reveal his personal thoughts.
Đán, on the other hand, wrote what was on his mind. His approach is more similar to mine. Some of his pieces were hilarious. He still has to edit his writing, but he has been able to express himself. This exercise has helped him to write better.
I am so glad that they had agreed to take on the challenge and they didn’t fail. Furthermore, I am proud of their works. Even though their summer assignment is over, I hope they will continue to write. It is a great asset to have for the rest of their life.