The Outlaw Professor

So the outlaw professor sues his ex-law students for $108 millions. In his own complaint, he admits that he had slept with multiple first-year students—even more than one at the same time. He also admits that he used his connections, powers, and privileges to help the students with their careers. He also admits that he cheated on his wife. This guy is incorrigible.

Cuong Lu: Happiness Is Overated

In writing this brief review, I decided to leave out the diacritics on the author’s name because I can’t even guess his last name. Sure, his first name is Cường, but his last name could be Lư or Lữ. I couldn’t find any reference to his name. That said, let’s get to the book.

Cuong Lu who was a longtime student of Thích Nhật Hạnh is picking up where his teacher left off. He writes about Buddhist psychology with concise prose and clarity. Happiness Is Overrated is insightful and practical. What strikes me the most is how happiness and suffering are close to each other. The book itself is super short. It can be read in one sitting. If I have to choose one chapter from the book, it has to be chapter 5, which titled “True Wealth.” I am just going to quote the entire chapter here so I can refer back to later on. Cuong Lu:

We all want to be happy. We think happiness is the answer to every kind of suffering. Just be happy in the here and now, and everything will be fine. I wish life were that simple. But it isn’t. Your happiness, for example, can be the suffering of someone else. We need to see ourselves in others, too. If we don’t care about the suffering of others, that is not true happiness.

When we only think about ourselves, there are many things we can do to make ourselves happy. When we think about others, there are many things we can do to help them be happy. Sometimes, though, we need to choose. We only have one treat, and we have to choose. We can choose to eat it, or we can choose to give it to someone else. Sometimes we want to have it for ourselves, and yet we give. We’re not 100 percent happy, but at a deeper level you can’t overestimate the joy of giving and helping. Facing these choices is part of the journey to discovering the meaning of your life.

You are more than you think. Others are also you. When you respect others, you’re respecting yourself. When you love others, you are loving yourself. When you help others, you are helping yourself. But when you’re happy and others are suffering, your happiness is incomplete. When you’re rich and others are poor, something is wrong. We need to share. And we need to share our happiness with those who are suffering. Only by sharing can we be truly happy. Only by sharing can we be truly wealthy. There’s no way to be rich in spirit without giving and sharing.

The more you give, the richer you become. Sharing is an art. If you’re rich and don’t know how to share, you are still a poor person. If you are happy and don’t know how to make others happy, you are suffering. Taking care of yourself is not enough. You need to learn to take care of others. Happiness is not only in the here and now. Future generations are in us. We need to work for the happiness of future generations; then we’ll be happy.

In the Lotus Sutra, there is a story of two friends who met each other after many years apart. One had become rich, the other poor. After a dinner with a lot of alcohol, the poor friend fell soundly asleep, and the wealthy friend, before leaving, sewed a diamond inside the lining of his friend’s jacket. Many years later when they met again, the poor friend was still poor. He never realized that he had a gem inside his jacket.

This is not a story about wealth. The gem is a metaphor for your true self. You have a diamond in you. You don’t have to search for it; it’s already yours. Happiness and suffering are both yours, as is the wisdom of knowing how precious life is. With this wisdom, we know how to love one another and protect life.

Dương Thụ & Patrick X. Gallagher

Back in 2002, Mr. Patrick X. Gallagher gifted me his handmade book, which consisted of his English lyrics to 50 Vietnamese popular songs. After discovering Mr. Gallagher’s passing in 2019, I wanted to pay a tiny tribute to him. In this sample, I selected 11 songs written by the renowned lyricist Dương Thụ with translations by Mr. Gallagher. The text is set in Warbler, designed by David Jonathan Ross. Take a look at the “Dương Thụ & Patrick X. Gallagher” sample page.

Scouting Songbook Updated

I revised “Liên Đoàn Hùng Vương: Scouting Songbook.” The previous version featured a photo of all the Cubs wearing mask, which seems outdated. In addition, I didn’t quite like the previous design. I still use Bree, designed by Veronika Burian and José Scaglione, but I switched to gray text on white background instead of white text on dark blue background. Last but not least, I included English songs to complete the songbook.


In his email to students, the dean addressed the sexual misconduct committed by a faculty member. In responding to the criticisms that the law school didn’t take any action, the dean pointed out that he put in restrictions against the professor. Unfortunately, it gave the impression that the dean knew about the sexual misconducts, but he didn’t immediately terminate the professor. He put in restrictions, but stayed quiet hoping the whole thing went away. If the women didn’t come forward and the media didn’t pick up the scoops, he wouldn’t have spoken up. I wonder who came up with this terrible communications strategy.

The Summer is Over

The summer went by so fast. Đạo starts ninth grade. Đán starts sixth grade. Xuân starts second grade. Vương starts kindergarten. The summer was short but we had a handful of activities including summer vacations, camping trips, and family reunions.

Xuân joined the swimming team over summer and he had a blast. He seemed to be very competitive. He will continue to train soon. I hope he will stick to it. Vương got to spend time at home before joining his older brothers for school. Đạo and Đán had done an excellent job keeping their daily writing. They didn’t miss a day.

Đạo has developed his skills as a fiction writer. His writing is clear and descriptive. I could visualize the scenes he described even without knowing the backstory. He wrote scene by scene. I encouraged him to write something personal, but he refused. He doesn’t like to reveal his personal thoughts.

Đán, on the other hand, wrote what was on his mind. His approach is more similar to mine. Some of his pieces were hilarious. He still has to edit his writing, but he has been able to express himself. This exercise has helped him to write better.

I am so glad that they had agreed to take on the challenge and they didn’t fail. Furthermore, I am proud of their works. Even though their summer assignment is over, I hope they will continue to write. It is a great asset to have for the rest of their life.

Đạo Goes Aggressive

My wife bought Đạo a pair of USD Sway 60 XXI. It’s pretty slick. His feet are now as long as mines. In case he can’t wear it, I’ll take over. Fortunately, the boots fit him and he enjoys skating in them. Can’t wait to see what he can do with them.

Since the family reunion, we haven’t skated much. Since I started taking the shuttle to work, I haven’t skated during my lunch time like I used to. I don’t want to lose the little skills I have.

I need to figure out a routine to put rollerblading back on.

Roy Peter Clark: Tell It Like It Is

Clark’s writing is concise and he keeps each chapter to several pages. Nevertheless, I could not finish the book. Maybe I am not the right audience for this type of book. He has good information on public writing. I am not a public writer. I am just a blogger.

Buddhism: New Vietnamese Typographic Sample

The philosophy of Buddhism has always intrigued me. In this example, I put together “The Fourteen Teachings of the Buddha” and “The Ten Commandments of Mindfulness” in Vietnamese and English translations, by Tâm Lạc Trần Quý Anh. The text is set in Atlante, by Yorlmar Campos and Martín Sesto. Take a look at Buddhism, a new sample page.

Crafting sample pages has become my favorite design exercise. I get the opportunity to set the typefaces with Vietnamese diacritics—some of them I advised. I get to choose the projects I like to work on. I get to decide how much time I want to spend. I don’t need anyone’s approval. I try to provide both Vietnamese and English when possible. The samples have become my personal collection of Vietnamese culture and literature. I want to share them with the world, but they are there for me to refer back or to read. I want the materials to be meaningful instead of just dummy texts. I have two more samples I want to do. I just need the time. Stay tuned.

Getting By

Between the sexual allegations and all the luxury spendings, the place is corrupted. Abuses of powers and white privileges are on full display every single day. I no longer care. I just laugh at the incompetence.

Letting go has freed my mind. I am not worrying about the future. I am just taking it day by day. Whatever happens, I will be just fine. I will find another way to survive. From what I had witnessed in the last couple of months, my skills are still relevant. If I can’t apply them here, I will apply them somewhere else.

I am a lot happier now taking advantage of my benefits rather than stressing myself out. I should have done it years ago. Thanks to the incompetent for the hostile takeover. I am ready to put what I had built over the years behind. I am ready for whatever throws my way or not. I will stay out of the way.

In a white-dominated majority, I am just a voiceless minority. DEI is a joke. They don’t give a shit. I am done. I just need to do what I have to do to get by.