Getting Back to Skiing

Around 10 am yesterday, I headed to Hidden Valley to check it out. It only had 5 trails opened. Before I put on my ski boots, I gave my feet a good massage. I also skied gently for the first couple of runs. My feet were less in pain than the day before.

At noon, I went to Seven Springs. I took a short nap in the parking lot because I had trouble sleeping the night before. I put on my snowboard boots and hit the trails. I only did 3 runs and decided to switch back to ski. I started to get a hang of my new skis. They are a bit longer (159 cm) and faster, but steadier and easier to turn. Seven Springs was pumping lots of snow all day long and I could ski on blues and black terrains easily. I am going to spend more time honing my ski turns.

Around 7:00 pm, I was exhausted and a bit sleepy. I was going to call it the night, but I switched to snowboarding and did a couple more runs until the North Face lift closed.

After I showered and changed, I fell asleep immediately. My wife and kids are coming later today. Can’t wait to spend a whole day with them on Saturday at Seven Springs.

Laurel Mountain & Seven Springs

Yesterday morning I drove Đạo to school and headed toward Pennsylvania for a few days of skiing and snowboarding. My first stop was Laurel Mountain. I arrived around noon. Laurel only had four trails opened and the conditions were very icy. I started out skiing with the Rossignol Experience 88 TI, which I just bought brand new.

My skiing skills are getting rusty. I couldn’t parallel on both feet. Worst, my boots were hurting my feet. After the first run, I sat on the lift as if I had two dumbbells under my feet. I couldn’t wait to get off the lift. Once I was off, I had to go into the lodge to take my boots off and gave my feet a message. The second run was still still painful. After the third run, I was done with skiing. I switched to snowboard and did three runs. My feet felt comfortable and snowboarding on crunchy ice was not as bad as skiing.

Around 3:30 pm, I wrapped up at Laurel Mountain and headed over to Seven Springs. Unlike Laurel Mountain, which only had half a dozens of skiers and snowboarders, Seven Springs were a bit more crowded. I imagined weekends would be worse. Seven Springs had better conditions and more trails. I didn’t know where I was going. I just followed the lift to where it took me. I went to the green slopes and landed on the terrain park. I took the North Face lift and headed into the North Face Black Diamond trail, which had moguls. I stayed there for a while trying to learn to snowboard around the mogul terrain.

I loved night snowboarding. The vibe was just awesome. I left around 8:30 pm to a hotel about half an hour a way my wife had booked for me. Isn’t she just great? She let me enjoy the last few days of my vacation before I go back to work next week. I hope she and the boys will join me on Friday for a weekend of skiing and snowboarding. I am pretty sure they will enjoy Seven Springs.


My favorite sports start with an s:

  • Soccer
  • Skating (figure)
  • Skating (aggressive)
  • Skiing
  • Snowboarding
  • Sex

Each sport needs dependency. Soccer depends on the team. Skating (figure) depends on the rink. Skating (aggressive) depends on the weather. Skiing and snowboarding depend on the snow. Sex depends on the partner.

New Skis & Rollerblade

After losing the 2023 Fischer RC Fire SLR Pro Skis with RS 9 SLR Bindings ($215) at the Stowe Mountain Resort, I just purchases the 2020 Rossignol Experience 88 TI with Look SPX 12 Dual WTR Bindings for $255, which seems like a great deal. I am looking forward to skiing in it.

The Black & Blue Them 909 Marius Gaile Complete Pro Roller Blades arrived a week ago just after we left for vacation. I tried them on last night and they seemed to fit well. Can’t wait to hit the skate park on them.

I enjoyed snowboarding on the 2023 Salomon Super 8. The board served me well at Stowe on all the green and blue terrains and under different conditions. I am super satisfied with the purchase, which I found a great deal for $265. I also like the 2021 DC Men’s Laced Lace Snowboard Boots. Its firmness helps tremendously with snowboarding. I got the pair for $164.

I got myself some Christmas presents.

Sixth Day at Stowe

Snowboarding five days straight is exhausting. My body is aging not too well. I lost count of how many runs I did. I tried out Malcolm Moore’s latest video to carve harder. I need more time to practice, but I have the theory down. Malcolm is an incredible instructor.

I took my wife to the green terrain today and she did a fine job. I am glad to see her giving skiing a try. Once we retire, I hope we can go skiing together. Speaking of skiing, my skis are gone for sure. I got them for a very good price. I am looking to replace them.

I miss skiing, but I am loving snowboarding. I love my Salomon Super 8. It has accompanied well. Man, I want to write more, but I am falling asleep. I am really tired. Good night.

Fifth Day at Stowe

Xuân wanted to learn carving on skis. I signed him up for group lessons. I selected level 6, but they placed him on level 4. He learned pole planting and dynamic riding. He didn’t get to learn carving at all. I spoke to his instructor at the end of the day and he said he couldn’t get to carving. If Xuân wanted to learn something that specific, we should sign him for private lessons. I checked the price for private lessons. Half day lessons (3 hours) cost $875 and full day lessons (6 hours) cost $1235. Thanks, but no thanks. He’s going to have do skidded turns for now until I learn carving technique on skiing.

As for me, I lost counts of how many runs I had. Snowboarding for four days is wearing me out. Man, I am getting old. The good thing is that I am learning to turn skidded to carving thanks to this video from Malcolm Moore. He is such a great instructor. I watched all of his instructional videos. If you want to learn snowboarding, subscribe to his channel.

I might just stick with snowboarding if my skis don’t turn up. I ordered a pair with a great deal on Sun & Ski website this morning. Unfortunately, they cancelled the item because they couldn’t fulfill it. Son of a bitch. I am really enjoying snowboarding, especially carving. It felt so nice leaving the line behind. I haven’t been able to carve on skis in the past two seasons.

P.S. A young snowboard crashed into me from behind as we went down a blue terrain. He must had lost control. Fortunately I didn’t get hurt. On another occasion, I pulled over the side to pick up a phone call from my wife. About a minute later, an elder skier flew off his skis and poles. One of his skis flew toward me just a few feet away.

Fourth Day at Stowe

Xuân and I hit the mountains early so we can work on snowboarding. I wanted to teach him the basics starting with skating on one foot, but he didn’t listen to me. He wanted to strap on both feet and start snowboarding. I showed him how to initiate turns with his front foot, but he didn’t pay attention. As a result, he kept catching the edge and got frustrated. He wanted to switch back to skiing.

He took me up to the top of the mountain in the Gondola. It was my first time snowboarding the blue terrains on this side. I enjoyed them. We did another run before the big kids joined us. I did five runs total on that side and another blue on Spruce Peak.

Of course I was snowboarding the whole time. My skis haven’t turned up. They might be gone. Is this a sign that I should move to the dark side?

Third Day at Stowe

As we unloaded our equipment this morning, I discovered my skis and poles were missing. It then occurred to me that I left them at the rack at the resort on Sunday. I completely forgot about them. They were gone when I checked back this morning. I filed a report hoping they will turn up. They were my brand new skis I only rode two times.

Fortunately I still had my snowboard; therefore, I snowboarded for the entire day. I didn’t hit the slopes until 11:00 am. I took a long run on the Mansfield side then headed over to Spruce Peak side. I stayed there for the rest of the day. The condition was a bit icy, but snowboardable.

It was a fantastic day even though I was a bit bummed out about my skis. If they don’t turn up in the next couple of days, I’ll look for a new pair.

Second Day at Stowe

Unfortunately we didn’t ski or snowboard today. It has been raining hard all day and the area where we’re staying is flooding.

Let’s hope the water will subside tomorrow and the snow start to fall. We already missed one day of skiing and snowboarding.

We stayed in the house all day. The kids played Monopoly and spent most of their time on their devices.

What else can they do. I really want to hit the slopes.

First Day at Stowe

Since it was our first day at Stowe, we didn’t know what to expect. The older kids explored the mountains on their own. My wife took her time learning to ski at the bunny slopes. We sent Vương to an all-day group lesson.

I joined the older kids for two ski runs on the blue terrains. My ski skills were rusty. I needed to learn to turn smoothly instead of quickly.

I switched to snowboarding and went on my own for four runs. I also wanted to learn to turn smoothly instead of abruptly. At this point, I like snowboarding a bit more than skiing.

When I picked up Vương after his all-day lesson, I learned that he spent all day in one tiny area playing with snow. He didn’t make it to the magic carpet. I was so disappointed. I thought he could at least make it to an easy green. $300 went down the drain. I was planning on taking snowboarding lessons myself, but didn’t seem like it would be worthwhile.

Damn, I am falling asleep trying to write this post. I am exhausted.
