Flat Tire

Getting a flat tire is a pain in the ass. If you leave nails and screws on the streets, fuck you. Whenever I spotted a screw or a nail on the street, I would pick it up and throw them in the trash so people won’t get a flat tire.

Instead of taking my car to Costco and wait for three hours to get my tire patched up, I decided to do it myself for the first time. I bought the Slime tire patch kit a few years ago and hadn’t had a chance to use it.

I enlisted my older boys to help jacking up the car and removed the tire. The screw was in there. We followed this instructional video on YouTube. The most challenging part was trying to remove the screw and inserting the tube into the tire. We also made a small mistake of releasing the jack before pumping the air back in.

After we got everything back together, Ðạo informed me that the solution was only temporary. We had to take the car to the shop to get it patched up correctly. Damn! We should have just taken it to the shop. Then again it was a good learning experience. I would feel more confidence patching it up next time.

Fixing Samsung Dryer Again and Again

Yesterday was the third time I had to open up the Samsung dryer again. Same as last time, it made loud noise. I replaced the rubber belt. I had a hard time hooking the belt back to the pulleys. I had to enlisted my wife for help. Somehow my mind doesn’t seem to follow those kind of logic.

When I put the dryer together and plugged the cord back, the power didn’t turn back on. I had to open it back up to check the door and sensor connectors. After that it worked again. I couldn’t tell if the jack was loose or the connectors were loose. I just wanted write it down for reference.

Thinkpoint Closes Operations

My friend Jim has decided to shut down Thinkpoint Creative. My involvement was developing its website, which I still keep the case study on my portfolio. I didn’t do any work through Thinkpoint. Boutique design agency is hard to survive.

With social media networks such as Facebook and Instagram, websites are no longer essential for small businesses. If small businesses need a website, they would go with website building platforms such as Squarespace and Wix). Custom web design is no longer necessary.

For over 20 years, I failed to launch my own freelance career as a web designer. As a result, I ended up working under someone else. It’s all about paying the bills. My hopes and dreams had not come true. It’s all good!

OMFG, We Are Screwed

It is now 6 am and Harris appears to be losing all of the swing states. Republicans also have taken control of the Senate. This is a crushing defeat, but the people have voted.

I was too naive to hope once again that America would pull through for Harris. Even though she had run an outstanding campaign, America has shown we are nowhere ready for a Madam President. I should have known and the results should have been expected.

The next four years will be dark and doomed. Our democracy won’t survive this time around. I hope I am dead wrong because there is nothing I can do about it.

2016 to 2020 was too stressful for me. I can’t go back to that period of my life again. The only thing I can do now is to stay out of politics in the next four years to keep myself from going insane.

I have lost faith in American politics. I don’t want to hear about politics. I don’t want to read about politics. I don’t want to talk about politics. I don’t want to write about politics.

I am done with politics. I should remove the entire political category from this blog to protect myself. Freedom of speech might not be possible anymore in the near future.

My Last 100 Words on Donald Trump

Today is the day to get rid of Donald Trump once and for all. Trump is unhinged, unstable, and unfit to be our president. Trump has neither the moral nor the temperament to be a leader of the free world. Trump is a racist, a sexist, and a xenophobic. Trump is a pathological liar. Trump is corrupted and convicted. Trump is weak, unintelligent, and easily manipulated. Trump is a failure and a loser. Trump is deranged and dangerous. Trump creates cults and chaos. Trump is an existential threat to our democracy. Let us vote to end the Trump era today.

Houston Chronicle Endorses Harris

The Houston Chronicle Editorial Board:

Not Donald Trump.

His visit to Helene-devastated areas was a vehicle to spread lies, inflame and divide…

This is how Trump leads. He doesn’t. Even in a desperate hour of need, he exploits. Even from people who have lost everything, he takes…

And understand this: A man who will exploit a deadly hurricane will exploit you.

The board is spot on.

Standing Up to Trump

David Remnick writes in the New Yorker:

Every editor who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that endorsements are of modest influence at best. The editors of this magazine, when it recently published a lengthy essay describing (for the thousandth time) the authoritarian prospects of a second Trump Presidency, and endorsing Kamala Harris, had no illusions. Editors may be as prone to sanctimony as they are to the common cold, but there was never any thought that such an endorsement would suddenly tip the balance in the battleground states, much less win majorities in the Deep South or the Great Plains. The point was that we, like other publications, attempted to make a cogent case, and had the editorial freedom to do so.

I love reading newspaper and magazine endorsements. Even if they don’t move the needle, these are some of the best political essays I had read and often quoted them on this site. I am glad publications like the New Yorker still have the spine to stand up to Trump.

Get a Free Copy of Flexible Typesetting

My friend Tim Brown is giving away Flexible Typesetting. Head over to the beautiful book website and subscribe to his mailing list to get yourself a copy. Right now, Tim only offers the PDF version. I hope he will turn it into a web book in the near future. No pressure, Tim.

Pasting Text Without Format

In over 25 years of using computers, I had done countless copy and paste texts. Yet, I got annoyed with formatting every time I performed these two tasks.

Recently, I was helping Đán with his homework and I watched him copied and pasted text in to his assignments without the formatting.

He showed me how:

Win: Ctrl + Shift + V
Mac: Cmd + Shift + V

How in the world have I not known this all these years? Then again, better late than never. Thanks kiddo!

The Party of Sociopaths

Steven Reisner writes for Slate:

This election is not about politics; it’s much more basic—it’s about how the American determines what is real. Will the future of the country be based on evidence and law, or will government be twisted to reflect whatever Donald Trump tells us is true?
