
Rally is a small digital product studio in Salt Lake City, Utah. Its website is just beautiful from colors to typography to transitions. (I should start looking for cool website designs again).

More Penny Stocks

Our investment in Tevogen (TVGN) is doing good. It raises steadily. The strategy is sell high and buy low. It is very tempting to sell off then buy again, but we are no expert. I can’t follow the stock price all the time. I have a full-time job to do. We just keep it for now.

Today, we invested in CNS Pharmaceuticals (CNSP) at $.27 a share. I don’t know much about CNS other than it is “a biotechnology company specializing in the development of novel treatments for brain tumors.” The risk is quite high, but my wife told me to buy it. We made a small investment. If it busts then it bursts.

Mental Illness Response

Mental illnesses are common 1 in 5 adults in any given year. If you can recognize the signs and symptoms and provide the appropriate responses, you can save lives. The Mental Health First Aid training will give you the early intervention tool to help someone experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge. I completed the Adult Mental Health First Aid training and highly recommend it, especially the in-person portion.

Rivian (RIVN)

I am keeping an eye Rivian electric car. Its stock price is $10. It was almost at $130 back in 2021. It seems like a good time to buy. I am sure Rivian will be around for a while. I just need to find the fund to invest.

Thirteen Years at Scalia Law School

Today marks my thirteenth year working at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School. Thirteen years is a long time, but I am still here and still holding on to the title: Director of Design and Web Services.

My role hasn’t changed much this past year. My main responsibilities are still our websites. The new site for the law school has been underdevelopment for more than a year. It will launch soon—hopefully. I don’t design or code anymore. I give advice and feedback. Someone else is doing the coding. I am cool with that.

Flexibility is the other aspect I am enjoying. It gives a balance between work and life. The benefit is the reason I am sticking around. I get to spend more time with my family through the PTO I had accumulated over the years. My kids are still my priority. I hope they will love me back because I know damn well my job won’t.

Nevertheless, I can’t complain about my job. I still have the freedom and the flexibility within my perimeter. When you are not your own boss, you have to follow orders. I am fine with that. I just need to do my job. When I leave my passion and pride outside of my work, I do a better job.

I don’t need to show off my work. I don’t need to put my name on a design. I don’t get bogged down when my work is gone. I don’t need to protect my legacy. I just need to make money to feed my family.

That’s where I am at with my career. I am just going to ride it out. I am taking it one day at a time. I don’t think about the future. I just go with the flow. I will adapt when I have to. For now, I am thankful for the opportunity to continue to work at George Mason university’s Antonin Scalia Law School.

Harris Won Another Dabate

Trump was too much of a wimp to debate Harris; therefore, Fox had to do it for him. Harris came to be interviewed, but she ended up debating a white guy who constantly interrupted her and talked over her. She came prepared and showed him who was in charge.

Trump Doesn’t Need Your Vote

It is crystal clear in his response to a 56-year-old construction worker that Trump doesn’t give a fuck about the working class.

Stock Trading

After more than 20 years on hiatus, I started trading again yesterday. I didn’t have much cash in my account; therefore, I wanted to invest in penny stocks. My wife told me to buy Tevogen (TVGN) and I did. We could have made 100% today, but I wanted to keep it for the long term. If I were to lose, it’s not that much.

I got into trading right after I graduated from college. I couldn’t find a job and day trading seemed like an easy way to make some quick money. I opened a account with the small saving that I had. As a day trader, I made from $50 to $200 a day, which were enough for me. One morning, I lost over $3,000 because I didn’t sell what I had.

When I landed a full-time job, I stopped trading. I hardly checked my account. My account was with Scottrade. TD Ameritrade acquired Scottrade a few years ago and now merged into Charles Schwab.

I had learned an invaluable lesson in day trading; therefore, I am being really careful about our investment. I am willing to lose an amount that I won’t regret. Obviously I won’t get rich either.

My wife was following NuZee (NUZE) and it is over 800% today. How crazy is that? We missed the boat this morning. Oh well! She is a smart woman so I will follow her.

Jelly Roll: Beautifully Broken

Jelly Roll has a big, beautiful voice. He drowns his soul in his music instead of drugs and alcohol. He writes about his addictions and recoveries in Beautifully Broken. His lyrics are honest and he delivered them from his heart. In “Winning Streak,” he reveals, “The broken man in the mirror, can’t look at me ’cause he’s guilty / And I swear that the last couple months, that motherfucker tried to kill me.” I enjoy the album throughout, but I wish the productions aren’t so polished. The acoustic settings would have matched better his his raw vocals. “Heart of Stone” in particular is way too refined for his confession: “Dear Lord, can you help me? I’ve fallen out of grace / I’m crawlin’ back to Heaven from this hell on earth I made / My blood has gotten heavy, there’s metal in my veins / It’s runnin’ like the river, filled with all of my mistakes.”

Postpartum Psychosis

Eren Orbey writes for the New Yorker:

Cora was five, Dawson was three, and Callan was eight months old. Pat loves to talk about them and dreads having to explain what happened. On January 24, 2023, he stepped out of the house in Duxbury to pick up children’s medicine and a takeout dinner order. When he returned, less than an hour later, Lindsay lay semiconscious in the back yard, having cut her neck and wrists and thrown herself from their bedroom window. She’d left the children strangled in the basement. Cora and Dawson were pronounced dead that night; Callan was airlifted to a hospital, where he died a few days later. “I have three kids,” Pat sometimes still says, out of habit, before adding, “They are deceased.”

Mental health is a serious issue in America. I am enrolling in the Mental Health First Aid Training to learn about the signs and symptoms.
