R.S. Tree & Landscape Service

Six months after moving into our home, my wife and I wanted to cut down all the trees around our house. We just don’t like them, but we weren’t really motivated to do so until the thunderstorm uprooted a black walnut in our backyard. The tree didn’t fall down completely because the branches were caught on two other trees. We were lucky that the tree didn’t fall onto our house like the one a few blocks from us, which damaged the garage and two cars.

With two little kids in the house, I am little bit paranoid about the incident so I called five different services in the area for an estimate. At first, we just wanted to cut the uprooted black walnut and a lotus, which is closer to our house. The estimates ranged from $1,200 to $2,500, which included removing the trees, grinding the stumps and hauling away the woods. The company that quoted $2,500 was out. Then we saw a couple of guys cutting down a tree a few miles down the street so we called them in for an estimate.

Roberto Solorzano, estimator and the owner of R.S. Tree & Landscape Service, came by to gave us an estimate on Friday. We agreed on the price and he said they would do the job on Monday. Then we decided to just go ahead and remove two more in our backyard so he came back and gave us another price. All four trees came out to $2,200.

I came home from work today and everything was done. They even pruned some branches for the tree infront of the house with no cost. I am very satisfied with their service as well as their price. I recommend them for anyone in the area would like to remove their trees.

Chặc Cây

Sau trận mưa bão vừa rồi chúng tôi mướn thợ đến chặt hết bốn cây sau nhà. Ban đầu chỉ định chặt đi cây bị gió bão nhổ gốc đứng nghiên ngã. Cũng mai là chưa bổ vô nhà như một hàng xóm bị cây đập vào nhà đậu xe làm xụp nhà và hư hai chiếc xe. Cũng mai không ai bị thương cả. Thấy vậy thôi thì cho thợ đốn cái sắp ngã và cây gần nhà. Nhưng cuối cùng quyết định chặt hết bốn cây với chi phí $2,200. Đã kiêu năm sáu người đến để xem. Có người cho giá đến $1,400 một cây. Không ngờ đốn cây mà cũng đắc giá đến thế. Tôi nói với người đó, giá của ông cao quá. Người khác cho toi giá là $1,200 cho hai cây. Ông ấy bỏ đi và nói ổng không thể nào làm giá đó được.

Tôi không hiểu rỏ là tại sao số tiền lại trên lệch khác nhau đến thế. Chặt cây thì chỉ cần chặt cây xuống. Miễn sao không thấy cây nữa thì thôi cần gì phải mướn chổ đắc tiền. Đâu có gì khác biệt nhau?

Tôi nghỉ đến công việc của mình. Tại sao phải mướn tôi làm một trang web với giá cao mà không mướn người khác rẻ hơn nhiều? Quả thật thì việc chặt cây và việc của tôi không thể so sánh được. Người ta mướn tôi có thể là gì người ta thích thẩm mỹ và cách thiết kế của tôi. Nhưng đó chỉ là cái nhìn bề ngoài. Cái quang trọng hơn nữa là cách viết codes. Tôi cũng từng đã có khách hàng đã có thiết kế rồi họ muốn tôi đưa thiết kế đó qua HTML, CSS và đưa vào WordPress. Cuối cùng họ đã không chọn tôi vì có người đã cho giá thấp hơn rất nhiều. Sau khi cái project làm xong, tôi xem codes mới thấy rõ tiền nào của nấy. Codes không gọn và không chặc chẻ nên trang web chạy rất chậm. Layout chỉ xem được với màng hình lớn. Màng hình nhỏ như điện thoại di đọng thì không rỏ ràng.

Nói tóm lại thì tôi không biết chọn người chặt cây rẽ sẽ có hại gì không nhưng họ đã làm gần xong trong một ngày. Nghề này tuy cực nhưng kiếm tiền cũng không tệ. Chỉ cần hai ngày là được $2,200.

R. Kelly’s Single Entendre

I didn’t know R. Kelly has a new book. Definitely going to pick it up after reading Andrew Marantz’s excellent piece on the book:

In his twenty-year exploration of the limits of the R. & B. sex ballad, R. Kelly has often toed the line between satiric and satyric. In his song “Sex Planet,” he made the obvious joke about Uranus; in his song “Sex In the Kitchen,” he made the obvious joke about salad-tossing; in his song “Pregnant,” male backup singers (ominously? chivalrously?) offered to “knock you up.” He has referred to himself as a “sexosaurus” and a “lesbian R. & B. thug.” He has attempted onomatopoetic renderings of cunnilingus and of flesh skidding down a stripper pole. He has yodeled, twice, in the songs “Echo” and “Feelin’ on Yo Booty.” (To perform the latter song in concert, he donned a top hat and cape for an extended operatic remix.) And then there is his unfinished magnum opus “Trapped in the Closet,” a series of twenty-two songs (and counting) featuring a gay pastor, a stuttering pimp, and a woman named Bridget whose husband is a midget.

Xôi Với Xoài

Dạo này hay thèm món tráng miệng xôi với xoài của Thái. Ở gần sở làm có một nhà hàng Thái tên là Rien Tong làm món này rất hấp dẫn. Đĩa xôi nếp ấm và thơm với một lớp nước cốt dừa rưới lên mặt không quá ngọt và không béo lắm. Còn lác xoài thì ươm lạnh chín mùi ngọt liệm. Vừa sơi vừa hớp vài hớp trà xanh nóng thì đời cũng được lên mây năm phút. Tuần trước cũng định ăn nhưng kêu ra một dĩa drunken noodle còn thêm chai Singha nữa nên no quá ăn trắng miệng không nổi thật tiếc. Kể cho bà xã nghe món đặc biệt này bã bảo, “Để em xôi một nồi cho anh ăn đã thèm.”

Mấy tuần nay vợ hôm nào cũng chuẩn bị cơm trưa đem theo cả nên không ra ngoài ăn. Đồ ăn nấu ở nhà dù sao gì cũng tốt hơn ăn ở ngoài. Sáng thay gì ghé Starbucks mua cafe đá bà xả cho một ly cối artichoke nấu ở nhà để lạnh đem theo uống vì dạo này máu cam chảy như thác đổ không dừng. Mổi sáng đến chổ làm điều phải chạy nhanh vô nhà vệ sinh để xả nước. Kẹt xe thì chịu thua thôi.

Ngồi ở chổ làm đến 10 giờ sáng là chịu hết nỗi phải lội qua Starbucks để mua cafe cho tỉnh ngủ mà làm việc. Nhất là hôm nay nâng cấp lên “Cợp Núi” ngồi đợi mà ngáp lên ngáp xuống như lên đồng. Không biết “Cợp Núi” có gì mới lạ không nhưng thấy tóc độ nhanh hơn một tí. Nếu bạn sài Mac, nên nâng cấp.

Podcasts I Like

I drive my wife and kids insane listening to web-related podcasts. By catching up on some shows while getting the kids to sleep I thought I could accomplish two tasks at once, but that isn’t the case. My wife said the talk gives her a headache. Dao asked me, “Why is that man keep on talking?” So now I just put on my headphone when I listen to podcasts. It helped me clean the house and fold the laundry.

If I remember correctly, the first tech podcast I listened to was Dan Benjamin’s “The Pipeline” with Jeffrey Zeldman. I loved to hear how these talented guys and gals became successful. Unfortunately “The Pipeline” has not been updated for a year.

The first episode of “The Big Web Show” I listened to was when Jeffrey and Dan interviewed the Drupal Girl aka Jen Simmons. She’s no longer the Drupal gal and this show is now quite sporadic. Then I got hooked on Jen’s “The Web Ahead.” I love focus of this show. Each episode delves into a very specific topic and Jen Simmons’ knowledge of the web is quite astonishing. She was on hiatus for a while, which gave me a chance to catch up on every show. One of my favorite episodes is on video with Michael Verdi. The topic on Flash brought back so much nostalgia. The show is now also sporadic.

I also tuned into Kristina Halvorson’s “Content Talks.” I listened to almost every episode. Love the content strategy talk as well as Kristina’s clear enunciation. Too bad this show is also not active.

Occasionally I listened to “The Talk Show” with John Gruber. The breakup caused quite a stir, which resulted in one-star review for John’s new show. I still follow John on his new show. Based on the lacking of updates of the shows I mentioned above in the 5by5 network, I could see why John did what he did.

One of the shows on 5by5 that is still on regular schedule is “Build and Analyze” with Marco Arment. This show is somewhat similar to “The Talk Show” in a way that they talk about Apple.

Although I am not too crazy about the Q&A format of “ShopTalk,” which hosted by Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert, I tuned in anyway. Chris and Dave could be quite hilarious at times.

Recently I caught up with both “The Non-Breaking Space Show,” which hosted by Christopher Schmitt and Dave McFarland, and “The East Wing” by Tim Smith and Galen Gidman. Both are pretty decent.

Damn, that’s a lot of podcasts.

Sexy Mama

I was having lunch with a very sexy mama today. She was so damn hot that I was sweating like rain. Fortunately the hot weather and the hot soup were to blame for my fantasy. These days all that I could do is fantasizing about her.

Reuniting Eden Community

I am saddened to hear the news about a Vietnamese man gunning down another Vietnamese fellow before taking his own life. What even more heartbreaking is that the incident took place in the vibrant Eden Center.

Living in Virginia for the past five years, Eden Center has become my community. I go there for lunch almost daily now and I take my family there on the weekend to eat and just to hang out. Whenever someone asks me where to find authentic Vietnamese food in the DC Metro area, I point them to Eden Center with pride.

It’s big shock to hear Viet killing Viet in Viet community. It’s time for us, as Vietnamese American, to rebuild our image and move forward. For me Eden Center is closet to Vietnam from where I live; therefore, I want this community to strive, not set back. As driving to work this morning, I thought of a graphic signage to promote unity in the Eden Community.

Back Home

Our little family getaway to Atlantic city is over. Three days of relaxing, eating and some gambling went by quick. In the morning, Dan woke up the earliest (around 5am) so I strolled him around the boardwalk. At noon we jumped into the big-ass bath tube in our room. Dao and Dan loved it. We didn’t even have to go to the beach. Dao is still in fear of the waves. We hit the swimming pool once. Lil Dan loved the water. As soon I put him in, he kicked his feet and splashing his arms froggy style. Then we took a long-ass nap and headed to dinner. After dinner we headed out to the carnival.

Once the kids got to bed around midnight, I went downstairs for Pai Gow. The first night I won $30. The second night I won $50. The third night I lost $100. Pai Gow is the only table that I like to play. I only bet the minimum and only the Resorts has the lowest minimum at $15. I am not a big gambler and I hate to lose money, but I like to play for fun. On the second night, an Italian guy pulled out $5,000 and lost it all in just an hour. He seemed tired as hell, but kept on playing until he lost it all.

I also chatted with some Vietnamese dealers for a bit. On all three nights, an old Chinese guy who spoke no English was there sitting next to me. One of the dealers told me that he and a group at another table took the bus there every night until 4am. Imagine that, playing the same damn thing every day.

In any rate, vacationing with two small children isn’t quite relaxing, but it was definitely worth the bonding time. The two boys are growing amazingly fast. I am not sure how a single parent could handle it all. I certainly can’t do it without Dana.

Revisiting Atlantic City

Back in 2000, I spent a summer month interning at Trump Maria, which now turned into Golden Nugget. What was nice was I had a hotel room and three meals a day for employees. What was suck was I didn’t have anything to work on. I didn’t learn anything except clipping path in Photoshop, which is quite a useful skill to have. My internship was supposed to last three months, but I resigned after a month a half, which was long enough to satisfy the college’s credits.

One of the things that I loved was whenever a co-worker took me out to a bakery that baked fresh, delightful baguette. I am not sure if the place is still around, but I couldn’t remember exactly where it is. I remember faithless that it is a few blocks from the Taj Mahal toward AC express way. My mission in the next couple of days, a last-minute getaway, is to find out if the place is still around. I used to love the smell of that fantastic French bread.

Anyway, I am going to be on the road today; therefore, I’ll missed the Euro 2012 final. With the way Spain play, I doubt that it’s going to be excited game so I’ll just catch up with the scores afterward. Peace out!

Summer Reading List
