Obama Endorses Clinton


She’s got the courage, the compassion, and the heart to get the job done. And I say that as somebody who had to debate her more than 20 times. Even after our own hard-fought campaign, in a testament to her character, she agreed to serve her country as secretary of state.


BuzzFeed Dumps Trump

BuzzFeed’s CEO Jonah Peretti writes:

We certainly don’t like to turn away revenue that funds all the important work we do across the company. However, in some cases we must make business exceptions: we don’t run cigarette ads because they are hazardous to our health, and we won’t accept Trump ads for the exact same reason.

Not too many company could turn away $1.3 million.

Hard-working Hillary

In “Hillary Clinton vs. Herself,” an excellent coverage of Hillary Clinton, Rebecca Traister sums it up perfectly:

She doesn’t have to talk about herself, she just needs to be herself, in order to make the point that she represents inclusion, equality, progress.

Hillary has taken tremendous shots for several decades and she has not been defeated. Now that’s a hard-working president.

Politic as Entertainment

With Ted Cruz dropping out, Donald Trump secures the Republican nominee. Just the thought of Trump becoming our president sends chill to my spine. If Clinton becomes the next president, the next four years will be predictable. Some issues will be accomplished and some won’t. If Trump wins, only God knows what will happen.

The president election alone is important, but the more crucial matters are the replacement of Supreme Court Justice and the control of the Senate and Congress. I understand these significant issues, but I also know that my one vote doesn’t matter much; therefore, I can’t take politic too serious. It is simply not good for me.

If nothing else, this election has taught me that politic is just an entertainment. I’ll just live through it. I made it through eight years of Bush. What’s more can be worse? Whoever will be our next president, I will just have to accept him or her. The most I can do is voting for the candidate that I believe in. My one vote doesn’t make much different, but at least I can vote with my own mind. From what I have witnessed so far, I doubt that Trump will change my mind.

This general election will be extremely nasty. My only hope is that Clinton will stay positive and not going down the rabbit hole with Trump. I will be voting for her. If she wins, that will be great. If she loses, ain’t a damn thing I can do.

The Model American

A fascinating profile of Melania Trump in the New Yorker. Lauren Collins writes:

Melania is the ultimate embodiment of Trump’s bargain with the American electorate. If the Obama promise was that he was you, the Trump promise is that you are him.

She concludes:

The Trumps’ marriage, in business terms, might be thought of as a limited partnership, with Donald as the managing partner. His woman view is his world view: no reciprocity, no exchange, a one-way flight.

Comedian In Chief

A hilarious speech from Obama at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Great commentary from Vinson Cunningham on Obama and Wilmore whose speed was also fantastic.

Mad Kudos to Dana Bash

In last night’s debate, CNN’s Dana Bash asked Bernie Sanders to give a specific example of Wall Street donations has influenced Hillary Clinton’s political decisions and he could not named one. Then again, when Bash pushed Hillary to release her transcripts, she ducked with the same lame-ass excuse.

If she’s going to be a leader, why does she need others to do their part? Why can’t she just step up and release hers first? The transcripts must have things that she doesn’t want the voters to know. I am skeptical as well. If she is truly transparent and trustworthy, she should release them.

Clinton or Sanders?

Despite his sweeping win in Wisconsin, Bernie Sanders still needs 57% of the delegates to secure the nomination. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton only needs 33%. At this point I am still with Clinton, but I will support Sanders of he gets the Democratic nomination.

As much as I appreciate Sanders’ inspiring movement, his radical changes are still not realistic. Eight years ago, we witnessed the promise of change and hope from Obama. Even though he had accomplished a great deal in his two terms, he didn’t make the radical changes that he hoped he could. The President alone cannot do much as we already seen in the past six years. The Republicans in the House and Senate blocked every move the president made. Even Obama acknowledged that he had learned his lessoned. He cannot change Washington completely. He had to do it in a progressive approach.

If Sanders wins, he will be facing the same roadblocks. We will be disappointed once again that he won’t be able to carry out his agendas. I completely understand how the young voters are feeling now because I was in their shoes eight years ago. Learning from experience, I prefer a candidate that has realistic views. Clinton is not promising what she cannot deliver, which makes her less popular than Sanders, but she is more convincing on the issues that she would like to accomplish.

Once again, my choice is still Clinton, but if Bernie wins, I rather vote for him than Donald Trump or Ted Cruz—the two divisive and dangerous candidates.

Antonin Scalia School of Law

For $30 million, the George Mason School of Law is renamed after Antonin Scalia, one of the most backward-looking Justices in the U.S. Supreme Court, as Jeffey Toobin pointed out: “Antonin Scalia … devoted his professional life to making the United States a less fair, less tolerant, and less admirable democracy. Fortunately, he mostly failed.” Jedediah Purdy also stated: “If he had had his way, same-sex marriage would still be illegal in much of the country, key provisions of the Affordable Care Act would be discarded as unconstitutional, women would have no right to procure an abortion, and affirmative action would be effectively illegal.”

At the end of the day, I am just a tiny web developer trying to make ends meet for his family. When I go to work, I leave my political views outside the building. On the bright side, my employer didn’t name after Donald Trump.

Clinton’s Next Priority: VP Pick

After winning big victories last night, Hillary Clinton entertained her supports with references of hip-hop lyrics: “Whoever’s out of hand, I’ma give ’em handles / Light ’em up, blow ’em out like candles.” She used Jay-Z’s line, “I got 99 problems, being a bitch ain’t one, hit me.”

Clinton then thanked Bernie Sanders for his incredible campaign. She urged him to fight to the end to keep her from being bored and forgotten in the next few months. She will keep him entertained, but her next move is focusing on her Vice President.

Clinton told her supports that her running mate has to help her galvanize young voters and take on Wall Street. She said, “No other candidate can champion those two issues better than the senior U.S. Senator from Massachusetts Elizabeth Ann Warren.” The crowd went wild chanting: “Woman Power.”
