True Blue

The results are in and Virginia has flipped blue. I am proud to be apart of this state. Keep this momentum up and we’ll kick that motherfucker out of the White House next year. Ms. Trâm Nguyễn, co-executive director of New Virginia Majority, wrote an op-ed in The New York Times titled “Democrats Could Learn a Lot From What Happened In Virginia.”


The House. The House is on fire. We don’t need no water. Let’s impeach the muthafacka.


When a kid told me to “Go back to China,” I used my limited English to reply to him, “I no from China.” Then he said, “Go back to wherever you came from.” That was twenty-seven years ago when I first came to this country at the age of twelve. The unwelcomeness hurt me deeply. I wanted to cry and I wanted to go back. I didn’t know why we came here. My mother never explained to me. I just came for the ride. I missed Vietnam terribly. I missed the familiar language, places, and faces. I was comfortable in an environment where I was not bullied, singled out, or laughed at. I missed my home, neighbors, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, and most of all, dad.

My childhood was robbed. I turned from a happy, social kid to a sad, lonesome boy in a new, strange place. Fortunately, the adults stepped in to turn things around. From my ESL teachers to my Upward Bound mentors to my friends and family members in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, they gave me a different perspective on America. Through their kindness and opening arms, they showed me that America was built on immigrants. Whether you are new to this country or you were born here from parents or grandparents of immigrants, we are all here together as a nation. I began to understand the land of opportunity and freedom.

As much as I missed my home in Vietnam, I officially found my new home when I became a U.S. Citizen. For almost three decades, this is my home. I went to school, got married, and built my family here. I worked hard and paid my taxes. This is where I belong. Vietnam is still part of me and will always be, but America is my home. It is where my kids were born. They speak English, Vietnamese, and some Spanish too. Diversity makes America great.

Sadly, America is deeply divided when the most powerful man in the country used the kid’s language toward his political advantage. I never took him seriously. He’s a con, joker, and puppet. Unlike the kid who told me to “Go back to wherever you came from,” the puppet has a base of millions of followers behind him. Are his followers racist? I hope not, but they are supporting a racist and his racist comment. When the kid said it, adults stepped in to teach him how to behave. Where are the adults now to stand up to this bully? When one kid said that to me, I am glad that other kids didn’t chant, “send him back.” Again, the puppet does not bother me. He just brings the true racism out of America. It is disturbing and disheartening to witness in our own home.

Banning the IRS From Developing Free Online Tax Filing Software

Justin Elliott reports in ProPublica:

Last week, the House Ways and Means Committee, led by Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., passed the Taxpayer First Act, a wide-ranging bill making several administrative changes to the IRS that is sponsored by Reps. John Lewis, D-Ga., and Mike Kelly, R-Pa.

In one of its provisions, the bill makes it illegal for the IRS to create its own online system of tax filing. Companies like Intuit, the maker of TurboTax, and H&R Block have lobbied for years to block the IRS from creating such a system. If the tax agency created its own program, which would be similar to programs other developed countries have, it would threaten the industry’s profits.

This is a disgrace!

A Gay Presidency

What an extraordinary speech from Pete Buttigieg. He is a gifted orator with an incredible story. I am sold on his honesty and compassion. I am definitely ready for a gay president.

Pete Buttigieg

I have been rooting for Elizabeth Warren, but I might have a change of heart after listening to Pete Buttigieg’s interview with David Remnick. He sounds smart and honest. His primary focus on restructuring our democracy is convincing. Our current government system is broken and we need to fix it. It might not easy, but I am glad he is thinking and talking about it. My wife is right. He is the candidate to keep an eye on.

Done with Politics

I know I have said it before, but I am really sick of the political circus both on both Republican and Democrat. Further I am so fed up with that orange fuck. I already decided who I would vote for and that’s it. I am blocking out rest. No reading. No watching. No debating.

Let’s Move Forward

I am tired of the debate over the Mueller report. I am sick of hearing about the PWA (President With Attitude). Since he only has a year left, let’s forget about impeachment and focus on beating the crap out of him. We need to elect a president with real policies and that is why I am still rooting for Elizabeth Warren.

Fox News Fed Trump Debate Questions in Advance

Jane Mayer reports in The New Yorker:

Trump has made the debate a point of pride. He recently boasted to the Times that he’d won it despite being a novice, and despite the “crazy Megyn Kelly question.” Fox, however, may have given Trump a little help. A pair of Fox insiders and a source close to Trump believe that Ailes informed the Trump campaign about Kelly’s question. Two of those sources say that they know of the tipoff from a purported eyewitness. In addition, a former Trump campaign aide says that a Fox contact gave him advance notice of a different debate question, which asked the candidates whether they would support the Republican nominee, regardless of who won. The former aide says that the heads-up was passed on to Trump, who was the only candidate who said that he wouldn’t automatically support the Party’s nominee—a position that burnished his image as an outsider.

Of course they colluded.

The Immoral Party

David Brooks writes in The New York Times:

Were Republican House members enthusiastic or morose as they decided to turn off their own moral circuits, when they decided to be monumentally unconcerned by the fact that their leader may be a moral cretin?

Do they think that having anesthetized their moral sense in this case they will simply turn it on again down the road? Having turned off their soul at work, do they think they will be able to turn it on again when they go home to the spouse and kids?

This is how moral corrosion happens. Supporting Trump requires daily acts of moral distancing, a process that means that after a few months you are tolerant of any corruption. You are morally numb to everything. You end up where Representative Jim Jordan blandly ended up Wednesday, in referring to the hush-money scheme: “I think it’s news we knew about.”

This is why I will never vote for these immoral, soulless motherfuckers. They are so up on his ass.
