Medical Advice From a Stable Genius

A very stable genius has an ingenious medical advice for his supporters to fight the coronavirus. If you support him and follow his suggestion, particular the stay-at-home protesters, make sure you inject disinfectant before you leave your house. That way you won’t spread the coronavirus to each other. Even if disinfectant wouldn’t help killing the coronavirus, it would help sanitizing your brain.

You all laughed when Obama suggested that we pump air into our car tires to reduce oil consumption. Now your leader suggests pumping disinfectant into your body to kill the coronavirus. Who’s got the last laugh now?

The Broken America

George Packer writes in The Atlantic:

If the pandemic really is a kind of war, it’s the first to be fought on this soil in a century and a half. Invasion and occupation expose a society’s fault lines, exaggerating what goes unnoticed or accepted in peacetime, clarifying essential truths, raising the smell of buried rot.

The virus should have united Americans against a common threat. With different leadership, it might have. Instead, even as it spread from blue to red areas, attitudes broke down along familiar partisan lines. The virus also should have been a great leveler. You don’t have to be in the military or in debt to be a target—you just have to be human. But from the start, its effects have been skewed by the inequality that we’ve tolerated for so long. When tests for the virus were almost impossible to find, the wealthy and connected—the model and reality-TV host Heidi Klum, the entire roster of the Brooklyn Nets, the president’s conservative allies—were somehow able to get tested, despite many showing no symptoms. The smattering of individual results did nothing to protect public health. Meanwhile, ordinary people with fevers and chills had to wait in long and possibly infectious lines, only to be turned away because they weren’t actually suffocating. An internet joke proposed that the only way to find out whether you had the virus was to sneeze in a rich person’s face.

Packer hits the core of what went wrong with our country. A must-read essay.


The crazy president loves to blow facts out of proportion so his supporters can go nuts. In regarding to abortion, even two of my cousins who earned college degrees misunderstood the issue. Our governor (of Virginia) Ralph Northam who was a physician proposed a bill that allows parents to provide palliative care in extremely rare cases where an infant is born with severe birth defects or that a fetus is nonviable with no other options. The sociopath goes as far as saying that the Democrats wanted to kill babies. His supporters took that and rolled with it. One of my cousins explained to me that the bill allows women to have a late-term abortion—even if a baby is healthy—if they feel depress or can’t afford to raise the child. My initial reaction was, “What the fuck is he talking about?” Then I realized he supports that fucking lunatic. No one in our right mind supports infanticide ever, but this is where we are at.

Virginia is also working on gun safety bills, which include banning military-style weapons and bump stocks as well as keeping guns away from children and domestic abusers. These bills have nothing to do with banning guns, and yet, the psychopath touted that Democrats are taking guns away from gun owners. According to Children’s Hospital, 89 percent of children accidentally shot and killed each other at home each year. The victims of domestic violence, which included children and women, were killed by their abuser with guns in their own home. Apparently, the crazy president is fine with those killings.

In his latest aim at Virginia, he tweeted, “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!” He is obsessed and crazy about Virginia because Democrats control both the House and Senate. We don’t give a fuck about him. We’ll reopen business when we feel safe to do so. As Northam responded, “As the governor of the commonwealth of Virginia I, along with my staff, are fighting a biological war. I do not have time to involve myself in Twitter wars. I will continue to do everything that I can to keep Virginia safe and to save lives.” I am glad we have a competent, smart leader in our state. Also, let’s vote this nutcase out of the White House in November.


Let’s just call him for what he is: a crazy motherfucker. More disturbingly, his hallucinated supporters worship his craziness. If the anti-lockdown protestors only put themselves at risk, they can have all the rallies they want and spread coronavirus among themselves. Unfortunately, their reckless action affects human lives and that is a crisis we cannot accept. If they disregard facts and science at this point then they are too ignorant and too stupid to understand the truth.

We have a lunatic running our country. His mental health is deteriorating and his insanity is a threat to our democracy and to our safety. He cuts funding for the World Health Organization in the middle of a fucking pandemic. Hong Kong, which could have had a significant impact from mainland China, only had four deaths out of 715 confirmed cases. How did Hong Kong have the coronavirus under control? That’s right, it followed the WHO’s guidelines. Our deranged leader ignored WHO’s advice. He also ignores our health experts and continues to endorse hydroxychloroquine, which has no treatment for the coronavirus and could increase the risk of cardiac arrest.

The coronavirus is a threat to our lives, but we can control it by stopping its spread. An unhinged leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world is a much bigger destruction and we need to stop his craziness from destroying this nation. He is sick. We should do him a favor by voting him out this November. With such a severe mental illness, he won’t last in another four-year term.

The Biden-Warren Ticket

I said yesterday, “Joe Biden is not an exciting choice for me—Elizabeth Warren was.” If Biden wants to excite Democrats and independent voters who are sick and tired of the pathological liar, he should pick Warren as his running mate. Warren’s endorsement hits home on Biden’s character. In this election, more than anything, character matters. As we are witnessing in this pandemic, the character of an ignorant narcissist has put the live and livelihood of every American in danger.

Like Biden, Warren is a fierce fighter for the middle class. In her endorsement, she said, “When you are in a fight with Joe at your side, you know you have a partner who is committed to getting something good done for this country. Joe Biden is a selfless public servant. He is committed to the fight for social, racial, and economic justice.”

With her experience and persistence, Warren will continue to fight bigger battles in the VP role. She will eviscerate Mike Pence in the debate like she did with Mike Bloomberg. More important than that, she will help him taking on Wall Street and negotiating bailouts to help the people and not the big corporations. She will help him navigating the coronavirus crisis someone else has failed to deal with.

Before we get to that point, the first crucial step to destroy the coronavirus is to vote the ill-informed antediluvian out of the White House in November. And that is what every American over 18 can do and must do.

The Biden’s Candidacy

Joe Biden is not an exciting choice for me—Elizabeth Warren was. Nevertheless, we need a leader who does not constantly draw attention to himself. We need a competence president who gets the job done instead of an incompetence narcissist who does not “take any responsibility at all.” We need a true presider who gives space to expertise in time of crisis instead of an attention hogger who claims “I alone can fix it.”

I can see Biden is the kind of leader who will surround himself with genuine experts, distinguished scientists, and qualified officials to run our government, to strengthen our democracy, and to keep us safe. Unlike the unstable genius whose ego, ignorance, and laziness had created a massive catastrophe, Biden will be prepared to deal with a pandemic such as COVID-19. In addition, Biden is married to Jill Biden who has a doctorate in education. She has taught English at Northern Virginia Community College and in Delaware schools for over 25 years. Of course, Biden’s biggest asset is the Obamas. In his endorsement speech, Barack Obama made a convincing case for Biden. It is also refreshing to hear from a president who is articulate, compassionate, and matured. I am tired of hearing an old man who whines and behaves like a four years old.

The downside of Biden is that he has a long history of good and bad records. Biden is far from perfect, but he has changed over the years as he learned from his mistakes. Nevertheless, the other side will unveil his dirts in the next few months. Without a doubt, he is going to get slaughtered in this election. Will he survive? It will be the test of the Biden’s candidacy.

The Turtle and the Orangutan

Jane Mayer writes in The New Yorker:

McConnell and the President are not a natural pair. A former Trump Administration official, who has also worked in the Senate, observed, “It would be hard to find two people less alike in temperament in the political arena. With Trump, there’s rarely an unspoken thought. McConnell is the opposite—he’s constantly thinking but says as little as possible.” The former Administration official went on, “Trump is about winning the day, or even the hour. McConnell plays the long game. He’s sensitive to the political realities. His North Star is continuing as Majority Leader—it’s really the only thing for him. He’s patient, sly, and will obfuscate to make less apparent the ways he’s moving toward a goal.” The two men also have different political orientations: “Trump is a populist—he’s not just anti-élitist, he’s anti-institutionalist.” As for McConnell, “no one with a straight face would ever call him a populist—Trump came to drain the swamp, and now he’s working with the biggest swamp creature of them all.”

An in-depth, informative read.

The Narcissismvirus

I am distancing from both the coronavirus and the narcissismvirus. The former spreads through contacts; the latter spreads through lies; and both could be deadly. I feel my friends’ outrage about the daily briefings of the White House Coronavirus Task Force and my advice to them is don’t watch. Don’t let the narcissimvirus get to you.

With the threat to his presidency and power, the narcissimvirus is ruthless. He entertained the idea of reopening the economy when American lives are still in jeopardy. His die-hard followers took up his words for it. They were willing to sacrifice their own lives in order to prevent the economy from crashing. He considered himself doing “a very good job” if only 200,000 people die. Does it sound like a cult? Remember Jim Jones’s followers lining up to drink poisonous Kool-Aid? While Jones killed over 900 of his followers, the narcissimvirus could cost hundreds of thousands of human lives and he won’t take any responsibility at all.

We know he won’t take any responsibility because he has been blaming everyone else but himself for the American crisis under his watch. The coronavirus was not preventable, but it wouldn’t have blown into a catastrophe if someone else led the country. Let’s face it. Not only he is incompetent, but he is also too afraid to take action in this pandemic.

Lũ cuồng thằng già đạo dụ

Chém cha cái lũ Việt sùng bái thằng già đạo dụ. Đùa chút thôi đừng tẩy chay tôi như tẩy chay Mẹ Nấm nhé. Cô chỉ nói ra sự thật thôi mà cũng bị lũ cuồng Việt lên tiếng tống cổ cô ra khỏi nước Mỹ. Chỉ một câu phê bình của cô thôi đã gần 12,000 chữ ký (lúc tôi viết bài này) nói cô bôi nhọ thằng già đạo dụ. Mẹ Nấm viết:

Một vị lãnh đạo quốc gia mà hôm nay nói gì ngày mai quên mất, trong khi lời nói của mình có thể ảnh hưởng tới hàng trăm triệu người, đến sinh mạng của người khác thì thật đáng lo ngại.

Tôi không đồng ý với cô rằng ông “hôm nay nói gì ngày mai quên mất.” Không phải là ông không nhớ hay ông đã quên mà vì ông nói láo nhiều quá nên ông cũng chẳng biết mình đã nói gì. Tôi không bênh vực cô vì cô đủ sức mạnh để chống chọi lũ cuồng Việt. Họ sống ở Mỹ mà hành động không thua gì Cộng Sản. Cái gọi là “tự do ngôn luận” ở Mỹ là căn bản mà họ không chịu học hỏi. Cô đã từng sống dưới chế độ Cộng Sản thì cô còn gì sợ nữa? Và cô cũng đã thách thức bọn họ ký tên để trục xuất cô ra khỏi nước Mỹ. Tôi không biết ai đã viết cái đơn xin (petition) nhưng đọc thật buồn cười:

But recently, the Vietnamese community living in the US found she still has a connection with the Vietnamese communist government. She fraud created scam donations online for the Vietnamese government and also trashed the US system and POTUS. We believed she fraud abused the immigration system try to get into the US and spy for communists and disturbed our Vietnamese community.

Please help us to uncover this issue. She challenged all of us here who support the POTUS

“She fraud” là gì vậy? Đồ giả hả? Tôi nghĩ Mẹ Nấm cũng không cần lo ngại. Lũ cuồng thằng già đạo dụ làm hùng hổ lắm rồi cũng sẽ quên thôi. Họ có trí nhớ như con cá vàng vậy. Còn nhớ chuyện của ca sĩ Thu Phương hoặc chuyện của nhà văn Nguyễn Ngọc Ngạn không? Quên bà nó rồi.

Save Lives

My fellow senior American citizens, Dan Patrick, the Republican lieutenant governor of Texas, has a message for you: please prepare to die to make America work again. If you are 70 or older and infected with COVID-19, your existence only takes up younger people’s lives and drags down the entire economy. You should just die so that your grandchildren will enjoy their prosperous lives.

Like his stupid boss in the White House, Patrick doesn’t understand that the coronavirus spares no one. Older people are more vulnerable, but 40 percent of Americans who were hospitalized and needed treatments for the coronavirus between the ages of 20 and 54. They take up as many ventilators as older people. Why are we giving up on our elderly? Since when has America become uncompassionate? My guess was January 20, 2017 when the con man inaugurated.

Patrick claimed to be a champion for pro-life, but if you are old then fuck you. If he wanted to be a hero and willing to die for his grandchildren’s capitalism, I don’t have a problem with his personal choice. Urging other grandparents to end their lives for the sake of the economy is greedy and immoral. America is better than that. We value all lives. In a global pandemic, our goal should be saving lives instead of sacrificing lives.
