Letter to My Sons #34

My Dearest Children,

As someone who witnesses what your mother does for you everyday, I can’t even tell you the unconditional love she has for each of you.

Since the day you were conceived, she carried you in her womb for 9 months. Since the day you were born, she has not even for one second stopped loving you. She stayed up when you cried in the middle of the night. She fed you with her own milk and soothed you back to sleep.

As you are growing up, she is still doing everything in her power for you. She treasures your lives and I can guarantee you that she would put your lives over her own. I am telling you this because your lives are invaluable to her.

She brought you into this world. She does everything she can to give you fulfilling lives. She doesn’t ask anything from you. In return, I am not asking you to fulfill your filial piety. All that I am asking from you is to treasure your lives. Just that alone is enough to show your love for your mother.

Believe me, your lives are way better than mine. When I was growing up, it was just me and my mother. We were poor, but I knew my mother loved me unconditionally. When I was becoming a teenager, I had moments when I felt my life was boring, but never worthless. I didn’t have many opportunities, but I knew the only way to move up was focusing on my education.

If you think your lives suck, you have not experienced the world out there. If you walk out of our door, you will see it for yourself. Don’t take what we have built as a family for granted. I may sound like a broken record; therefore, I am writing this letter to you so you will be able to refer back to it later on.

Just remember this. I might not be a good father to you, but your mother’s love for you is unquestionable, unmatchable, and unbreakable. All a mother is asking for is to see a smile on her children’s faces. Her happiness is to see you happy. I hope you know or will understand what I am telling you.


A Few Updates

I added SLS Network to my case studies.

I redesigned the lock-up for the 24th Annual Judicial & Legislative Reception. I reduced the typeface to Minion Display.

I revealed the beautiful designer behind Simplexpression.

I created a new Vietnamese typography sample.

I made the logo much bigger at the bottom. I also added a red bow on top of it.

The Liftgate Issue

In May 2021, I took my 2018 Toyota Sienna to Ourisman Toyota Collision Center to repair after being rear ended. Replacing the bumper and the liftgate took damn near three weeks. The liftgate was still having issues such as a pop noise when it was closing or the gate would slam hard to shut. I ignored the issues simply because I didn’t want to bother bringing them back to the shop.

Gradually the issues got worse. A few weeks ago, I noticed a piece of metal sticking out of the panel every time the gate closed. Almost three years had passed, I didn’t think the Collision Center would warranty it. I took the long shot.

Last Wednesday, I brought my minivan back to them and explained the issues. Of course they denied any wrongdoing on their part. It was so long ago anyway, I was not faulting them. When the rep took the panel off, the metal part that was sticking out had no screw to hold it in place, which caused the popping sound. I suspected when they installed the piece, they forgot to put the screw back on.

The rep told me that he would have the technician take a look. If it was not their fault, they would still fix it and I would pay for the parts. I agreed. I left the car there. Later that Wednesday evening I called them back to check on the progress. The rep told me that they had ordered the parts and they would take care of everything with no further charges. I was so grateful that they would do that. They didn’t have to.

Thursday evening, I called back and the parts didn’t come. Friday evening, I called back and the parts still didn’t come. I needed to pick the car up for the weekend. I dropped the car back again this morning hoping the parts would arrive. Thankfully it did.

I hope this will be permanently fixed. The Ourisman Toyota Collision Center took responsibility for their work, which I really appreciated, but the wait was just so long.

Letter to My Sons #33

Dear Xuân,

Thank you for informing me about your week. From science to math to PE to music, you had a busy week. I am enjoying these Friday letters between us. Mr. Leonato came up with such a wonderful assignment for us to connect. I look forward to reading your words every Friday.

As you had mentioned in your letter, March is here already. I am a bit torn about it. The weather is getting a lot warmer, which is nice, but that also means skiing season is coming to an end. I want to spend more time with you on the slopes. You are a fantastic skier, but I also hoped that you would pick up snowboarding as well.

It’s a challenge to try something new. When I switched from skiing to snowboarding, I was having a very tough time. The snowboarding learning curve is steep, but it opens up a whole new level on the mountains once you get a hang of the board. If I can do it, you can too. You just need a little bit of patience.

It is so much fun when you can switch from skiing to snowboarding and vice versa. I enjoy both sports and I am sure you will too. We’ll work on your snowboarding skills next season.


Spring Skiing at Roundtop

Our whole family went to Roundtop this morning. The weather was in the mid 60s. The conditions weren’t too bad. There was no crowd as if people were done for the season. I skied with Vương and my nephew on the green trails.

After lunch I switched to snowboarding with Xuân and another nephew on the backside. The warm weather wore me out quickly. At 2 pm the kids wanted to go home. They have school tomorrow.

I am not sure if the three resorts in PA will last until next week. It looks like the season is coming to an end. I am not even sure if we will be able to ski in Vermont the last week of March when the kids are on spring break. Just have keep our hopes alive.

Liberty Friday

I headed to Liberty this morning and snowboarded. The conditions were still good. I tried to carve after watching this excellent 45-minute video. I am still learning to carve. I hope to go back to Liberty tomorrow morning, but I am not so sure with the heavy rain and warm weather. We’ll see!

New Sample: Lì Quá

Anh Cầm Fact’s Lì Quá Để Nói Quài is a pocket-size book filled with Vietnamese quips and wordplays. I enjoyed the prose so much that I had to create a sample page with my personal favorite quotes. The page is typeset in Bricolage Grotesque, by Mathieu Triay. Enjoy the quotes!

Bose SoundLink Flex SE Bluetooth Speaker

I have been searching for a portable speaker so I could sing karaccoustic with and carry it around. The size has to be small enough to put in my backpack and the sound quality has be great to output recorded acoustic picking guitar sound.

I had two choices to make: the Sonos Move ($300) and the Bose SoundLink Flex SE ($130). I have never owned a Sonos product before and I wanted to make a move, but the Sonos is large. It is not too convenience, but still portable. When I tested it, the trembles were muffled and drowned by the heavy bass.

On the other hand, the Bose SoundLink Flex SE Bluetooth speaker is perfect in size. Furthermore, the Bose has exceptional crystal-clear trembles, which is perfect for the acoustic guitar sound. The lower price is also a bonus. I found exactly what I was looking for in the Bose SoundLink Flex SE Bluetooth speaker.

Senongo Akpem: Cross-Cultural Design

Cross-Cultural Design isn’t about typography, but Senongo Akpem draws our attention to stereotypography, which is a perception of typefaces we should be aware of. For example, Neuland is associated with Africa or Mandarin Regular is associated with Asian. We shouldn’t be using these typefaces to represent a culture. This book has much more to offer for those who care about reaching across cultures. It provides principles of design that embrace cultural diversity.

Visualgui 2024: Lang

This is the fifth design iteration of my blog. As skiing-snowboarding season coming to an end, I want to remove the vibrant graphics and focus on the typography. I have been wanting to use Lang, designed by Stephen Nixon, for a while, but the quirky yet beautiful semi-slab type family is not intended for reading text.

Lang might not work at small size, but it looks great at large size. I dialed the body text up a notch and I loved how it took up the space. I am also getting old; therefore, larger font size works for me.

To complement Lang, I tried Lang Gothic, which is Lang’s cousin. I did not realize that Lang Gothic has no support for Vietnamese yet. I am not sure when Stephen will add Vietnamese diacritics for Lang Gothic; therefore, I went with Name Sans, which is also designed by Stephen.

As I was already using Stephen’s two typefaces, I might as well add Recursive Mono, another typeface of his, to the mix. I used Recursive Mono primary for code samples.

As for the colors, I went with the dark mode to fit my mood at this time. I am going through a dark time. I hope I can pull through it.
