Day 5 at Stowe

I woke up this morning and it was raining again. I went downstairs to eat breakfast and went to the car to adjust my snowboard bindings. I dialed back from +20° (front foot) and +15° (back foot) back to +18° (front foot) and 9° (back foot). I wanted the ability maneuver around the trials and not just carving.

I arrived at Stowe Resort around 9:00 am and the rain had not stopped. As headed to the lift, I found my ski poles on the rack. I brought them back to my car. I headed to the lift that took me to the black trail. This trail is perfect for me to snowboard. At the top, I had to do quick turns to get down the steep black slopes. In the middle, I had to do short turns to get around the moguls. At the bottom, I could continue to learn to carve. I was having a hard time digging my board into the snow on my toe side. Fortunately, I watched Seung’s video and he talked about digging your back knee lower will make the board grip. It worked for me. I kept going back to this trail to do my three turns.

On the last run, I decided to take the blue trail instead. The blue trail led me to the double-black-diamond slopes. I hesitated for 5 seconds and decided to go for it. They were pretty steep with big moguls. I side-slipped on my heels most of the time. I couldn’t make a turn to my toe side. At least I made my way down and I didn’t have to call the ski patrols to get me down.

Tomorrow will my last day. I will try to ski down the double-black-diamond slopes. I can do short turns on skis pretty well. We’ll see.

April Bernard: The World Behind the World

I didn’t get much out of this collection of poems except for “Allen v Farrow.” At least I think I did anyway. My approach to reading poetry is either I get it or I don’t. It’s more often that I don’t.

Day 4 at Stowe

The sun finally came out this morning. The conditions were fantastic. They opened up the black-diamond trails. I put my carving practice on the blue trails aside and enjoyed skiing on the black terrains. They were steep and narrow, even more challenging than the double-black-diamond slopes at Liberty and Roundtop. I wished my boys were here. They would have loved them.

I skied on the black trails for most of the day. By 3:00 pm, I was exhausted. I could barely rolled my feet. The rain began to fall. I called it the day. I went back to the ski racks to pick up my poles and they were gone. I didn’t use my poles because I wanted to focus on carving. I left it on the rack in the morning just in case I decided to use them.

The last time I was at Stowe, December 2023, I lost both my skis and my poles. I left them overnight. This time, I lost my poles on the same day. Stowe and Vail, this is an issue at the Mansfield Lodge. You need better security. Other than that, I had a great time.

Update: I found my ski poles the next day.

Jessica Q. Stark: Buffalo Girl

I picked up this book because the author is half Vietnamese half American. She writes about her whiteness as well as her Asian part. Though I didn’t understand much of her poems the first read. I might need to revisit them.

Day 3 at Stowe

The sun came out in the morning. The sky was gorgeous. The conditions were awesome. I headed to Stowe around 9:00 am.

Last night, I watched Lars Horstmann explained the positive-positive stance on snowboard for carving. This morning, I applied his method. Of course, it was harder than the way he made it seem to be. I even increased my front foot from 15 degrees to 20 degrees, but my toe turns weren’t gripping into the snow as I wanted to. I am on the right track though. I just need to figure out the right posture.

At noon, I went into the lodge for lunch as the band named Blues for Breakfast was setting up. At 1:00 pm, they started to play. The rain was pouring outside so I decided to sit, drink, and enjoy the music. At 2 pm, the rain lightened up. I went back to the trails to practice more carving. The rained picked back up.

I left Stowe around 3:30 pm and came back to my room to take a shower. I headed to Ben & Jerry’s for an experience and some samplings. Unlike the Turkey Hill experience, in which I could sampled as many ice cream flavors as I could, they only gave out one sample. The mango flavor was pretty good though.

After the 30-minute experience, I looked for a laundromat to wash my clothes. With the rain and my sweat, my clothes smelled bad. It was my first time using the laundromat in over 30 years.

When we first came to America, my weekend tasks were doing the laundry for my mother, sister, and myself. My mother came with me once in a while when she was not busy cooking. All the memories rushed back. I missed her dearly.

Write Then Destroy

Betsy Reed writes for The Guardian

A study in Japan has found that writing down your reaction to a negative incident on a piece of paper and then shredding it, or scrunching it into a ball and throwing it in the bin, gets rid of anger.

I had written quite a bit of angry shit on this blog. I had to unpublish some of my angry posts once in a while, but I had not getting rid of anything completely.

Day 2 at Stowe

I was too tired last night; therefore, I went to bed around 9:00 pm. At 8:00 am, I went down stairs, the Round Hearth Café and Marketplace, for breakfast. I met the owner and his wife. They are a young couple who run the café as well as the B&B upstairs. Nice folks!

I went to the Stowe Resort around 9:00 am. It was raining lightly. I put on my skis and went to the trails. The conditions were OK. I picked up carving on my skis again, but it still doesn’t quite feel natural to roll my knees and ankles. I ditched my poles so I could focus on my posture. Without the poles, I tried to grab my outside boot when I made the turn. I also turned my hips and pushed my knees to the side as I initiated my turns. I did those exercise all day.

I met a couple with two little boys (a two- and four-year-old). Because the four-year-old wanted to ski, they flew in from Florida and ski for a couple of days. Unfortunately, the learning side had closed for the season. The dad took his four-year-old to the bottom of the green slope and let him skied down. They did that all day long. Man, some parents are super patience.

Skiing in the rain was quite an experience. I was a bit hesitated at first, but after a few runs I just went with the flow. As I was sitting on the lift halfway up, the rain started to pour. I skied down quickly so I could get into the lodge to wait for the rain to die down. As I got closer to the lift, the rain stopped. I think Mother Nature was trolling me all day. I had a great time though.

Day 1 at Okemo

Last night, I was too excited to sleep. At 2 am, I decided to hit the road. I drove 3 hours straight to New Jersey. I stopped at the service area and napped for about half an hour. I bought a coffee and continued to drive.

I arrived at Okemo around 11 am and the rain was pouring. I saw people soaking wet coming into the lodge. I asked them about the conditions and they all said “good.” I had lunch and waited for the rain to light up.

I hit the slopes around noon. I continued to carve on my snowboard. I lost count of how many runs I got in. At 4 pm, I drove 2 more hours to Stowe, where I will be skiing and snowboarding for the next 5 days.

Josh Clark: Designing for Touch

This book released in 2015 when digital devices, such as iPads, started to take off. Reading it almost a decade later, it is has become out of touch. I am done catching up with the A Book Apart series.

Preston So: Voice Content and Usability

As a visual designer, I have not ventured into voice-command territory. So’s book is a perfect primer into voice interface design. From inclusivity to diversity to accessibility to usability, this book will help make your site ready for voice-friendly design.
