TypeMate Offers 50% Off All Fonts

TypeMate is running a special deal of 50% off on all of its font collection. It has a handful of fonts supporting Vietnamese. I had the pleasure of advising a few of them. I am eyeing on Kaius Text, designed by Lisa Fischbach. It supports Vietnamese as well, but I didn’t review the diacritics; therefore, I am not sure how they look. The deal ends tomorrow so I need to make a decision fast.

One Penny

After a week waiting for approval from Google, I implemented Adsense on Thursday. The first day I made a penny even though my site is pulling 1.62k unique visitors a day and 15.83k total requests. I’ll see how Adsense will perform in a week before I decide if it is worth keeping.

The Jobless Employed

Emily Stewart, writing for Vox:

These jobless employed are a persistent presence in the working world, their existence a bug that’s become a feature. There’s a percentage of every job that’s bullshit, and in their case, that’s 90 percent, minimum.

I want a useless job.

Counter Forms Launched

Counter Forms recently launched with four typefaces. Herbik, designed by Daniel Veneklaas, fits my type of text face. Herbik also supports Vietnamese. I am so tempting to purchase it.

Gorman Fires Back

Amanda Gorman tweets:

One parent could get my poetry banned from classrooms. And yet one country can’t ban assault rifles from massacring them.


Let’s keep it real. There is no diversity in an environment runs by white men, white privileges, and conservation agenda. Any promotion of diversity is just for marketing purpose. Death of diversity.

Kimmy Dương Received the Mason Medal

Mason News:

Born in Nha Trang, Vietnam, in 1945, Duong earned a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Law from the University of Saigon in 1966. She started her career working for the Ministry of Social Welfare before joining IBM in 1968, where she worked until she escaped from the communist government in 1975. She came to the United States with just $30 in her pocket.

Congratulations, Ms. Dương

Wise Words Being Quoted

I ain’t a killer but don’t push me
Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to shooting Hibiki

Forms of Đ

Denis Moyogo Jacquerye writes:

Hi Donny,

Thank you for Vietnamese Typography, it’s a great resource.

I’m wondering if it would be worth mentioning the forms of capital Đ with the bar across the whole letter width used in Vietnamese until about the 1980s in the Dyet section of the Diacritical details of Vietnamese Typography. It seems these forms were common in the 1800s and a large part of the 1900s.

For example:

Nguyễn Đình Hoà, Vietnamese-English dictionary, 1966

Của tôi: tập đọc chữ quốc ngữ, 1924

Kind regards
Denis Moyogo Jacquerye

I must admit. The form of capital Đ with the bar across the whole letter is new to me. I don’t recall seeing that. I am not sure when the cross bar was shortened, but it has be been much earlier than 1980s. Though I can’t confirm that. I decided not to include in my book to make it less confusing for type designers since the practice is no longer applicable.

Happy Mother’s Day

My mother, my mother-in-law, and my children’s mother, you are appreciated it.
