Losing Glasses

A couple of weeks ago, I lost a pair of my prescription glasses. Yesterday, I lost another pair. I am at the age where I need the string to stop me from losing my glasses.


I have a profile page on Marketplace where I sell new and used hockey skates, figure skates, roller skates, and rollerblades. My kids grew out of them and some aren’t interested anymore. Prices are dirt cheap. I had bought used skates, skis, and snowboards on Marketplace as well. I guess I just can’t deactivate Facebook.


Kris Sowersby writes:

To curate means to care, not to make a list. We like to remember those who start things, but the real work of archives and institutions is the maintenance and continuation of them. Starting something is easy, caring for it over centuries is hard.

Read Kris’s in-depth essay on Martina Plantijn, his latest typeface release.

Ngày của cha

Vào ngày của cha, người ta chúc cho những người cha một ngày vui vẻ. Giờ đây vào ngày cha, con chỉ nghĩ đến ba. Xin cầu nguyện cho linh hồn của ba được yên nghỉ.

Aggressive Skating Reemerging

Max Berlinger writes for the New York Times about the return of aggressive skating. I prefer aggressive skating as an underdog sport at the skate parks so I just do my own things without being embarrassed.

Phông chữ dành cho tiếng Việt

Mới khám phá ra là I Love Typography có một bộ sưu tập phông chữ có dấu cho tiếng Việt. Đang ngắm nghía bộ Blacker Pro Text.

Coltrane & Dolphy

A rare, fantastic collaboration between two jazz giants: John Coltrane featuring Eric Dolphy played “Impressions.”

There is a bird

and a stone in your body. Your job is not to kill the bird with the stone.

Victoria Chang

8 Cents in 7 Days

I made 8 cents in 7 days with display ads. Adsense doesn’t make sense for this blog. I removed it without anything else to promote. Let’s keep it minimal for a bit. After all, this blog is nothing but personal; therefore, I want to get back to just write.

Kaius Text

Taking the 50%-off deal, I licensed Kaius Text, designed by Lisa Fischbach. Of course Kaius Text supports Vietnamese. I did not advise Vietnamese diacritics for Kaius, but I had worked with Lisa on other typefaces for TypeMates. She nailed the diacritical marks. I added Kaius Text to the recommendation page at Vietnamese Typography.
