Why We Masturbate a Lot

Why monkeys and apes don’t masturbate as much as human, Jesse Bering believes:

The answer for this cross-species difference, I’m convinced, lies in our uniquely evolved mental representational abilities—we alone have the power to conjure up at will erotic, orgasm-inducing scenes in our theater-like heads … internal, salacious fantasies completely disconnected from our immediate external realities.

And why men masturbate more than women:

And, perhaps not surprisingly, men seem to entertain more visitors in their heads than do women. In a 1990 study published in the Journal of Sex Research, evolutionary psychologists Bruce Ellis and Donald Symons found that 32 percent of men said that they’d had sexual encounters in their imagination with more than 1,000 different people, compared to only 8 percent of women. Men also reported rotating in from their imaginary rosters one imagined partner for another during the course of a single fantasy more often than women did.

Goodbye USA

That’s it for the US boys. At least they made it to the second round. Better luck next time.

School of Business Relaunched

School of Business homepage and a handful secondary pages has been redesigned and brought into Vignette content management system to kick off the first phase of GW’s unified web presence. Eventually GW will have a consistent look and feel no matter where a user is on the site, but for now this is our first step. There will be more work done.

Portugal vs. Brazil

Two of my favorite World Cup team go against each other. It should be a great match even though they both will advance.

Goodbye Italy

Slovakia scored two goals and Italy is going home.

Fresh Start

Now that the content entry for the new GW Business web site is locked down, I get a moment to move to a new MacBook Pro so I can hand my old one off to the student worker. I started Migration Assistant last night and everything seemed to work fine until I made some updates. The system went straight into Kernel Panic and no matter how many times I rebooted the laptop, the panic didn’t go way. I had to reinstall OS X from scratch again and do the good old manual migration. I wasted three hours last night for nothing.

I am now in the process of installing CS5 and Adobe makes my upload my photo ID in order to use the educational version. So I uploaded my photo ID, filled out a bunch of forms and this is what I get, “The eligibility verification process may take up to two business days after receipt of your eligibility documents.”

US Defeats Algeria

It’s about time the US wins a game. On the other hand, France didn’t even make to the second round. What’s up with that?

World Cup Girls

Duke was sent home from daycare today. The CMS at work is down and I am tired of looking at the wheels spinning on my browsers but get no where so I popped up another window to check on the World Cup. Somehow I landed on World Cup Girls. Check out this Korean babe from the previous World Cup.

7 Goals?

I caught a bit of Portugal vs North Korean this morning, but had to get to work. Just checked the score and Portugal won 7 goals? Holy smoke. Portugal is one of my favorite teams, but damn 7 goals? They really trying to murdered the North Korean.

It’s Been a While

What a week it was. Work took up most of my time. For the past four days, I worked from nine to five and then from 10 to two in the morning. Friday night I was so burned out that I went to bed at ten and then got up at 3 in the morning and worked until noon. Lacking of sleep made life a living hell. I felt drowsy and sick the whole time. What is taking so much time is the migration into Vignette, a CMS. The University uses a very complex system to solve such a simple task. For instance, making a list of links in a module takes ten times longer than just writing the simple HTML list. It’s just ridiculous. Still I have to give credits to the web team at the university for its incredible support. I spent a few days with them and had a chance to get to know them better. Alright enough about work.

Duke had been sick a whole week as well so Dana stayed home with him for four days. My sister-in-law was able to look after him for one. I felt horrible because I couldn’t take any day off due to the deadline of the launch day. Stay home one week and go to daycare the next had been his routine. I hope we can get over that soon.

I haven’t been catching up with the World Cup much so I’ll try to spend today watch the next two games Slovakia vs. Paraguay and Italy vs. New Zealand. Miles Davis: The Complete Columbia Album Collection had arrived at my front door yesterday. 52 albums altogether and I haven’t listened to a handful of them. I can’t wait. Have a great Father’s Day and enjoy watching the World Cup all the dads.