Make an Offer

My phone rang. The area code was in Virginia and my phone didn’t flag it as a spam call. I picked it up just in case the call was from my kids’ school. The lady on the other line greeted me and said something about my home I didn’t understand. I asked her to clarify and she made me an offer on my property. I replied, “Sure, two million dollars.” She said, “Thank you, have a good day.” Then she hang up. I guess she was not interested in my property after all.

From DigitalOcean to Opalstack

Winnie Lim moved her sites from DigitalOcean to OpalStack. Winnie writes:

I decided I didn’t want to manage my own servers anymore – it got tiresome having to install updates every so often – so after some research I found out that some ex-employees from webfaction started opalstack, so that is where I moved her website to. I like that is is very much like webfaction, it is almost like a vps with ssh but it is managed.

I feel Winnie. It gets tiresome having updates my droplets every few months. Then again having to manage my own servers keeps me in the game. I need all the technical skills to do my full-time job in my position as a director. I don’t need to do it myself. I just need to know my shit. As far as moving off DigitalOcean, I don’t know where I want to move to.

Winnie is also concerned about the longevity of her site:

I am still concerned about what happens to my website after I am gone, and also the actual longevity of opalstack since it is a small friendly company. But well sometimes we just have to take a leap of faith.

I worried about my sites after I die as well, but I have come to accept that when I am gone my sites will be gone with me as well. If I lose my sites tomorrow, I will definitely be sad, but I will move on.

Gayle King Interviews JAY-Z

JAY-Z talks to Gayle King about his work, life, and The Book of HOV installation at Brooklyn Public Library. I want to check it out.

Letter From a Reader on Accessibility

Adrik Ivanov:


It is nice that accessibility is one of the things you take care of when designing your blog. I found your musings interesting as a Vietnamese from the “motherland.” I honestly don’t know what else to say more on the topic. Besides hoping that in the future, more website designers would take care in designing websites for disabled folks and people who browse the web using the terminal for whatever reason.

Warm regards,


This email made my day.

Name Sans Graduated

Name Sans, designed by Stephen Nixon, reached version 1. It took Stephen over three years to get here. What a milestone. I appreciated the thoughtfulness Stephen brought to the Vietnamese diacritics. I often used Name Sans as an example for designing diacritics for sans-serif typefaces.

Bằng lái mới

Sáng nay đến Bộ Giao Thông Vận Tải kế bên chỗ làm để đổi mới bằng lái xe. Tưởng đâu phải đợi một đến hai tiếng nhưng không ngờ vừa vào là được làm thủ tục ngay. May là lúc chín giờ sáng vắng vẻ. Hơn nữa mình cũng đã chuẩn bị sẵn giấy tờ và đã điền đơn trước trên mạng. Giờ có bằng lái rồi nên lái xe yên tâm hơn. Hên là nhờ mua lon bia mới phát hiện bằng đã hết hạn sáu tháng rồi mà không hay biết.

Morrison on Writing

Toni Morrison:

I only have 26 letters of the alphabet;
I don’t have color or music. I must use my craft
to make the reader see the colors and hear the sounds.


How About the Incompetent Leaders?

The president hits back at the Heritage:

There is always room for serious discussion on how best to make a university open, welcoming, and productive for all citizens, but unfortunately this report – sloppy, methodologically questionable, and simply inaccurate as it is – not only falls short of something we can take seriously, it does damage to our capacity to have such a serious conversation. Quite frankly, it also damages Heritage’s reputation for providing accurate and useful information.

He even invited the Heritage to campus to explain the report. Why does he need to invite these racist conservatives who oppose diversity to campus? He just gives them an opportunity to speak about their whiteness heritage. While they claimed that hiring a diverse group of talents is wasteful, they have no idea how much money has been wasted by the white incompetent leaders to hide their ignorant and lack of knowledge. Those incompetent leaders should be fired instead.

Stupid Racist Shit

It was 6:50 pm on a Friday evening and the Office of the President sent out a mass email responding to the Heritage Foundation report, in which the authors criticized George Mason University for being too diverse. I’m not going to link to the report and I don’t need to read it to find out about its stupid racist shit. Let’s keep it real. Only a white conservative think tank would put out such a low, divisive, provocative report. Oh wait, it’s the Heritage Fucking Foundation. The authors criticizing George Mason University for being too diverse is like me criticizing the Heritage Foundation for being too fucking white.

Tưởng niệm

22 năm vẫn nhớ và sẽ không bao giờ quên.
