Book Collection: A Book Apart

  1. Better Onboarding, by Krystal Higgins, explains, illustrates and walks us through designing a successful onboarding experience.
  2. Cross-Cultural Design, by Senongo Akpem, provides principles of design that embrace cultural diversity.
  3. Design for Safety, by Eva PenzeyMoog, demonstrates that it is our responsibilities as designers and developers to create digital products that put our users’ safety first.
  4. Flexible Typesetting, by Tim Brown, is an essential guide to shape better typography on the web.
  5. Going Offline, by Jeremy Keith, explains the ins and outs of service works in clear, comprehensible details.
  6. HTML5 for Web Designers, by Jeremy Keith, is the quickest way to learn the new HTML elements.
  7. Inclusive Design Communities, by Sameera Kapila, sheds the light on the dark corner of marginalized identities.
  8. The New CSS Layout, by Rachel Andrew, shows you how to create powerful, flexible layouts with just a few lines of CSS.
  9. On Web Typography, by Jason Santa Maria, proves that the process of working with types on the web could be rewarding, engaging, and not daunting.
  10. Practical Design Discovery, by Dan Brown, examines discovery as a mindset, not a process. Discovery is about the right attitude, not a set of instructions.
  11. Responsible JavaScript, by Jeremy Wagner, is a must read for web developers who care about progressive enhancement and inclusivity.
  12. Responsible Responsive Design, by Scott Jehl, a companion to Ethan Marcotte’s Responsive Web Design, is a required read for front-end developers who want to make the web more accessible and faster.
  13. Responsive Web Design, by Ethan Marcotte, is a must-read responsive web design book written by the man who discovered and popularized the concept.
  14. SEO for Everyone, by Rebekah Baggs and Chris Corak, make the case for human-centered optimization rather then search engine algorithms.
  15. Sustainable Web Design, by Tom Greenwood, demonstrates that creating sustainable websites isn’t hard or impossible.
  16. You Should Write a Book, by Katel LeDû and Lisa Maria Marquis, guide you through the entire publishing process with clarity, authority, years of experience, and doses of humor.