Write Then Destroy

Betsy Reed writes for The Guardian

A study in Japan has found that writing down your reaction to a negative incident on a piece of paper and then shredding it, or scrunching it into a ball and throwing it in the bin, gets rid of anger.

I had written quite a bit of angry shit on this blog. I had to unpublish some of my angry posts once in a while, but I had not getting rid of anything completely.


With open structures and gracious proportions, Euchre, a sans-serif family designed by Jackson Showalter-Cavanaugh, is designed for comfortable reading. Its balanced contrast makes Euchre a solid text face that supports many languages. For Vietnamese, its acute, grave, and hook above stack to the right of its circumflex. Take a look at Euchre set in Vietnamese.

A Letter to Tonkin Voyage

Dear Tonkin Voyage,

My name is Donny Truong and I created the “Bonjour Vietnam” video you uploaded to your YouTube account. The video also includes the Tonkin Voyage logo. You never asked for my permission to use the video; therefore, I kindly request that you take down the video, which is already existed on my YouTube account.

Thank you and looking forward to hearing back from you.

Donny Truong

Update: 12 minutes later I received a response from Tonkin Voyage:

Hello Trương,

I want to extend my sincerest apologies for the oversight in uploading your video. It has been removed now. Your video featured stunning imagery, and I truly appreciate your contribution. Thank you very much, and may you continue to find joy in your endeavors.

Thank you for the swift action. I appreciate it.

Quảng cáo trong cộng đồng DMV

Bạn nào có kinh doanh riêng (nhà hàng, tiệm nail, sửa xe, sửa nhà, văn phòng bác sĩ, văn phòng nha sĩ, vv.) và muốn một trang web riêng sang trọng với thương hiệu riêng không đụng hàng, hãy liên lạc với mình.

Tôi tên là Donny Trương với trên 20 năm kinh nghiệm trong ngành thiết kế trang web, đồ họa, và thương hiệu. Hiện tại tôi là giám đốc thiết kế và lập trình website cho trường luật Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University tại Virginia.

Mời bạn vào trang cá nhân của mình để xem những dự án mình đã thành lập: donnytruong.com.

Post thử chơi trong Facebook Group: Cộng Đồng Thủ Đô DMV

Bose SoundLink Flex SE Bluetooth Speaker

I have been searching for a portable speaker so I could sing karaccoustic with and carry it around. The size has to be small enough to put in my backpack and the sound quality has be great to output recorded acoustic picking guitar sound.

I had two choices to make: the Sonos Move ($300) and the Bose SoundLink Flex SE ($130). I have never owned a Sonos product before and I wanted to make a move, but the Sonos is large. It is not too convenience, but still portable. When I tested it, the trembles were muffled and drowned by the heavy bass.

On the other hand, the Bose SoundLink Flex SE Bluetooth speaker is perfect in size. Furthermore, the Bose has exceptional crystal-clear trembles, which is perfect for the acoustic guitar sound. The lower price is also a bonus. I found exactly what I was looking for in the Bose SoundLink Flex SE Bluetooth speaker.

Luxury Vacation For U.S. Supreme Court Justice

The law school will be offering a summer program on “National Security & Separation of Powers” taught by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil M. Gorsuch in Porto, Portugal.

Let’s this one sink in. A U.S. Supreme Court Justice will be teaching a course on national security and separation of powers in a foreign country. For two weeks, the cost for each student is $1,724 (in-state), $2,856 (out-of-state), or $3,700 (non-tuition).

It sounds more like a luxury vacation in Portugal for the Justice and his family paid for by the students and the law school.

Nothing In This World Is Definite

When it comes to sex, I am straight. When it comes to skiing and snowboarding, I swing both ways.

Huge Moves

Huge thanks to Huge for sending me a copy of Huge Moves, “an editorially independent magazine focused on the design and technology trends shaping the future of business.” I will spend some time reading it.

Type Design Resources

A growing, public, collaborative collection of type design resources. Everything from learning the basics to running your own foundry. Vietnamese Typography is listed under character design for Vietnamese.

20 Books for $100

My friend informed me about the insane deal from A Book Apart: buy 20 paperbacks for $100. Yesterday, I created a collection just for A Book Apart. My order is out for delivery. I will spend the next few months or the entire year reading books from A Book Apart.
