Hooked on Vitamins

Liz Szabo:

More than half of Americans take vitamin supplements, including 68 percent of those age 65 and older, according to a 2013 Gallup poll. Among older adults, 29 percent take four or more supplements of any kind, according to a Journal of Nutrition study published in 2017.

Often, preliminary studies fuel irrational exuberance about a promising dietary supplement, leading millions of people to buy in to the trend. Many never stop. They continue even though more rigorous studies — which can take many years to complete — almost never find that vitamins prevent disease, and in some cases cause harm.

Make the Web Better

Charlie Owen has a message for web developers:

If we want to make the web better for people then the most important thing that we can do is to learn the basics. Not of technology, but of our fellow humans.

Because, as we’ve show earlier, empathy is the most important skill that a developer can have.

Watch her talk.

Phán xét

Bài nhạc mới của Rhymastic viết về haters:

Thứ âm nhạc này đến từ góc phố
Nơi bụi bặm và mùi ẩm mốc đóng đô
Mày chỉ quen với mùi giấy bạc hòa giữa chồng nhung lụa
Lấp lánh, thảm đỏ, yeah mày sống như vua

Unshrink the Web

Robin Rendle:

We chose to build the web the way we did. But that doesn’t mean we have to live with it. In other words, the Internet might have gotten shrinkwrapped, but we can find ways to unshrink it.

We don’t need to build the next coolest web app or the next Facebook. A simple website can still be built using HTML, CSS, and a bit of creativity.

White Privilege?

Took the kids to IHOP around 10:30am. Despite many tables were empty, the hostess asked us to wait for five minutes. Another group of Spanish folks came in and the hostess told them the same thing. Then an old white man walked right in. When the hostess told him to wait, he asked, “Why do I need to wait when there are tables available?” The hostess didn’t stop him. He just sat himself down at an empty table and we just had to wait for our turn. I didn’t complain or anything. The hostess who spoke with an accent appeared to be new on the job and didn’t seem to know what to do.

Bái Phục

Hôm nọ đi H Mart ăn trưa ngồi kế bên bàn ba người Á Châu. Một ông già hói, một người đàn bà xồn xồn, và một thiếu nữ độ 30 mấy có thể nhỏ hơn hoặc bằng tuổi của tôi. Lúc đầu không biết là người Việt cho tới khi ông già gọi người đàn bà xồn xồn là má và gọi cô thiếu nữ là em. Té ra mẹ vợ ông này còn trẻ tuổi hơn ổng nữa. Thật bái phục. Định qua hỏi ông ấy có nhận đệ tử không.

Orchestrated DJs

A philharmonic performance via turntables. Simply stunning sound.

Gruber and Kottke

I haven’t followed John Gruber’s “The Talk Show” for a while. I am no longer interested in Apple products and I can’t keep up with each two-hour episodes. This one with Jason Kottke is different. They talked about the blog in its early days. Both John and Jason are doing quite well with the blogs. They also talked about redesigning Daring Fireball, which doesn’t seem to happen anytime soon. I enjoyed the conversation.

Owning Your Own Site

Anil Dash:

This one is so obvious, but we seem to have forgotten all about it: The web was designed so that everybody was supposed to have their own website, at its own address.

Ironically, Anil published this piece on Medium instead of his own site.

Back to the Blog

Dan Cohen:

Meanwhile, thinking globally but acting locally is the little bit that we can personally do. Teaching young people how to set up sites and maintain their own identities is one good way to increase and reinforce the open web. And for those of us who are no longer young, writing more under our own banner may model a better way for those who are to come.

Love to see more people getting back to blogging.