Traveling to Hà Nội

Winnie Lim shares her favorite things in Hà Nội including sữa chua, kem bơ, and pizza. Damn, now I want to take a trip to North Việt Nam.

A Lovely Note From a Reader

This email from Alfons Grabher made my day:

Hi Donny,

I just wanted to write a quick “lưu ý” to tell you that you absolutely kill me. Your website, Vietnamese Typography, is stunningly beautiful. I visited often in the past few days as I started to learn Vietnamese language. The visual appeal, the great deal of sense and care you put into your online book is really helpful for me, in an emotional as well as practical sense.

Thank you so much,
Best greetings,


Thank you so much!

Ranking Drops

Despite cozying with conservative Supreme Court justices, Scalia Law School drops to #32, tying with O’Connor Law, in U.S. News & World Report. Even with the top law schools dropped out of the ranking, Scalia Law couldn’t rise in rankings.


I am setting my eyes on a pair of Blank by Rollerblade, but I am still holding out because of the $300 price tag. My Flying Eagle is wearing out and I need a bigger coping, but I’ll wait for a better deal.

Ava Zeldman

I started reading Zeldman in the early 2000s. In addition to his regular writing, Zeldman redesigned his site every few months. He had a distinctive style.

I still follow his blog, but he doesn’t write much these days. He hasn’t redesigned his blog after he migrated to WordPress. He just uses TwentyTwenty, a WordPress default template.

Yesterday, he shared a post written by his daughter Ava Zeldman and I ended up reading everything she had posted. I didn’t know much about Ava, but I was hooked on her writing instantly. She is such a fantastic writer just like her dad and she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. I subscribed to her blog and look forward to reading more of her writing.


Made some minor updates to the branding design page.

Incompetent Idiot

Using money to hide your incompetence only shows that you are a fucking idiot.

Sharing = Tweeting

I haven’t tweeted for five months. I am pretty much done with Twitter. I haven’t bothered to archive my tweets. I am not even going to bring them over to this blog. As you might have already noticed, my sharing category is my replacement for Twitter. I post links and quick posts just like I do on Twitter. I need to add a quick title as well; therefore, the headline might be silly.

Same goes with LinkedIn. I have not posted for anything for five months. I went back to Facebook briefly when we skied in Vermont. I posted a few videos of the kids I wanted to share with family members. Last week, I deactivated it. I just want to get away from social media completely and focus on this site.

Everything will be posted here from now on. I hope you enjoy your stay as well as the coming weekend. I got nothing but love for ya.

Fragile Men Will Kill You

Roxane Gay opines in the New York Times:

We are at something of an impasse. The list of things that can get you killed in public is expanding every single day. Whether it’s mass shootings or police brutality or random acts of violence, it only takes running into one scared man to have the worst and likely last day of your life. We can’t even agree on right and wrong anymore. Instead of addressing actual problems, like homelessness and displacement, lack of physical and mental health care, food scarcity, poverty, lax gun laws and more, we bury our heads in the sand. Only when this unchecked violence comes to our doorstep do we maybe care enough to try to effect change.

She’s damn right.

No Money No Love

I was sitting in our car next to my four-year-old son. He was napping. As I was dozing off, my phone rang. I picked it up to prevent my son from waking up. The voice on the other line introduced himself as someone from Alumni Relations.

He reached out to me to see how I am doing. I told him I am doing fine and prepared for him to ask me for donations. I couldn’t catch the first part he was telling me, but I could hear the second part, in which he asked me to contribute $100. I politely declined because I witness first hand how they spend money like throwing confetti.

When I said “no” to the $100 donation, he immediately hung up on me. Just a minute before, he sounded as if he genuinely cared about my being, but as soon as he couldn’t get my contribution he clearly didn’t give a fuck.
