East Oregonian Endorses Hillary

Editorial board:

Clinton is worthy of the office. She has worked all her life to get there, and no one will work harder once she arrives.

Her opponent isn’t worthy of anything except sitting in his chair in his lonely, gilded hotel room, flipping through cable news channels and complaining about them.

Trump, a Feminist Hero

Susan Chira:

For decades, feminists have tried to stir outrage about how women are routinely groped, belittled, and weight-shamed. Yet Mr. Trump’s words and boasts have shown millions of voters, including people who believe feminism is a dirty word, what women endure every day.

Chira goes on:

Indeed, Mr. Trump is not just a gift to feminists – he is breathing renewed life into a movement to redefine just what a real man is and ought to be.

Trump Doesn’t Understand Women and Abortion

Jen Gunter, an OB-GYN, sets the record straight on late-term abortions:

The facts are that 98.6 percent of abortions happen before 21 weeks. Most of the terminations at or after 21 weeks are very wanted pregnancies with serious fetal anomalies. Some are for the health of the mother and a very small percentage are for personal reasons. Almost all women who have later abortions for personal reason would have had the procedure sooner if they could have, so the very laws proposed by politicians who aim to restrict abortion (mostly under the false pretense of safety) actually lead to delays.

Hillary, The Feminist

Amanda Marcotte:

Faced with a misogynistic pig with a long record of belittling and objectifying women, Clinton leaned into the idea that voters want a feminist in office. (After all, the last president they elected is one!) Despite decades of pressure from the media to step back, soften her voice, be more submissive and bake more cookies, Clinton made absolutely sure that the debate-watching audience could not doubt her commitment to feminism.

The Mercury News Endorses Hillary


Clinton is highly qualified to be president. Donald Trump is utterly unqualified. If he wins – which could happen if enough good citizens stay home election day – the shifts in American society affecting minorities, women, immigrants, Muslims and others will sharpen divides among us rather than healing them, as Clinton would try to do.

Trump’s Predatory Behavior

Jia Tolentino:

Even in his denials, Trump is acting like Trump, offering a string of epithets and diminishments that reinforce the idea that preying on women is a normal thing to do. It seems entirely clear that these allegations disturb Trump only because they inconvenience him. He has not once spoken about the matter as if he understands that groping women, in itself, is wrong.

On the way Trump treats women as objects, Tolentino writes:

Trump’s accusers have tellingly similar stories: he kissed them, he groped them, he leered at them, he seemed blind to the idea of mutual interest. He also did all of this in familiar surroundings—as if the women were merely part of the buildings and organizations that he owned.

Trump Displays His Ignorant About Abortion

Danielle Paquette:

Political rhetoric aside, Trump displayed a misunderstanding of how abortion works in the United States.

Doctors won’t perform the procedure at nine months because the baby is viable outside of the womb. If a woman’s or fetus’s life is at risk, doctors can induce labor or authorize an emergency C-section. Intentionally killing the baby in the process would be illegal.

Trump should pay premature babies a visit. No wait, that’s a bad idea. He would scare the shit out of them.

Trump, The Anti-Democratic Bully

Benjamin Wallace-Wells:

The chances that Trump wins the election are close to vanishing: he is behind by a margin that no one has ever returned from, and last night’s debate did not help. There is another possibility now, which is that the Trump faction will not accept a loss. So much depends upon the relationship between the candidate and his core supporters—on whether they view him as a convenient vehicle for their anger or whether they have a deeper attachment to his cult of personality. The electors, certified by the states, will meet on December 19th to pick a President. Maybe that will be the day when the darkness of the Trump campaign recedes. Maybe it will be with us even longer.

Trump, The Sore Loser

John Cassidy:

[B]y reverting to conspiracy theories and openly threatening to call the result of the election into question, he made plain that, at this stage, his primary goal is to find someone other than himself to blame for what he, along with virtually everyone else in the political world, evidently sees as an impending defeat. Trump entered the race as a can-do businessman intent on restoring the country to greatness. He’s going out as a sore loser, raving at the world, threatening to unleash chaos.

Misogyny vs. Democracy

Amy Davidson:

In 2016, a major-party nominee for President seems to have mistaken misogyny for an argument against democratic legitimacy.

She goes on:

At a debate in which his main strategic goal might have been to make her seem untrustworthy, he blatantly tossed reality away. Trump seems incapable of talking about women without lying.
