Science Supports Harris

Scientific American makes a second endorsement for a presidential candidate in its 179-year history:

At the top of the ballot, Harris does deserve our vote. She offers us a way forward lit by rationality and respect for all. Economically, the renewable-energy projects she supports will create new jobs in rural America. Her platform also increases tax deductions for new small businesses from $5,000 to $50,000, making it easier for them to turn a profit. Trump, a convicted felon who was also found liable of sexual abuse in a civil trial, offers a return to his dark fantasies and demagoguery, whether it’s denying the reality of climate change or the election results of 2020 that were confirmed by more than 60 court cases, including some that were overseen by judges whom he appointed.

One of two futures will materialize according to our choices in this election. Only one is a vote for reality and integrity. We urge you to vote for Kamala Harris.

If you want to find out the differences in policy and decency from both candidates, you should read the entire essay.

Vote Early

Early Voting in Virginia will begin on Friday, September 20, 2024. Since I will be working from home on Friday, I will try to get my vote in early.

If you come to this blog, you know who I will vote for and why. I don’t discuss politics in real life. I don’t discuss politics on any social media platform. This blog’s my only outlet.

Voting is a privilege in America. No matter who you will vote for, do your diligent research. There are lots of misinformation and disinformation on the internet, make sure you get your information from credible, reliable sources.


Roxane Gay writes in The New Yorker about the pet-eating ludicrous conspiracy theory:

This is all ridiculous to hear. It is ridiculous to even speak of. And it is ridiculous that Trump and Vance’s lies, which in another era would be disqualifying, have seemingly propelled them. Some prognosticators are even suggesting that by inflaming xenophobic passions, Trump and Vance have secured a victory in November. Politicians have always lied, but now they run for office—and hold office—while shrouding themselves in ludicrous conspiracy theories, and they are lauded for it.

What’s even worse is how this story has, so quickly, become a cultural punch line among people of every political persuasion. This is often how extreme conservative rhetoric works. Republicans soften the ground by making outlandish or incendiary claims. They do it over and over until their narrative breaches the perimeter of their little enclaves and bleeds into the mainstream. The bad actors keep repeating these statements. We hear them so frequently that they become part of our vernacular. We capitulate and treat the discursive dominance of the extreme right as an inevitability that we cannot resist, even though we absolutely can. And then we joke about red hats and making America great again and “fake news” and tiki torches and seasoning pets. There’s an endless parade of memes—further capitulation, letting Republicans know that you’re fine with allowing them to dictate reality. You’re letting them know that you, too, believe Haitians are acceptable targets for mockery. You’re welcome to play by their rules. Anything can be fodder for humor. But this is not about having a sense of humor. It’s about having a sense of decency.

Virginia Leans Toward Harris

In Real Clear Polling, Harris beat Trump in Virginia by more than 5 points (49% to 43.7).

Real Clear Polling’s Electoral College advanced Virginia and its 13 Electoral College votes toward Harris and predicted Harris led Trump by 221 to 219, with 98 tossup votes in 8 swing states.

In a survey from The Washington Post/Schar School, Harris beat Trump in Virginia by 8 points (50% to 42).

In a Virginia Commonwealth University poll, Harris led a significant 10-point lead over Trump (46% to 36).

Obviously these numbers are just forecasts and predictions. We need to show up to vote. If you haven’t registered, do it now. We need to beat Trump with votes—not bullets.

Republicans for Harris

I was driving around town and spotted several yard signs with “Republican for Harris” message. It’s a high hope to see some Republicans put country before Trump. Not only they are rejecting Trump, but they are also making sure that he won’t return to the White House. They know he is a danger for democracy. Seeing the yard signs makes me want to do something similar. I want signs that would say, “Vietnamese-American for Harris.” It is probably a long shot because the majority of Vietnamese-American are still obsessed with Trump.

Trump is Dangerous for Democracy

Karrin Vasby Anderson, Professor of Communication Studies at Colorado State University, weighs in on the debate:

Trump’s own white masculine insecurity was on clear display throughout his debate against Harris. It was a different type of pathological masculinity than the aggressive and aggrieved toxic masculinity Trump perfected as MAGA stagecraft.

Trump’s performance in the debate illustrates why insecure white masculinity should be disqualifying for a presidential candidate. When triggered, it short circuits the candidate’s strategic thinking and elicits demagogic and dehumanizing arguments.

The debate between Harris and Trump revealed how vesting authority in an insecure white man is dangerous for democracy.

She nailed it.

The $47-Million Debate

Just 24 hours after a historic presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris raised $47 million from 600,000 donors. No wonder she wanted to debate him again, but Trump got scared to step back into the ring one more time. She would knock him the fuck out and end his bid for president. He underestimated her. Trump’s toxic masculinity was no match for Harris’s strong intellectuality. Who won the debate? Just follow the money. All America, this narcissistic, racist, insecure, angry, whiny white boy has to go.

It’s All About Trump

I must confess. I was laughing my ass off watching the debate. Donald Trump had the temperament of a six years old boy. Kamala Harris could read him like an open book. Instead of talking about his destructiveness, she led him into destructing himself and it worked every single time.

Throughout the debate, Trump proved himself to be a self-centered bully. Harris schooled him a lesson on bullying. Hearing him spill wild conspiracy theories and baseless claims, I could never take this bully seriously.

When the moderators asked him about January 6, he said flat out, “I didn’t know anything about it. It was not me. I did nothing wrong. I just showed up and gave a speech.” He denied any responsibility and yet they still support him. I just don’t get it.

The other day, I watched my nephew playing around with my boys. He was walking backward and hit the pole that held an umbrella. He started to cry and scolded the pole, “Why was that thing even there?” He started kicking the pole. It was the pole’s fault that made him fell. He blamed the pole for standing in his way. It was nonsense, but understandable. He’s a little kid.

After the debate, instead of blaming himself for screwing up, Trump blamed the moderators who refused to let him spilling his lies. Trump never takes any responsibility. He cares about no one else, but himself. He didn’t care that millions of Americans were dying during the pandemic under his watch. He doesn’t even care about his own supporters.

Again I just can’t vote for a whiny little brat to be our president. His incompetent and childish behavior is too dangerous for the job of the president. He’s a danger to our country. He’s a grave danger to our democracy.

I was laughing at his debate performance, but I am deeply concerned about him taking over our country for four more years. We were lucky before, but let’s not put our country at danger again.

Harris Hit Home

Vice President Harris came prepared and delivered. She connected with the American people while took down Donald Trump.

She got under his skin so bad he started talking about people eating pets in Springfield, Ohio. WTF? Trump had no plan and no policy. He kept circling back to same tired rhetoric and scare tactics on immigrants. He claimed that millions of people from mental institutions and insane asylums came into our country and took over our jobs. So we hired sick and insane people to do the work for us. That makes absolutely no sense.

Tonight Vice President Harris has proved to the American people that she is the right choice. She is smart, tough, and compassionate. She came; she conquered; she closed the chapter on the Donald. I am ready to close this chapter on the Donald as well. As soon as early voting begins, I will cast my vote for Harris.

Are you with her?

Harris for President

In this general election, I was not interested in getting back into politics. Biden is old. Trump is a fucking antediluvian.

Harris, however, is a breath of fresh air. She pulls me back in. She fires me up. I do what I can on my own platform here.

Harris needs to win. Democracy is on the line. Trump with no guardrails will be dangerous. If he wins again, America won’t be America anymore.

For the sake of America, let’s get rid of Trump for good. His hatred, bigotry, divisiness, and darkness have to go.

Let’s bring healing and joy to America. Let’s get Harris elected for president.