Đánh mất tự do

Hơn 50 năm trước, người Việt bỏ nước ra đi tìm tự do. Họ mạo hiểm cả tính mạng để rời bỏ cộng sản. Thế mà phần nhiều lại ủng hộ kẻ độc tài vào năm 2024. Không biết là mê muội hay ngu muội. Hay cả hai.

Mấy ngày qua tôi định hỏi thăm những người bạn làm cho chính phủ coi họ có còn công việc hay không. Nhưng nghĩ lại, họ đã bầu cho kẻ độc tài thì ráng chịu. Hy vọng sau lần này, họ sẽ sáng suốt hơn.

Nền dân chủ ở Mỹ sắp sụp đổ. Tự do cũng sẽ tan biến thôi.

The Future of America

Democracy is dying. Trump is taking over everything and becoming a king. By 2028, voting won’t matter anymore. American will become the Trump regime like Putin, Jinping, and Orbán.

DEI Died

We had to take down all DEI pages and to scrub any mentions of DEI on our sites. Our institution caved. They came for government agencies and they are coming for universities. Thank you for your vote to make America white again.

Democracy is Dying

My fear for losing our democracy is coming true faster than I had expected. America is in a constitutional crisis. Our government is crumbling. The king is taking over our country. We saw this coming and yet we still elected him.

We are now living in a post-fact era. Everything I had seen sharing on Facebook from my friends were just fake news and no one even bothered to fact check anymore. If you keep on lying eventually it will become the truth.

So many people were so misinformed. I was catching up to an old friend from high school last December. He served in the army. He is making a good living. We had a bit of drink and politics came up. I didn’t want to engage, but I was curious why he voted for Trump.

It came down to his own pocket. I asked him if he cared about democracy. He dismissed it and said I had nothing to worry about. Even if a smart, successful guy like him turned dumb for Trump, I knew we were fucked. Obviously more than half of this country fell for Trump.

America will not recover from this tragedy. I hope the people who voted for him will wake the fuck up.

OMFG, We Are Screwed

It is now 6 am and Harris appears to be losing all of the swing states. Republicans also have taken control of the Senate. This is a crushing defeat, but the people have voted.

I was too naive to hope once again that America would pull through for Harris. Even though she had run an outstanding campaign, America has shown we are nowhere ready for a Madam President. I should have known and the results should have been expected.

The next four years will be dark and doomed. Our democracy won’t survive this time around. I hope I am dead wrong because there is nothing I can do about it.

2016 to 2020 was too stressful for me. I can’t go back to that period of my life again. The only thing I can do now is to stay out of politics in the next four years to keep myself from going insane.

I have lost faith in American politics. I don’t want to hear about politics. I don’t want to read about politics. I don’t want to talk about politics. I don’t want to write about politics.

I am done with politics. I should remove the entire political category from this blog to protect myself. Freedom of speech might not be possible anymore in the near future.

My Last 100 Words on Donald Trump

Today is the day to get rid of Donald Trump once and for all. Trump is unhinged, unstable, and unfit to be our president. Trump has neither the moral nor the temperament to be a leader of the free world. Trump is a racist, a sexist, and a xenophobic. Trump is a pathological liar. Trump is corrupted and convicted. Trump is weak, unintelligent, and easily manipulated. Trump is a failure and a loser. Trump is deranged and dangerous. Trump creates cults and chaos. Trump is an existential threat to our democracy. Let us vote to end the Trump era today.

Houston Chronicle Endorses Harris

The Houston Chronicle Editorial Board:

Not Donald Trump.

His visit to Helene-devastated areas was a vehicle to spread lies, inflame and divide…

This is how Trump leads. He doesn’t. Even in a desperate hour of need, he exploits. Even from people who have lost everything, he takes…

And understand this: A man who will exploit a deadly hurricane will exploit you.

The board is spot on.

Standing Up to Trump

David Remnick writes in the New Yorker:

Every editor who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that endorsements are of modest influence at best. The editors of this magazine, when it recently published a lengthy essay describing (for the thousandth time) the authoritarian prospects of a second Trump Presidency, and endorsing Kamala Harris, had no illusions. Editors may be as prone to sanctimony as they are to the common cold, but there was never any thought that such an endorsement would suddenly tip the balance in the battleground states, much less win majorities in the Deep South or the Great Plains. The point was that we, like other publications, attempted to make a cogent case, and had the editorial freedom to do so.

I love reading newspaper and magazine endorsements. Even if they don’t move the needle, these are some of the best political essays I had read and often quoted them on this site. I am glad publications like the New Yorker still have the spine to stand up to Trump.

The Party of Sociopaths

Steven Reisner writes for Slate:

This election is not about politics; it’s much more basic—it’s about how the American determines what is real. Will the future of the country be based on evidence and law, or will government be twisted to reflect whatever Donald Trump tells us is true?

Why the Uncommitted Should Vote for Harris

Professor Jeffrey C. Isaac has a few words for the uncommitted voters:

Biden has been bad for Palestinians and all who care about their plight.

But Trump would be much worse, and emphatically so.

How can this be a good consequence for those who have been “Uncommitted?”

Further, Kamala Harris is not Joe Biden. It is perfectly understandable that most “Uncommitted” voters would be deeply disappointed by Harris’s refusal to do more to emphasize differences with Biden. It is equally understandable that they would be outraged that the Harris-controlled DNC would not even reserve time to a single Palestinian-American this past July. This was wrong and stupid, and Harris deserves to pay a political price. But if Trump wins, the biggest price on this score will be paid by Palestinians and their Arab-American relatives and allies.

He concludes:

Casting a vote for Harris-Walz might feel bad. But the election of Donald Trump as president would be bad. Very, very bad.

And it would be a pretty good thing if everyone who cares about justice, human rights, and simple human decency did what they could to prevent that from happening. And there is only one way to do this: by voting for the Harris-Walz ticket.
