Day 1 at Okemo

Last night, I was too excited to sleep. At 2 am, I decided to hit the road. I drove 3 hours straight to New Jersey. I stopped at the service area and napped for about half an hour. I bought a coffee and continued to drive.

I arrived at Okemo around 11 am and the rain was pouring. I saw people soaking wet coming into the lodge. I asked them about the conditions and they all said “good.” I had lunch and waited for the rain to light up.

I hit the slopes around noon. I continued to carve on my snowboard. I lost count of how many runs I got in. At 4 pm, I drove 2 more hours to Stowe, where I will be skiing and snowboarding for the next 5 days.

Trượt tuyết và Ngọc Lan

Trượt tuyết là niềm đam mê của tôi vài năm gần đây. Lần đầu tiên trong đời đặt chân lên chiếc magic carpet rồi thả hồn theo đôi skis (có biết thắng lại đâu), cái cảm giác tương tự như khi nghe tiếng hát Ngọc Lan lần đầu. Tôi không thể nào chống cự được. Càng nghe tiếng hát Ngọc Lan tôi càng say mê. Càng ski tôi càng đắm đuối.

Ngày xưa tôi sợ mùa đông lạnh lẽo và tuyết phủ kín đường về. Nhưng giờ thì khác. Trời không tuyết, tôi cũng lạy trời tuyết. Mỗi khi được đứng trên núi tuyết, tôi như đứa trẻ tự do tung tăng trên thiên đàng từ những đoạn đường màu xanh (green trails) đến những dốc gập ghềnh màu đen (double-black diamond terrains).

Năm ngoái tôi tự thử thách mình với môn snowboarding. Lúc đầu mới tập rất gian nan, nhưng khi quen rồi snowboarding mở rộng một không gian mới cho tôi. Tuy snowboard rất thú vị, nhưng tôi không bỏ được tình yêu đầu tiên của skiing, nên chơi luôn cả hai.

Trong hai video mới nhất ở Mount Snow Resort (tiểu bang Vermont), tôi dùng “Mal de Toi” và “Prisoner”, Ngọc Lan thu âm trong album Mặt trời bên kia mùa hạ, để giữ lại những kỷ niệm khó quên.

Seventh Day at Mount Snow

Since today was our last day at Mount Snow as well as our final day for the season, I caught the shuttle at 7:50 am to get to the first chairlift of the day. Unfortunately, the wind was too strong, they didn’t turn on the lift to the top as well as the lift at the back side.

There was only one lift opened and it only could take us to the blue and green trails. Since it was my last day and my legs were exhausted, I decided to take it easy on my snowboard. After my first run the blue trail, my legs were already burned from trying to carve. My heel side was fine, but my toe side couldn’t dig into the snow. I decided to change my bindings from -15 degrees (back) +15 degrees (front) to +15/+15 degrees. Just that alone changed the carving game. I was so happy. I ended up carving the entire day. I need to pick up these skills again next season.

I am sad to say goodbye to this season. My Epic counted 39 days on the slopes. I counted 43 days. I knew some days weren’t counted because they didn’t scan my card. My counts are based my journal entries on this blog. I wrote about each day to keep a record.

Without a doubt, this season had been great for us. A special shout-out to my wife for putting up with me throughout the season. I wanted to hit the slopes any chance I had. Skiing and snowboarding were a form of therapy for me. When I was on the trails, I left all of my stress and worries behind.

Sixth Day at Okemo

We diverted to Okemo today for a change. Okemo was an hour away from Mount Snow. The conditions at Okemo were slushy. I took my five-year-old son to the top. When we went back, I took him on the black instead of the green trail. He skied surprisingly well. He didn’t fall at all.

In the afternoon, I hit all the black trails on my own. I struggled on the moguls a bit. I did four runs and the back lift closed. The day seemed so short. I only did a few carvings on skis.

Tomorrow will be our last day. A week had gone by so fast. I will have to say goodbye to the season after tomorrow.

Fifth Day at Mount Snow

It was lightly rain all day. I switched to snowboarding and learned to carve. My favorite trail was Fallen Timber. It’s a mellowed black trail, not too steep and not too bumpy. I started to get into the carving groove, but my feet were too tired to bend and flex.

My wife and I went on a skiing date. We hit the green trails. She’s started to parallel on her skis. I am so happy seeing her making progress. I hope she enjoyed skiing.

We’re now resting and we’ll continue tomorrow. We only have two more days left to go. Damn, time flew by fast.

Forth Day at Mount Snow

It rained all day. Nevertheless, it didn’t stop us. The conditions were slushy, but skiable. I had to use my legs more. After the first run trying to keep up with the kids on the long green trail, my legs were burning.

I am not sure if I am getting old or I just needed some liquors to kick in. I had a can of beer for lunch and I was recharged. My wife and I had a bit of a skiing date on the green trail then I headed to the back side. After 2 black runs, they closed down the trails. The ski patrol told me, “Time to go home.”

I took the long green back to the base. I took my time to carve and it felt great to see the train tracks I left behind. Even it was raining, we had a great time.

Third Day at Mount Snow

I switched to snowboard today. I did 4 runs on the long green with the younger kids. They skied way too fast for me. I couldn’t keep up on my snowboard. Maybe I was just too exhausted on the third day. My legs gave up.

In the afternoon, I went to the backside to do my runs on the black slopes. The older kids joined me for a few more runs before we headed home. We had the whole black trail to ourselves.

It was a great day. I got a good work out.

Second Day at Mount Snow

The conditions were great. The crowd was spared. We headed to Mount Snow around 10 am. We went to Long John first with Vương, my wife, and others. Although Vương enjoyed it, he was done after 2 runs.

I went to the back side with the older kids and my brother-in-law. I led them to the mogul terrain. The kids navigated their way down. My brother-in-law was struggling so I decided to cut to the blue trail. Unfortunately, it led us into a bigger mogul terrain. He had to slide down on his butt while I side-slipped my way down.

I did a few more runs on black and blue trails and it was already 4 pm. We headed back to the rental house to relax. We’ll do it again tomorrow.

First Day at Mount Snow

I planned to drive to Mount Snow at 1 am on Saturday so we could get an extra skiing day, but it didn’t go too well. My wife was working until midnight and I wanted her to get some sleep. As a result we didn’t leave our house until 4 am. The rain was pouring almost the entire trip. As we were getting closer to Mount Snow, rain turned to icy rain.

Our Toyota Sienna LE couldn’t make it to the top of the hill. A local man drove by and offered to help. He reversed the minivan to the top then asked us where we were heading. He told us our car wouldn’t make it through the road we were on. He suggested that we headed back to the flatter road. We were doing fine until we had to take the small road to our rental place. Once again our minivan got stuck. A very nice couple helped us push through. I love Vermont people.

We arrived around 2:00 pm and checked in. Icy snow continued to fall; therefore, we didn’t go to Mount Snow. We just relaxed for the rest of the day. I was over-worried about our car. I hoped all that spinning and backward driving didn’t damage the transmission. I could barely sleep. I woke up around 2 am and tried to read about the transmission.

Around 7 am I tried to see if I could drive to Mount Snow, which is 1.5 miles away. I couldn’t back my car out. The front wheel kept spinning and rocked. I tried to press the gas slowly all the way, but the wheels were no longer spinning. I freaked out. Then again, my brother-in-law’s Honda Odyssey was also stuck. He said the TRAC system prevented the wheel from spinning.

I took my three older kids and their cousin to Mount Snow via the MOOver shuttle service. The conditions were great. We skied mostly blue and black trails. I snowboarded because I didn’t want to wear my heavy ski boots to the shuttle.

With a lack of sleep, shoveling snow in the morning, lack of food for lunch, and drinking some beer, I was exhausted after about 5 or 6 runs. We had a great time.

In the meantime, my wife, her sister, and her sister’s husband got both of our minivans out. I was so relieved. My mother had come through again with her hidden powers. I talked to her when we were stuck and both times people came to help. I also talked to her about the car being stuck and the transmission and we are OK now.

Scout Camping Checklist

Spring is here and camping season has begun. Here’s my camping checklist:

Sleep gears

  • Tent
  • Tarps (top & bottom)
  • Sleeping bags
  • Sleeping pads
  • Pillows


  • Broom
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Fan (air dry)
  • Power strips
  • Extension cords
  • Hammer
  • Flashlights


  • Uniforms (A & B)
  • Clothes
  • Jackets
  • Rain jackets
  • Hats
  • Shoes

Personal Hygiene

  • Towels
  • Shampoo & soap
  • Flip flop for shower
  • Toothbrushes
  • Floss
  • Toothpaste


  • Mesh kits
  • Reusable water bottles
  • Utensils
  • Medication


  • Chairs
  • Bug spray
  • Sunglasses