Fifth Day at Mount Snow

I headed over the mountains around 7:50 am before the lifts open at 8:00 am. I went to Long John trying to learn carving on snowboard. I didn’t do too well. I tried on the blue run, but I ended up doing short turns and knee steerings. I hit the blue trails twice before the rest of the family came over.

I switched to ski to take Long John with Vương. He let me use the harness. He skied well with the strings. I only held him close to me on steeper slopes. We made it down to the main base and my legs were burning. I had to take a break.

After lunch I went over to the discovery area to teach my wife and her brother skiing. I was able to get them to ski off the lift on their own. They still need to learn their turns, but they are getting there.

We wrapped up around 3:30 pm. I switched back to snowboarding and took on the blue slopes. I was able to take the last lift at 3:50 pm. I took Long John home and I was the only one on the entire mountain. It was nice to be able to snowboard back to the condo.

I am completely exhausted, but I loved every moment of it. What more can I say? I love skiing and snowboarding.

Fourth Day at Mount Snow

My wife’s brother and his son joined us last night. I woke early and hit the mountains around 8:30 am. The lift opened at 9:00 am and the line was longer than previous days.

I continued to work on early edge changes. I also moved on to the blue terrains and had lots of fun. I wanted to incorporate carving into my turns, but I am not quite there yet.

Around 10:30 am, the rest of the family arrived. I switched to ski to take Vương on Long John. Skiing with him made to switch to pizza. Now I am having a hard time switching back to parallel. While skiing down Long John, I saw my nephew skiing backward. I challenged Đạo, Xuân, and my nephew to backward skiing. I also ready switch back to snowboarding.

Today is our fourth day at Mount Snow and I am exhausted. The legs are giving out at the end of the day, but I always get up the next day and do it again. I love skiing and snowboarding life.

Third Day at Mount Snow

I woke up around 7:00 am and threw bacons in the oven for breakfast. I made myself a ham, bacons, eggs, and cheese sandwich. I went over to the resort around 8:30 am. Around 8:50 am, I stood in line with a handful of senior skiers. I was the only early snowboarder.

I determined to learn short turns and knee steerings on snowboard. I hit one green and one blue terrain. I headed back around 10:00 am to pick up everyone. We didn’t leave the condo until 11:00 am. When we arrived, Vương wanted to take the bubble lift so I skied with him on Long John. Pizzing all the way down with him still burned my legs.

We got back down at noon. We took a break and it started to rain. Đạo, Đán, Xuân, and I went back on the lift to ski in the rain. With heavy fog and light rain, I suggested we take it easy on the green terrain. It was quite an experience skiing in the rain.

Around 2:00 pm, my wife took the younger boys home to go swimming. I went back up with the older boys, but they wanted to hit the blue terrains. I stuck with Long John to learn short turns and knee steerings on snowboard and I made some progress. I longer pivoted my back foot; therefore, my ride was much smoother. I also were able to steer with my knees. I practiced three runs on Long John. At 3:45 pm, I decided to hit one more time before the lift closed. When I got on the lift, it started to rain. I was the only one left on the green terrain. I snowboarded in the rain and it was quite an experience. Today was a great day.

Second Day at Mount Snow

Last night Đán was sharing a pull-out bed with me. Around midnight, he told me he couldn’t sleep. I held him and fell back to sleep. Around 1:40 am, he said he still couldn’t sleep. I sent him in to sleep with my mother-in-law. Then I couldn’t get back to sleep. I continued to read The Tale of Kiều hoping to fall back to sleep. Then I found a few errors in the translation so I turned on my laptop and fixed them. I went back to sleep around 4:00 am. I slept until 7:00 am. I had a feeling that it wouldn’t be a good day for skiing.

Around 10:30 am, all the boys and I went to Long John to warm up. Skiing with Vương inside my lap was such a challenge. I had to pizza the whole way down. My legs were burning. I then realized that I was so exhausted yesterday because I skied for almost an hour with Vương between my skis. I wished he would go back to using the harness.

Around 12:30 pm, I took my wife to the learning zone. She continued to work on her turns and she got better. She only fell twice because she was leaning back. After she leaned forward and trusted her skis to do the turns, she didn’t fall anymore. She was also able to get off the lift by herself without falling. I was so happy to see she was improving.

Around 2:30 pm, I switched to snowboarding. I went back to Long John to learn how to do turns with Tommie Bennett’s instructions. I didn’t quite get there yet, but I had a great run. Then I meet up with Đạo, Đán, and Xuân to ride back to our condo.

It was a great day. I am bit better at skiing than snowboarding, but I like snowboarding a bit better.

First Day at Mount Snow

The kids are on spring break this week and what better to do than go skiing. We drove to Vermont yesterday. We’re staying at a condo that has a trail that we can ski to Mount Snow. We went to Mount Snow once last year and liked it enough to go back.

This morning it started to rain. I thought we couldn’t ski at all, but the rain went away round 10:00 am. We headed over and I took Vương skiing on Long John, which is a long green trail. It took us an hour or more to finish. By the time we got back, it was lunch time. We had pizza and I took my wife to the learning center to learning skiing. I was able to get her onto the lift. We held on to our ski poles and got of the lift safely. She is still working on her turns.

Around 2:30 pm, I hit the black terrains with Đạo, Đán, and Xuân. The condition was icy and I tripped several times on the black mogul terrains. My skis kept caught in the ice. I was exhausted by 4:00 pm, when the resort closed. The kids enjoyed skiing and snowboarding their way back to the rental condo.

The weather forecasts to be raining tomorrow as well as Thursday. I am not sure if we will be able to ski. I am looking forward to snowboarding.

My Xuânshine & Me

The weather has been so beautiful. I have made visiting the skatepark part of my lunch routine at work. I skate around the ramps and drop into the bowls, but I haven’t done anything new. I don’t have the motivation to learn new skills any more.

My six-year-old Xuân, on the other hand, has been improving his scootering chops. He jumps down the ramps instead of just dropping in. He rides around the bowls with effortlessness. He pumps and lifts himself onto the coping and drops into another ramp.

Watching him trying and pulling off new techniques makes me happy. Because of his improvements, he still enjoys going to the skatepark and hanging out with this old man. I don’t have to force him to go out with me . Here are a few clips of him scootering: part 1 & part 2.

The End of Skiing Season

Yesterday was the last day of the season at Roundtop. With rain and warm temperatures, Roundtop held on as long as it could. The trails were brown and slushy, but they were still skiable. I was snowboarding fine. I was disappointed with Mother Nature more than the resorts.

It doesn’t seem like we will get any snow this year. On top of that, the temperatures had risen as high as 70 degrees (Fahrenheit). The artificial snow was melting fast. Despite the terrible conditions, I managed to make the most out of my Epic pass this year. I hit the trails as many times as I could. I set out to learn snowboarding and I achieved my goal.

Learning to snowboard was a steep challenge for skiers who wanted to make the transition. I fell so many times and my feet were so uncomfortable, but I stuck with it. I progressed from the bunny slope to the double black diamond terrain in one season.

In retrospect, I tried to advance too quickly. I didn’t spend enough time on the green trails to get better with my turns. I started to learn quick turns so I could go down the double black. I pivoted my back foot to control my speed and it became a habit I needed to break on my heel side. Even on mellow terrains, I kept kicking my foot forward to slow myself down before I could make my toe turns. I had done as much as I could and I had progressed to where I wanted to be, but I wish I could spend more time on the trials to learn to ride better.

My focus for this season has been on snowboarding. I skied less and didn’t pick up any new skills. I still wanted to learn carving on skis, but couldn’t get to it. I encouraged Đạo and Xuân to learn carving as well, but I was not on my skis to work with them. As a result, they skied with the skills they already have and not picking up any new techniques. I am fine with them enjoying themselves, but they seemed to get a bit bored. Once they could reach the double black diamond slope, they had nowhere else to go. If they don’t learn new skills, they just ski down hill again and again.

I encouraged Xuân to learn snowboarding together with me, but he stayed with skiing so he could go fast with his brothers and cousins. He ended up not getting past the point where he stopped falling. Snowboarding is no longer a passion for Đán. He is already bored with it. He is good and no longer feeling the challenge. He didn’t bother learning anything new.

Will this be the last seasonal Epic pass for us? If the boys are no longer interested in skiing or snowboarding, I don’t want to waste almost $3,000 for all of us. It is only worthwhile if they wanted to go on their own instead of his mother forcing him to go. Skiing and snowboarding are great exercises for the winter and they are so lucky that we are offering the opportunity for them.

One of the benefits of skiing and snowboarding was that we didn’t catch any winter sickness. Our body got used to the cold before we could get a cold. If we were sitting around the house all day on our digital devices, I am sure we would have caught all kinds of winter sickness. Furthermore, I hadn’t had a gout attack despite my increase in drinking alcohol and consuming beef. I think because I put my feet to work all the time.

I wanted to hit the slopes every opportunity I got. My wife was not too happy with my obsession. Since we paid so much for the Epic passes, I might as well take advantage of them. I hope we can make one more trip to Vermont in the first week of April when the kids have their spring break. We also need to decide as a family if we should get Epic passes for next year. I hope we do, but we should make it our priority over other hobbies during the winter.

Rollerblading has Stagnated

It’s such a beautiful day. I hit the skatepark on my lunch break. Although I rollerblade everyday, my progress has stagnated. I have not picked up any skills. I only use the skills I already have so I won’t lose them. I no longer wanted to take the risks to advance to the next level even though I have all the protective gears. I am getting old.

I haven’t set my foot into an ice skating rink in a while. I lost all of my jumping skills. I might head back to it someday. After the kids moved on, I no longer had the reason or the motivation to keep going. Xuân is my only son who is still passionate about scootering; therefore, we still hit the skateparks together. Once he no longer wanted to go, that would be it for me. It wouldn’t feel right going to the skatepark by myself and leaving the kids with my wife even though they would be playing on their digital devices anyway.

As a parent, I have lost my battle against digital addiction. Not even bubble teas, BonChon chicken, nor sushi could get them out of the house. The only thing that might work is through forcing. It’s no longer fun if they come out with angry faces. On one hand, some parents who are too busy trying to make ends meet don’t have the time to spend with their kids. On the other hand, my kids would rather spend time on their devices than with me. It’s super sad.

Getting a Hang of Jump Turns on Snowboard

We were planning on going to Seven Springs, but my wife cancelled the trip because of the rain and the warm weather. Luckily, she was right. Seven Springs is pausing its operation today and tomorrow.

At 8:00 am, I dropped my oldest son off at his school and headed to Liberty. Despite the rain and the warm weather, the trails at Liberty were snowboardable. I determined to learn short turns so I could ride the double-black-diamond slopes. When I learned to ski, I picked up short turns early on and I still use them to ski the double-black-diamond slopes.

I arrived at Liberty around 9:45 am and started off on the green trails. With the rain and the warm weather, the snow was slushy. It was not an ideal condition, but I just had to work with what they had. I tried to jump to get my board around. Because the slope was flat, I had to jump a bit higher. After four jumps alternating from heel to toe turns, I was tired and my feet were in pain. I was not in good shape to do this on snowboard.

I gave up the green slopes and went to the back side to try the blue slopes. Surprisingly, the jumps were easier on blue slopes. Because the slopes were steeper, I didn’t have to jump so high to get my board around. I slid out a few times on my toe turns because I was leaning backward instead of forward. When I fixed that, I was able to complete my turns.

After three runs of doing the jumps on the blue slopes, I was exhausted, thirsty, and hungry. I should have brought a bottle of coconut water with me, but I didn’t. I went back to the front to get lunch and a drink. I wanted to test out the jump turns on the black slope, but it was closed. I had to take the green slope back.

I ate a cold sandwich I packed. It didn’t taste too good. Luckily, I brought along a bottle of mango margarita wine to wash down the bread, turkey, cheese, and prosciutto. After lunch, I headed back to the back side. Since I was able to do the jump turns on the blue slopes, I might was well test them out on the double black. Even though I was not planning on snowboarding on the double black, I went for it once the wine kicked in.

On the first run, I fell because I didn’t commit my jumps. Unlike my previous attempts, however, I fell with my board down the slope instead of my head sliding down the slope. I could stop sliding down with my board; therefore, I was able to get up and try again. The second and third runs, I fell a bit, but I was able to get my board around. The fourth time, I finally made the commitment to jump. Unfortunately, I was too tired after that. I could barely lift my feet. Around 2:00 pm, I called it the day.

It was definitely a great learning experience and a fantastic workout. I am looking forward to doing some more to master the jump turns.

New Bindings

Yesterday was Whitetail’s last day for the season. Blame it on Mother Nature. She has been warm the entire winter. We hadn’t had a snowstorm. If the weather stays this way Liberty and Roundtop will be shutting down soon as well.

I took Đạo and Xuân to Liberty yesterday to test out my new Rome United bindings, which I found a good deal on Amazon for $100. The price has gone back up to $160. Since I bought the Capita board that came with the step-in Flow bindings, I just went with it. I liked the convenience of the step-in style, but the way they strapped the top of my feet made me excruciatingly uncomfortable when I turned, particularly on my toe side.

The cause for the pain was not just the old bindings but also the way I turned. I tended to initiate my turns way too late. I pivoted my back foot too much to control my speed on my toe side. As a result, I slowed myself down and burned my legs. I need to fix this habit.

The Rome United bindings only strapped my toes and ankles; therefore, they were more tolerable. I still felt a bit of a pain when I pivoted, but it was not as bad as before. I am keeping the Rome United bindings. I hope I still have a chance to continue to hone my skills before the season’s over.
