The screening was filled with professors, administrators, and students. They actually ran out of seats. Jose Padron, the director, traveled all the way from Cuba to share his film. This is his first time to the US and he thanked Vassar for it. There are a few directors from Cuba that were suppose to come to the US for a film festival; however, they could not get here because of the war. Isn’t Vassar powerful or what?
Leo Brouwer is one of the world greatest guitarist. I knew his music before but didn’t know it was his until I saw the documentary today. I was totally fascinated with the way he plays his guitar. It sounded like there were forty fingers playing instead of ten. Although the documentary was only 70 minutes long, it took Jose Padron 22 years to complete it due to political and financial issues. The film deals with Cuba social issues so it was not pleasing the officials. He wanted to have the complete control over the artistic part so he was funding the movie on his own. He shot the entire film with a 35mm camera which is a pain. Well, all his hard works paid off because the documentary was fantastic and I enjoyed it very much. Congratulations! Jose. Oh by the way, he is a very nice individual.
Film Presentation
Jose Padron, one of Cuba’s most important contemporary filmmakers, will show and discuss Leo Brouwer, a documentary about the world-renowned Cuban musician, composer, and conductor. Of course, I am going to be there. Man, I love working at Vassar. They always have all kinds of great events, lectures, and resources. This is the type of college that I would definitely send my kids to. The tuition is kind of high but it worth every penny of it. If you’re looking for a “real” intellectual institution, you might want to consider Vassar. Come and visit us, I will guarantee that you’ll fall in love with the campus. I remembered my first interview. My first impression was the beautiful campus. I am not kidding you. If you don’t believe me, take a sneak preview at the slideshow presentation. Please keep this on the down low. The presentation is still in its development stage and only you can get a sneak peak at it because I love you. As a visitor to, you are very special to me. Alright, let me stop kissing your ass. Go ahead, launch the presentation. Caution! The movie is 11.9 mb. Dial-up users, you might want to launch a smaller version (2.8 mb) instead. Enjoy!