Season 24-25: Day 33

We are about halfway through the season. For Whitetail, we only have about a month and a half left. Damn! It’s way too fast.

I woke up early this morning and headed to Whitetail. I joined the ski clinic. I just wanted to ski with the instructors’ instructors. After the clinic, I changed out my snowboard boots to lineup. My snowboard supervisor called me over and asked if I wanted to be a dual instructor. The ski instructors wanted me to become a ski instructors as well since I had been participating in the ski clinics. I was like, sure why not.

I changed back to my ski boots so I could shadow a beginner lesson. There were 18 students from age 7 to 13. The young instructor who was assigned to the class freaked out. He called the supervisor for help. It took 3 of us to teach 18 kids to ski. My job was helping the kids popping in and out of their skis and standing up. It was quite an experience.

In the afternoon, I was assigned to teach 5 adults who were learning snowboarding for the first time. They did well. I hope they’ll continue to work on their J and S turns. After class, I changed to my ski boots and started some runs. I left the resort at 5:00 pm. It was a long day.

My goal for this season is to get 2 more shadows in for ski lesson and take the jacket test. The ski progression for first-time learner doesn’t seem so bad.