Getting a Hang of Jump Turns on Snowboard

We were planning on going to Seven Springs, but my wife cancelled the trip because of the rain and the warm weather. Luckily, she was right. Seven Springs is pausing its operation today and tomorrow.

At 8:00 am, I dropped my oldest son off at his school and headed to Liberty. Despite the rain and the warm weather, the trails at Liberty were snowboardable. I determined to learn short turns so I could ride the double-black-diamond slopes. When I learned to ski, I picked up short turns early on and I still use them to ski the double-black-diamond slopes.

I arrived at Liberty around 9:45 am and started off on the green trails. With the rain and the warm weather, the snow was slushy. It was not an ideal condition, but I just had to work with what they had. I tried to jump to get my board around. Because the slope was flat, I had to jump a bit higher. After four jumps alternating from heel to toe turns, I was tired and my feet were in pain. I was not in good shape to do this on snowboard.

I gave up the green slopes and went to the back side to try the blue slopes. Surprisingly, the jumps were easier on blue slopes. Because the slopes were steeper, I didn’t have to jump so high to get my board around. I slid out a few times on my toe turns because I was leaning backward instead of forward. When I fixed that, I was able to complete my turns.

After three runs of doing the jumps on the blue slopes, I was exhausted, thirsty, and hungry. I should have brought a bottle of coconut water with me, but I didn’t. I went back to the front to get lunch and a drink. I wanted to test out the jump turns on the black slope, but it was closed. I had to take the green slope back.

I ate a cold sandwich I packed. It didn’t taste too good. Luckily, I brought along a bottle of mango margarita wine to wash down the bread, turkey, cheese, and prosciutto. After lunch, I headed back to the back side. Since I was able to do the jump turns on the blue slopes, I might was well test them out on the double black. Even though I was not planning on snowboarding on the double black, I went for it once the wine kicked in.

On the first run, I fell because I didn’t commit my jumps. Unlike my previous attempts, however, I fell with my board down the slope instead of my head sliding down the slope. I could stop sliding down with my board; therefore, I was able to get up and try again. The second and third runs, I fell a bit, but I was able to get my board around. The fourth time, I finally made the commitment to jump. Unfortunately, I was too tired after that. I could barely lift my feet. Around 2:00 pm, I called it the day.

It was definitely a great learning experience and a fantastic workout. I am looking forward to doing some more to master the jump turns.
