Only My Blog Matters
I am once again at odds with social media networks. Thank goodness I haven’t even tried Instagram, TicTok, and new social media platforms. I am still on old school platforms. I use Twitter primarily for web development and Vietnamese typography. Twitter seems to work out OK, but it has been taken over by the richest motherfucker in the world. I am not sure how it would change. Although I had been on LinkedIn for a while, I only started to post a few months ago to promote my professional work. I don’t see anything in return. I haven’t landed any career-changing or freelancing opportunities.
I use YouTube to post videos of my kids and I skiing and skating. I just wanted a place to post my videos. I don’t interact much with YouTube, but I do use it quite a bit for all sorts of DIY activities including skating, skiing, and home-improvement.
Facebook is the one that I am disillusioned with. I post photos and videos of our family activities. I am not sure if they come across as showing off or just to let family and close friends see what we’re up to. It made more sense when mother was still alive so she could see her grandchildren. After she passed away, I deleted every post, photo, and video. Then I started posting again. Now I am beginning to wonder what the fuck is the point.
I am not going to deactivate my social media accounts, but I want to return to my blog. My blog is where I can be true to myself. It is liberating to just be able to put down my thoughts without having to check in with anyone. I can write 100 words or 1,000 words on my blog. I can decide how my blog looks and feels. Posting the big hero text alone on my homepage is just so satisfying. The grid layout and the typography are the fun part of improving my blog. My blog feels most personal to me. I have no problem shutting down all my social networks, as long as I still have my blog.