I Voted

I voted for Democrats up and down the ballot to keep Virginia Blue. Virginia has been progressing and thriving under Democrats. If Republicans take control, we will be heading backward.

As I had pointed out, Glenn Youngkin is simply too dangerous for Virginia. If elected, he will bring in Trump’s racist agenda and Republicans’ death cult to our state. We cannot let him win.

Terry McAuliffe made some parents upset, but I am not mad at him. He had done well for Virginia in his previous term. Let’s give him one more term to make Virginia even better.

I made my case, I voted, and I hope McAuliffe will win, but I won’t let the results get to me if the election won’t turn out the way I wanted. I’ve done my part and that’s all I can do. I don’t want to keep up with politics. I don’t want to follow the news. The previous presidency was very bad for my mental health. I do not want to get myself caught up in it again.

I avoided political discussions at Scout meetings and camping trips. I started talking about ice skating and rollerblading instead and other parents have no interest whatsoever. I encouraged them to start skating and they shook their heads.

My point is that I am aware of politics and I participate in elections, but I am not doing anything beyond that. I don’t want to get involved or to get into arguments in politics. Fuck them.
