The Biden-Warren Ticket

I said yesterday, “Joe Biden is not an exciting choice for me—Elizabeth Warren was.” If Biden wants to excite Democrats and independent voters who are sick and tired of the pathological liar, he should pick Warren as his running mate. Warren’s endorsement hits home on Biden’s character. In this election, more than anything, character matters. As we are witnessing in this pandemic, the character of an ignorant narcissist has put the live and livelihood of every American in danger.

Like Biden, Warren is a fierce fighter for the middle class. In her endorsement, she said, “When you are in a fight with Joe at your side, you know you have a partner who is committed to getting something good done for this country. Joe Biden is a selfless public servant. He is committed to the fight for social, racial, and economic justice.”

With her experience and persistence, Warren will continue to fight bigger battles in the VP role. She will eviscerate Mike Pence in the debate like she did with Mike Bloomberg. More important than that, she will help him taking on Wall Street and negotiating bailouts to help the people and not the big corporations. She will help him navigating the coronavirus crisis someone else has failed to deal with.

Before we get to that point, the first crucial step to destroy the coronavirus is to vote the ill-informed antediluvian out of the White House in November. And that is what every American over 18 can do and must do.
