Labor of Blog
I have been blogging since 2003. The past several years have been cold in the blogosphere. Most personal bloggers I followed moved to Facebook. Most designers and web developers I kept in my Feedly shifted to Twitter or Medium. I understand why people have abandoned their blog. Keeping a blog is not easy. A personal blog requires time, commitment, and technical. You don’t make money on blogging either. Some people can make a decent living from their blog, but not too many.
Having blogging for fifteen years, I tried some ads in the past, but they didn’t add up much. Blogging is definitely the labor of love, especially in my case. Blogging has become my routine and obsession. It is a way for me to let anyone knows what I am thinking without telling them. Occasionally, I get in trouble because I forget some individuals who are close to me are reading. Other than those, I don’t know who reads anymore because I gutted Google Analytics on this site. Just the feeling of having someone somewhere reading my words is enough to keep me blogging. I don’t need to know details.
This year, I am glad to see the slow return of the blog. The web is still a great place to express yourself and blog is still the perfect platform. In recent months, I have abandoned Facebook, Twitter, Medium, and other social media network to focus only on this blog. This is the place where you can find me. If you want to keep update on what I am up to, simply visit this site or subscribe to my RSS feed. Yes, it still exists.