Boys’ Night Out

With Xuân being too young, I hardly get to interact with Đạo and Đán when we go out together. As a result, I wanted to spend one-on-one time with each of the boy. On Tuesday night, I asked them who wanted to go out with me tomorrow and they both raised their hand. I explained to them that one can go this week and the other one can go next week. Đán said, “OK, Đạo can go first.” Then Đạo said, “But it wouldn’t be as fun without Đán.” I suggested that all three of us go and they both agreed.

My one-on-one plan failed, but we had fun. I took them to their favorite spot, Bon Chon Chicken, for dinner. Then we headed to Chuck E. Cheese’s for some gaming. After that, We hit the library to check out some books. Đạo asked me to help him find books on the Titanic. I pointed him to the information desk and asked for help. He told me to come alone and I told him to go by himself. He took Đán with him. They had a bunch of books. I think Đán took them out just so he could use the self-checkout machine.

They behaved rather well the entire time. I asked them if they would like to do this again. Đạo said yes but “poor mommy had to stay home. Maybe we can stay home and take care of Xuân so she could have some time alone.” What a lovely thought.