A Tactical Lie?

Đạo and Đán got into a scuffle. Đán got angry when I asked him what happened. Here’s our conversation:

Đán: Đạo said he wants to kill me.
Dad: I did not hear he say that and I am sitting right here.
Đán: Yes, he did. He’s a killer.
Dad: Why do you make up such story? And I do not want you to use that word.

I was irritated with Đán’s language and I thought he made up the story. I knew Đạo wouldn’t say such thing so I asked him what happened.

Đạo: I was playing with my train and Đán pushed my [Lego] mini figure off the train.
Dad: Did you say you will kill him?
Đạo: No, I said [to him] what if you were on the train and would you like it if I push you off?
Đán: See, he wants to push me off and kill me.
Dad: OK so you did not make up that story, but you made it way more dramatic.

Should I be worried about this? After reading this article, “Is Your Child Lying to You? That’s Good,” I am a bit relief. Alex Stone writes:

Why do some children start lying at an earlier age than others? What separates them from their more honest peers? The short answer is that they are smarter.

He goes on:

Other research has shown that the children who lie have better “executive functioning skills” (an array of faculties that enable us to control our impulses and remain focused on a task) as well as a heightened ability to see the world through other people’s eyes, a crucial indicator of cognitive development known as “theory of mind.” … Young liars are even more socially adept and well adjusted, according to recent studies of preschoolers.

I sure hope these studies reliable.