A Letter From Mason’s President

Ángel Cabrera:

Dear Patriot,

Our mission defines us as an innovative and inclusive academic community committed to creating a more just, free, and prosperous world.

This was our mission the day before the election and it remains our mission today. If anything, the bitter campaign that just ended and the divisions in our society it highlighted suggest that our mission has never been more important and necessary.

Today, more than ever, we must keep working hard to help students of all backgrounds learn and grow. We must double down on our scholarship to deepen our understanding of the world we live in and to find new solutions to the complex issues that we face.

We must reaffirm our commitment to embracing a multitude of people and ideas in everything that we do, to respecting differences, and to protecting the freedom of all members of our community to seek truth and express their views.

We must continue to hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards as educators, scholars, students, and professionals, and we must continue to nurture a positive and collaborative environment that contributes to the well-being and success of every member of our community.

Since the results of the election were announced, I have heard too many stories of students and faculty feeling fearful about their place in society and in our university.

Let me be clear:

If you are Muslim or Jewish or Christian, you belong at Mason.
If you grew up in Mexico City, Islamabad, or Roanoke, you belong at Mason.
If you are part of the LGBT community, you belong at Mason.
If you are Black or Brown or White, you belong at Mason.
If you voted for Clinton or for Trump or anyone else, you belong at Mason.

Whatever your background is, your uniqueness represents the very essence and incredible strength of our university. You make Mason, Mason.

I feel fortunate to work for an institution that strives to create opportunity for all, to make our world more educated, more civil, more understanding, and more inclusive. I am proud to work with you. Let’s keep at it. The world needs us.