Đán’s Progress Report

His teacher praised him for opening up more. He plays and gets along with everyone in class rather than just a small group of friends. He makes friends with other kids outside his class. We also witness his ability to make new friends at the playgrounds. He talks to everyone. He also likes to talk about his brothers.

His teacher is impressed with his vocabularies, which include all the names of different dinosaurs. He is good at verbal communication. He tells his teachers exactly why he got mad or when other kids bothered him. Unfortunately he shuts down when he feels sad. He wouldn’t say anything when he’s sad.

He doesn’t put his hands on his friends anymore, but he still does at home when Đạo made him mad. We’re still working with him on that, but Đạo is also at fault for getting on his nerve.

We are still trying to get him the learn the alphabet. He doesn’t seem to be interested yet. Like daddy, he doesn’t like to draw; therefore, his teacher is still working on getting him to draw the letters. I think he will pick up reading and writing one of these days. I am not too worried about it.

It’s such a release not hearing any complain about him. Đán is a very sweet kid. We love him so much and we are very proud of him. He’s a caring grandson, charming son, and loving brother.