Hoàng Thùy Linh Strikes Back

Hoàng Thùy Linh’s newest video for “Last Time,” composed by Lưu Thiên Hương and lyrics by Thanh Bùi, is a revelation. With the art direction from the Propeller Group, Hoàng Thùy Linh sends out a strong message to her female fans.

The video starts out as Hoàng Thùy Linh being pushed against a pole with blood spots on her head. The beat kicks in as she slaps the guy back. He slams her down to the floor. She gets up and starts to sing, “Do you think you can get away with all the things that you did to me?” The word “things” is kind of blurred out. The real word there should be “shit.”

Half way into the song, the battle is on as she declares, “Now’s the time has come for you to fight / Are you ready? I am going for your life.” They rumble and kick each other’s ass. This is probably one of the most violent music video that comes out of Viet Nam. The fighting is stilted, but the choreography and the message are spot on. It’s kind of empowering to see Hoàng Thùy Linh makes this video instead of Rihanna.

If you have been following her path then you would know that Hoàng Thùy Linh is all about striking back. After the sex clip leaked online and ended her acting career, she came out with a phenomenal debut. Then her sophomore release was a flop. With this video, she’s making a coming back. At the same time, she’s showing the girls to fight back and not letting any asshole putting his hand on you. She proves that Hoàng Thùy Linh ain’t nuthin’ to fuck wit.