Our Lives

We’re in the process of readjusting our lives. Up until last week, we had grandma to relied on. After work we could go over to my sister-in-law’s place for dinner, went back home and called it the day. Now I pick up both kids, go home, give them a bath (bathing with them is more like it) and then feed them. On Monday, Dana told me to take them out to dinner, but I rather go to Whole Food to get something healthy. Going out to eat is such a pain and I can’t figure out where to take them. Fast food is obviously not a good choice, although Dao could be eat healthy at McDonald’s. He usual eats the entire side salad in addition to fries and two pieces of chicken nuggets. Dan, on the other hand, doesn’t like raw vegetables, but he enjoys drinking them.

Our weekdays are pretty much set in a routine. Get up go to work. Go home, eat, play a bit and go to bed. Dan goes out about 9 to 9:30pm. Dao goes out about 10 to 11pm. After Dan goes out, I go downstairs to wash the dishes and prep lunch boxes for the next day. After that I would do some freelance work, watch some NetFlix or read until about midnight.

With such a tight schedule, we hardly have the time to do things around the house. Our grass is growing wild. Our deck is deteriorating and needed paint. Our basement is in serious need of reorganization. I used to work from home on Fridays. The time that I spent commuting, which is one and a half our each way, I can use to mow the grass. Another advantage of working from home is that I could take a break, run down the basement and throw in some clothes in the washer or reorganize things around the house a bit.

Now I have to do things around the house on the weekend, which is very hard because the kids would run all over the place. Besides, I rather spend time with them then doing all these chores. Here are my choices: mowing the grass under 90 something degrees or taking the kids out to have some pho and hanging out in the mall with cool air conditioning? The choice is obvious. Some weekends we’re just out of town either visiting Lancaster or New Jersey. That’s how our little family rolls. We hardly stay home on the weekend, especially in the summer.

I might need to take vacation time from work to do work at home. Better yet, just enjoy the summer and get things done in the winter. We’ll see.