The Value of Family Reunion

They say when you married someone you’ll married her whole family. I am grateful to be part of such a loving, bonding, harmonizing family. Make no mistake. I am now inseparable from the clan, but looking from an outsider point of view, the week-long annual reunion is a remarkable effort, something my side of the family hasn’t been able to organize for over ten years. We had one back in 1997 and it was the most memorable gathering yet.

What makes the annual event successful is the commitment from the elders. They show us the value of family’s bonding time. Despite their frail health and hardship of mobility, they managed to attend every year. The youngsters, on the other hand, are the ones that need to step up our game and do our part. We need to cherish these invaluable moments.

For me, seeing Cu Dao playing and laughing with his cousins he might only get to see once a year melted my heart; therefore, my wife and I will make the family reunion our top priority when planning our vacation time.