Duke Survived 1st Day at Daycare
Around 4pm, Duke’s evening teacher called because he threw up. Dana took him him around 4:30. When I got home from work, he was too busy catching up with grandma that he didn’t even noticed that I was there.
Duke didn’t eat much and refused to take milk while he was at the daycare. He did sleep and enjoyed the ride outside. I dropped him off this morning and he started to cry as soon as I placed him on the floor. The teacher picked him up and tried to sooth him while I was stocking his food and filling out the form. I said goodbye to him and walked out. I could hear him screamed outside the door.
Last night I was so bummed out that I immediately went to catch a nap right after dinner. Dana gave him a bath, fed him and put him to bed. I got back up around ten to do some work and I was very productive.