Duke’s 9-Month Check Up
Both Dana and I took Cu Dao to the pediatrician this morning for his 9-month check up. As we have predicted, Duke’s weight (15 pounds 15 ounces) is falling off the curve because he has been refusing to take the bottle for a whole week. Dana tries to nurse him at night, but it is still not enough. We need to suspend his solid until he takes some milk. He is doing fine with everything else.
Duke are growing two more upper teeth so they are now six together. I feel bad for Dana every time she breastfeeds him. She screams in pain whenever he bites, but still let him latch on until he’s satisfied. After the doctor, we took him to La Petite Academy to drop off his application. The waiting list for Jewish Community Center, which is our first choice, is taking a long time so we decided to go with La Petite Academy, which seems nice and convenience for us.
We took him to the infant room to play with other kids. Duke was playing with a musical toy by himself until another 9-month boy crawled over and pumped into him. He immediate did the head-butt affections. Sometimes I am not sure if that’s how he shows his affections or testing his head. Last night he was standing with his hands holding on to the table. He slipped and banged his head against the round edge of the table. I pulled him away as he started to cry. He swung off me and crawled back to the table. He stood back up and banged his forehead against the table to hear the way it sounds. I was just wondering what the heck was he thinking.