New Year Resolutions

Sleep more: Unlike my wife who could sleep until one o’clock in the afternoon on the weekend, I would be lucky if I could get eight hours of sleep a day. This might be hard to accomplish with the baby on the way.

Keep on running: I’ve been running a mile a day for about a year now and I hope to continue to do so. Running allows me to eat more without feeling guilty.

Start MBA: Hopefully I will get enough motivation to enroll my ass into an MBA program at GW. I might as well take advantage of it since the school will pay for 96% of my tuition. Like my boss always says, if you add the school benefit to your salary, you’re really making big bucks. She always encourages me to do so anyway.

Take on more freelance designs: Being overwhelm and just purely lazy made me turned down quite a couple gigs in 2008. if I could get more projects like, I wouldn’t mind taking on work. The total creative freedom was all there.

Spend more time with family: Actually we didn’t do so bad last year juggling between my family and my in-law. Somehow I still don’t feel I spend enough time with my mom. It’s shameful to say that our relationship is in fact better that we don’t live together, but I do miss seeing her too often. She is now even committed to look after Samantha and Eric so there is no chance she will be moving in with us. However, my mother in-law has promised to look after our boy once he is born. I am looking forward to that. My mother in-law is pretty cool and we get along pretty well.