Paris By Night 90 – Chan Dung Nguoi Phu Nu Viet Nam

In celebration of Vietnamese women, no champagnes are necessary. A box of tissues will do. The women portrayed in Thuy Nga’s Paris Night 90 are nothing but tragedy, and they carry it throughout their life. Whether through war, economy or husband, Vietnamese girls, Vietnamese wives and Vietnamese mothers all suffered.

The program brings out quite a bit of depressing songs regarding to our women. Bang Kieu croons the dead sister (“Chi Toi”); Hoa Mi tells the tale of a wife turned into stone waiting for her husband (“Ai Xuoi Van Ly”); Minh Tuyet sobs on a personal reflection (“Ganh Hang Rong”); Y Lan weeps all out on the mournful “Tuong Nhu Con Nguoi Yeu.” Y Lan’s acting skill was so great that a woman in the audience almost jumped off the balcony. I would have done the same thing to end the misery.

Sure there are happy tunes too, but the queens of drama overpowered them. If you are going to watch this DVD, prepare to cry yourself a river. And if you’re one heartless bastard, Thuy Nga got some eye candies for your visual pleasures. Most of the young ladies look luscious in ao dai, but Khanh Ha is still one hot MILF. On the flipside, Ha Tran might ruin your imagination.