Thuy Tien – Xin Cho Toi
Damn, another Thuy Tien? Damn, another Trinh Cong Son album? Damn, another Xin Cho Toi? Despite her name has already been taken by two young popular singers, her album concept has already been recorded by numerous singers, and her album title has already been used by Cam Van, Thuy Tien brings a sweet sensation to Trinh’s music.
Like most Vietnamese singers, Thuy Tien doesn’t dare to ruffle Trinh’s compositions. She sings them the way they were written. What makes her performances stand out, however, is her so-beautiful-it-hurts voice. On the title track she soars like a dove with a broken wing begging for peace over a fine and mellow keyboard companion. On “Mot Lan Thoang Co” her vocals float like chill wind around the cascading piano ostinato. The rhythm section also added a subtle mysteriousness into the tune. The best part is on the break where the violin saws along her vocalization creating an enticing effect.
While her delivery on “Doi Cho Ta The” is free and effortless weaving in and out of the fun strumming guitar and lively plucking bass, she performs “Hay Cu Vui Nhu Moi Ngay” as if she is forcing herself to enjoy life. Her stilted flow comes across as if it is still raining inside even though the sun has shined. The album offers no novelty, but rather another fresh voice on Trinh’s work.