My Linh – De Tinh Yeu Hat
Damn Donny, what the heck is wrong with you? Falling for My Linh’s De Tinh Yeu Hat romance shit, pull yourself together man. You must be out of your mind. That Huy Tuan’s “Nhung Giac Mo Dai” gives me goose bumps, and you treat her like she’s your best lover. Looking at the way you mesmerize My Linh’s breathy, sugary vocals makes me want to puke. Do you really believe her when she sings, “Co khi nao tinh yeu den nhu trong giac mo / Duoc yeu duoc song, chang con van vuong / Nong nang nhung giac mo dai co nhau?” Man, wake your ass up. It’s just a dream. Love is never that beautiful. It’s all fluff. Remember what you told me? That’s right, relationship is worse than a bitch, and she bites harder too. She doesn’t just go for your leg, but straight for your heart.
That opening track “De Mai Duoc Gan Anh” by Anh Quan and Duong Thu is so icky. I can’t stand the way My Linh glides into the crescendo at the last chorus. How could you find the way she almost scats to be breathtaking? Your taste has gone, brother. I suggest you stick to jazz and stay away from Vietnamese ballads. Do I need to slap the taste out of you (like what you wanted to do to Duy Manh) in order to get you back on track? The up-tempo groove on Huy Tuan’s “Valentin” is pathetic. She can’t even pronounce the English word correctly, and you let her passed. What’s happening to your meticulous criticism?
Even on the title track, the muted trumpet hurts my ears and you think the sound is dope. I think you’re really on that dope again. But I have to agree with you on Duong Thu’s “Thuc Giac.” My Linh’s performance is splendid even though her flow in the beginning is a reminiscent of the young Ngoc Khue. Other than that track, the whole album feels like what lovers would share with each other on Valentine’s Day. Yuck!