Dear Music Lovers,
I am thrilled with the amount of emails praising the “Music Comment” section. The messages are encouraging and motivating. For instance, one reader writes, “Thank you for utilizing your website as a means to voice your passions. It has opened up an outlet for fine music reviews from Vietnamese Americans like you and I.” That is exactly my goal for this site.
I’ve also received emails recommending me albums that have been posted on this site. It’s not you fault since I have written more than 100 pieces and they all hidden. If you are interesting in reading just music reviews, you can click on the “Music Comment” on the right under “Departments” and use the “Previous page” and “Next Page” at the bottom to navigate. If you would like to find out if there is an album already written, simply use the search box. One of the reasons I get rid of everything else on the homepage is to encourage the use of the search box. For example, just type in Hong Nhung Khu Vuon Yen Tinh (this post is also listed in the search), and you’ll get various results on those keywords. Of course, the album is also included. So stick around and have fun surfing and reading.
Here are a few fantastic songs for your enjoyment:
Smooth jazz “Autumn Leaves” performs in French (lyrics: Jacques Prévert) and English (lyrics: Johnny Mercer) by Singaporean singer Jacintha.
A magnificent presentation by Tam Khanh on “Mua Thu Ve Giua Paris.” Her delivery is filled with passion and emotion.
Hoang Trang’s “Hoai Nho.” What a splendid piece!
“Loi Nhan Dai Thu” (poem by Song Viet, music by Ngan Hanh ). A gorgeous performance by Bao Yen.