Cổ Động

Thư từ bạn Sơn Phước:

Hi anh, em vẫn hay theo dõi bài viết của anh, đặc biệt anh viết những bài tiếng việt đọc rất xúc cảm. Có điều hình như vì anh ở nước ngoài nên đôi chỗ hay bị sai chính tả. Không biết là anh có nhận ra không? Em chỉ nói để anh biết chứ thực ra khi đọc bài của anh em cũng không quá chú ý đến việc đó, bài viết vẫn xúc cảm. Chỉ là nếu sửa được thì sẽ hoàn hảo hơn.

Trả lời:

Cám ơn bạn. Đúng vậy Doanh viết chính tả sai rất nhiều. Bà xã cũng nhắc nhở nhiều lần và bản thân cũng muốn sữa chửa nhưng thời gian có hạng. Ngày xưa thường thì viết xong rồi đưa cho bà xã kiểm soát lại dùm. Nhưng với con cái bà xã cũng khá bận rộn nên không muốn làm phiền. Vả lại khi viết xong một post thì chỉ muốn publish rồi đi ngủ chứ cũng không đọc lại.

Doanh cũng rất thích những bài viết của bạn. Bạn viết tiếng Việt hay và sâu sắc lắm. Doanh cũng học hỏi được khá nhiều. Mong rằng mai mốt sẽ có dịp trao đổi với nhau về âm nhạc Việt Nam.

Bạn nào thích đọc về nhạc Việt, hãy ghé thăm trang blog của Sơn Phước.

Open-Source Fireworks?

Not a chance. With the recent announcement of subscription based, Adobe already upsets its loyal users; therefore, open-source Fireworks only providers customers a chance to leave the Adobe universe quicker.

Photoshop and Illustrator are the major tools for web designers even though they both are capable of doing things way beyond the web. Fireworks combines the two, but focuses specifically for the web. Fireworks is probably all that is needed for most web designers if they don’t have the luxury of using Photoshop and Illustrator.

As a result, Adobe isn’t going to open-source Fireworks to compete against it own products. Just my two cents, but I hope I am wrong.

Back From A Short Break

Last Thursday, five adults and three kids left two single houses, drove three hours to stay a two small condos for a few days. We dragged massive food along as well. All we did was watching the kids, eating and sleeping. It was still exhausted. Cu Dan had so much energy. He ran around all the time. We also avoided going out to eat because he would throw food all over the place. He can’t sit still for five minutes. With Cu Dao, we just gave him the iPod and he would sit still until we were done. Cu Dan isn’t into anything and he got bored so quickly. As a result, he would started to get real fussy. His voice is strong and extremely irritating. Nevertheless, we had a nice break.

After we got home yesterday, I immediately got back to work until two in the morning polishing up a client’s site. I am hoping to launch soon. Woke up three hours later and the ground was filled with snow. I snuck back in for a bit, but little Dan didn’t let me. He drank milk, peed and pooped. At that point I just woke up to shovel the snow. Our neighbor got home from her night shift and she shoveled her driveway as well. I am very envy of her husband. This lady does everything around the house. She shovels the snow in the winter and cuts grass in the summer. Last summer she even did paved the driveway herself. I hardly see the husband and their teenage daughter. I see her all the time working around the house. Whenever I see him, I just wanted to say, “Man, you’re one lucky basterd.”

Like Facebook

An excerpt from the School of Art’s mailing list to students:

As you can imagine the start up cost to get a website for this type of service has a nice price tag. I would like to know if there is interest from the School of Art to showcase their talents by helping [us] create a website and platform much of the likes of Facebook.

Not a bad way of getting students to create something like Facebook for free or low cost.

Visualgui.com Presents Viet Jazz

I started to collect Vietnamese ballads arranged in jazz flavors over the years. Whenever I heard something jazzy, I just drag it into my “Visualgui.com Presents Viet Jazz” playlist, which now has 90 tracks, which takes 7.5 hours to get through. I am in the process of edit down the number of tunes, but here’s the list so far:
1. Ai Dua Em Ve/Thuy Vu
2. Ao anh / Le Quyen
3. Bai Khong Ten So 8 / Y Phuong
4. Bay Gio Thang May / Le Hieu
5. Bien Can / Nguyen Hong Nhung
6. Bong Ngay Qua / Quynh Hoa
7. Buon / Ho Ngoc Ha
8. Chan Tinh / Le Quyen
9. Chay Tron / Tung Duong
10. Chieu / My Linh
11. Chieu Nay Khong Co Em / Thang Long Bass
12. Chim Trong Muon Thua / Nguyen Ngoc Anh
13. Co Hong / Nguyen Thao
14. Con Mat Con Lai / Duc Tuan va Vua Lua
15. Con Tuoi Nao Cho Em / Trinh Vinh Trinh
16. Cuoi Cung Cho Mot Tinh Yeu / Thanh Ha
17. Cuoi dem / Tung Duong
18. Da Yeu / Toc Tien
19. Dau Chan Dia Dang / Thu Phuong
20. Dem Do Thi / Thanh Ha
21. Dem Hoai Vong / Tuan Ngoc
22. Du Nang Co Mong Manh / Nguyen Khang
23. Duyen Kiep / Anh Tuyet
24. Ghen / Duc Tuan
25. Gui Gio Cho May Ngan Bay / Ngoc Quy
26. Ha Trang / Tran Thai Hoa
27. Hoang Vang / Tan Son
28. Huong lac / Le Cat Trong Ly
29. Huyen Thoai Nguoi Con Gai / Hong Hanh
30. Khuc Tinh / Tuan Ngoc
31. La Do Muon Chieu / Tran Thai Hoa
32. La Thu / Ngoc Quy
33. Lang dang chieu dong Ha Noi / Ngoc Anh
34. Lang Le / Ho Quynh Huong
35. Lau Dai Tinh Ai / Thuy Vu
36. LK Ai Ve Song Tuong – Toi Di Giua Hoang Hon / Nguyen Khang
37. Loi Ru Mat Em/ Tran Thu Ha
38. Mai Mai Ben Em / Le Quyen
39. Mau Dem / Jazzy Da Lam
40. Mo / Tung Duong
41. Mo Coi / Lieu Anh Tuan
42. Mong Duoi Hoa / Thuy Vu
43. Mot Coi Di Ve / Hong Nhung
44. Mot Doi Quen Lang / Khanh Ha
45. Mua Dong Cua Anh / Tan Minh
46. Mua Thu / Tran Thu Ha
47. Mua thu canh nau / Hong Hanh
48. Mua Thu Chet / Thu Phuong
49. Mua Thu Khong Tro Lai / Hoang Nhat Minh
50. Mung Xuan / Y Phuong
51. Nang Chieu / Ngoc Quy
52. Nang Thu / Thu Hoai
53. Nguoi Yeu Toi Khoc / Thuy Vu
54. Nhin Nhung Mua Thu Di / Hong Hanh
55. Nho Anh / Ho Quynh Huong
56. Nho Mua Thu Ha Noi / Thu Phuong
57. Nhung Buoc Chan Am Tham / Phuong Vy
58. Nhung Con Duong Nho / Hong Nhung
59. Nhung Khung Troi Khac / Nguyen Thao
60. Noi Long / Ho Ngoc Ha
61. Pho Ngheo / Tran Thu Ha
62. Phuc Am Buon / Anh Tuyet
63. Roi Mai Toi Dua Em / Tung Duong
64. Roi Nhu Da Ngay Ngo / Hong Nhung
65. Rung Xua Da Khep / Thanh Ha
66. Sang Ngang / Duc Tuan
67. Sau Y Biec / Tuan Ngoc
68. Se Hon Bao Gio Het / Nguyen Khang
69. Ta Ao Xanh / Tung Duong
70. Tam Su Nguoi Ca Si / Viet Hoan
71. Thoi / Nguyen Khang
72. Thu Quyen Ru / Mai Hoa
73. Tinh Ca Cho Em / Hong Hanh
74. Tinh Cam / Quang Dung
75. Tinh Lo / Thanh Ha
76. Toi Doc Bao Cong Cong / Nguyen Dinh Thanh Tam
77. Toi Tim Thay Toi / Ho Quynh Huong
78. Toi Voi Troi Bo Vo / Tran Thu Ha
79. Trang Khat / Tung Duong
80. Trong Co Don / Ho Quynh Huong
81. Tuoi Da Buon / Thanh Ha
82. Ve Em / Tan Minh
83. Vet Lan Tram / Anh Tuyet
84. Voi / Tuan Ngoc
85. Vung Lay Cua Chung Ta / Tran Thai Hoa
86. Xin Con Goi Ten Nhau / Duong Quoc Hung
87. Xin Mat Troi Ngu Yen / Anh Tuyet
88. Yeu Dau Theo Gio Bay / Hien Thuc
89. Yeu Nhau Di / Hong Hanh
90. 60 Nam Cuoc Doi / Phuong Vy

Reader’s Letter: Vietnamese DVD


Dear Donny,
I’ve read a lot of your reviews / comments on Vietnamese DVD / Albums but it has been a while without seeing your critics on Thuy Nga Paris by Night . How about this time with Paris by Night 107 which has just been released a couple days ago ?
Hieu V

My response:

Dear Hieu,
Thank you for reading. Unfortunately I no longer have the luxury of sparing a couple of hours watching Paris By Night, let alone writing a review for it. These days I only focus on albums that I feel worth mentioning or worth my time reviewing.

How I Use Social Media

My use of social media has changed unconsciously over the year. In the beginning, I tried to connect all my networks together. My blog RSS feed would go to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. My tweets would feed into Facebook and LinkedIn.

These days, I separated out my networks. I use Twitter mainly for web-related topics and keeping up with the industry. Facebook is mostly to connect with friends and family. I am not using LinkedIn as much as I used to. I hardly use Pinterest and gave up on Google+.

I used Google Reader quite a bit to keep up with my favorite blogs, but now that Google shut it down I am going back to Feedly. I love Feedly interface design, but somehow the functionality always confuses me, especially the “today” tab.

Out of all the social media activities, blogging and reading blogs remain my favorite. I like the personal space when I blog and I like reading blogs in which the authors put more time and effort into writing them.

Catching Up

Thank goodness for the spring break this week even though I still have to go to work. Things are calming down a bit. I am catching up with most of my school projects. The jazz board game for my seminar class is coming together nicely. I cam’t wait to play it in class. My group project for the Advanced Web Design class is still sketchy, but I have all the core requirements finished. I am in the development stage for the second project. I also whipped up 900-word essay for the class.

As for work, I am concentrating on realigning the Law homepage. We’re bringing back the carousel that is featured on almost every university web site. I was so glad we were done with in, but now it’s coming back.

On the freelance side, I launched two WordPress sites. Still working on a third one. Designed a simple business card for a client. In the process of working on a mockup for another client. Every time I say that I am not taking anymore client work, I get more requests and I hate to turn them down.

Boy, I really need a break. I am exhausted. Oh shit! Google is shutting down Reader. This is probably a good reason for me to stop checking the blogs’ updates.

The Anatomy of Type

Stephen Coles’s The Anatomy of Type:

Just like the human body, the Latin alphabet can take on a surprising range of shapes and proportions. These varieties can come from diverging historical paths, differences in language or culture, or simply the tool used to make the letters—whether it’s a pen, a chisel, or a compass.

This is an outstanding coffee book for type nerds.

The Nasty Effect of Comments

New York Times‘ Dominique Brossard and Dietram Scheufele report:

The Web, it should be said, is still a marvelous place for public debate. But when it comes to reading and understanding news stories online — like this one, for example — the medium can have a surprisingly potent effect on the message. Comments from some readers, our research shows, can significantly distort what other readers think was reported in the first place.

Shutting down the comment section makes this site much less dramatic.
