Reading List

I Have Gout

The foot doctor was right. I definitely have gout. The attack started a couple of days ago and it got worse yesterday and today. I took two Tylenols this morning and it seems to help with the pain. I hope it will go away in the next couple of days because I am not going back for another Triamcinolone Acetonide injection. The shot was fucking excruciating.

On the negative side, I have to give up steak, seafood, alcohol and many pleasurable dietaries in life. I am now forced to be responsible what I will be consuming. On the bright side, I have no choice but to eat healthy and quit drinking. Life will be healthier but suck. There’s always a tradeoff.

Ngâm Thơ

Mời nghe những bài thơ của anh Cao Nguyên:

Vương vs. Dương

This review from The New Yorker seems to get the word mixed up. Daniel Wenger writes:

It was Vuong’s mother, a manicurist, who gave him his name. (He was born Vinh Quoc Vuong.) On a summer day at the nail salon, she told a customer that she wanted to go to the beach. She kept saying, “I want to go to the bitch,” Vuong told me. The customer suggested that she use the word “ocean” instead. Upon learning that the ocean is not a beach but a body of water that touches many countries—including Vietnam and the United States—she renamed her son.

The poet name is Vương, which means king. Dương, on the other hand, is ocean.

Learn Type Design

I can’t wait to take the workshop on “Type Design for Non-Type Designers” with Matteo Bologna. My goal is to understand enough technical requirements so I can experimenting with creating diacritical marks for open-source typefaces that don’t have support for the Vietnamese language. I am hopeful that the workshop can help me with my goal.

Mo’ Money Mo’ Pundits

A gift of $30 million dollars comes with more pundits. The acronyms were unfortunate even though they were unintended.

Yes, the jokes were on us and they had spread like wildfire on social media. The school has rearranged the words around a bit to avoid the awkward acronyms, but social media still hasn’t let it go. The tasteless jokes have detracted the attention away from the real issue, which is the Justice himself and what he stood for.

Love it or hate it, the humor has grabbed tons of attention from the media and they all reporting on the jokes rather than the issues. I don’t know if I should be proud or embarrassed to see my design featuring on so many media websites. Here are just a few:

When I first informed about the name change, which was only a few days before the official announcement, I was shocked, but I had to do my job. I was tasked to tweak the logo, create the new banners, and prepared the changes on the site. The jokes on the acronyms are so prominent that they have no room for the design. I am glad.

Some Design & Development Updates

Spent half a day reworking the Law School website to bring YSlow’s grade back to an “A.” Now that Apple Safari supports responsive image, I took out Picturefill. The biggest accomplishment was getting rid of jQuery library. The site appears to load faster now.

Last night I moved my résumé over to ON Designs. It makes more sense to keep all the professional work over there. I also redesigned it to match the site’s look and feel.

Thơ Mưa now has a new song: “Một giấc mơ.” Take a listen.

Gã ngồi khóc một mình
Không vì chất da cam
Làm chết con nghé què
Bỏ vườn đi lên tỉnh

Gã nằm khóc một mình
Chẳng vì mất tình yêu
Của con bồ hàng xóm
Vượt biên sau bảy lăm

Gã đang ói một mình
Không nhớ hồi cãi tạo
Chôn thằng ở cùng lều
Chết toi bịnh thổ tả

Gã nghiến răng một mình
Người ta tưởng gã cười
Chẳng nhớ trại tỵ nạn
Gặp con vợ mồ côi

Gã quị gối một mình
Nhìn lên cây thánh giá
Đọc lên câu khẩn cầu
Ai viết giùm tiếng Mỹ

Gã gào thét một mình
Chắc nhớ hôm chơi bóng
Thằng nhỏ đá vào chân
Vết bầm tan mau quá

Gã gật đầu một mình
Quên đi chuyện thằng Mễ
Đã lấy phần cắt cỏ
Thoi mất cái răng vàng

Gã ôm bụng một mình
Bác sĩ họp ra nói
Kỳ này sẽ không khỏi
Tim thằng nhỏ hết xài

Gã nằm chết một mình
Khi bác sĩ từ chối
Lấy con tim bằng sẹo
Ghép vào cho thằng nhỏ

Cao Nguyên (4-2016)

Thanks to Sponsor and Supporters

Many thanks to my long-time sponsor. It helps paying for this site’s hosting fee every month. I also would like to thank the supporters on Professional Web Typography. By the way, I recently updated both Professional Web Typography and Vietnamese Typography for a better reading experience. Check them out if you haven’t lately.

Đọc Kinh Thánh

Tôi không phải là người trong đạo nhưng lâu lâu đọc một vài câu Kinh Thánh cũng hay. Chẳng hạn như câu sau đây của Ê-sai (41:10):

Đừng sợ, vì ta ở với ngươi; chớ kinh khiếp, vì ta là Bill Cosby! Ta sẽ bổ sức cho ngươi; phải, ta sẽ giúp đỡ ngươi, lấy tay hữu công bình ta mà nâng đỡ ngươi.

Xin đừng ném đá tôi nhé.
