Salt Lake Tribune Endorses Obama

“Too Many Mitts”:

Where, we ask, is the pragmatic, inclusive Romney, the Massachusetts governor who left the state with a model health care plan in place, the Romney who led Utah to Olympic glory? That Romney skedaddled and is nowhere to be found.

Sounds like the real Romney is gone.

Re-Elect President Obama

I have exactly one vote and one voice in this election. Still I hope my vote will count and my voice can be heard. After analyzing the policies from both parties, I concluded that President Obama is still the best choice for America.

The last four years had not been easy on us, but the economy is recovering. While I admire Mitt Romney’s background in business, his interests aren’t in creating jobs. Like most MBA candidates I had witnessed from working at the school of business, Romney is all about profits. The Sensata controversy is a perfect example. Romney who has a major investment in Sensata, which owned by Bain Capital, hasn’t say a word about the fact that the company will be closed down and moved to China on the day before the election. While Romney is campaigning about bringing jobs back to the US, his investment and profitability is in shipping jobs to China.

Healthcare issue is much more personal to me. I have been getting back to my regular checkups thanks to the Obama-care. I don’t have to pay a dime out of my pocket for these preventive cares. While $25 copay might not be an issue for one person. We have four family members. Between physical and dental checkups twice a year and flu shots, they do add up. Still that’s not a big deal. My biggest concern is the voucher system proposed by Romney and Ryan. I don’t want to see my mother and my parent-in-law having to deal with the insurance companies. Let the seniors have a peace of mind with guaranteed healthcare.

On national security, Obama has pulled our troops out of Iraq and winding down in Afghanistan. Under his strong leadership, we destroyed our number one enemy: Osama bin Laden. Unlike what Romney has continuously accused him of apologizing, Obama has strengthened our relationships with our allies around the world.

On domestic issues, the President supports higher education, equal pay for equal work and gay marriage. While I have nothing but respect for people with faiths, I don’t want their religious beliefs to be imposed on me. If Romney and Ryan win the election, they would likely to appoint U.S. Supreme Court justices who oppose gay marriage, abortion and even contraceptive for women.

I endorsed and voted for Obama in 2008. Four years had been a huge change in my life. I am blessed with two wonderful boys and moved on to a great job. I am much better off today than four years ago. The country is also in a much better shape today than four years ago. If Obama is re-elected, I am positive that the next four years would be prosperous for America.

Second Presidential Debate

President Obama put on an impressive performance last night. He finally pointed out about Romney’s 47% comment at the closing statement so that Romney couldn’t response. That was quite a clever move. He also attacked Romney on “one-point” economic plan, which is “to make sure that the folks at the top play by a different set of rules,” and his tie to Bain Capital: “You can invest in a company, bankrupt it, lay off the workers, strip away their pensions, and you still make money.” I wish Obama brought up Bainport when Romney talked about bringing job back to the US.

On the flip side, the bullying Romney made two big missteps. He attacked Obama on the “act of terror” statement and wanted it to be on the record and Candry Crowley called him out on it: “[Obama] did, in fact, sir.” On the topic of women, Romney has binders full of them. Ouch!

Now I can say, “I told you so.”

30 Reasons

30 Reasons is a 30-day email and internet poster campaign encouraging voters to re-elect President Barack Obama. The web site is beautiful and responsive.

16-Year-Old Boy Endorses Obama

A 16-year-old boy says why it’s important to vote for Barack Obama:

Well, the most important reason for me is health care. I’m an only child and my mom’s a breast cancer survivor. With Obamacare we can get insurance. And so if Mom gets sick again, she can see a doctor. But did you know that Mitt Romney wants to take it away from us? If he wins, my mom won’t be able to get insurance. And if she gets sick, there’s nothing she can do.

This is our future president.

The Poor Dies, The Wealthy Gets Wealthier

Paul Krugman on “Death by Ideology“:

So let’s be brutally honest here. The Romney-Ryan position on health care is that many millions of Americans must be denied health insurance, and millions more deprived of the security Medicare now provides, in order to save money. At the same time, of course, Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan are proposing trillions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy. So a literal description of their plan is that they want to expose many Americans to financial insecurity, and let some of them die, so that a handful of already wealthy people can have a higher after-tax income.

Journal Star Endorses Obama

Why “Obama best for middle class”:

Obama can be trusted to preserve the safety net that would be dismantled under some of the remedies proposed for America’s deficit problem. That safety net is vital in times of need, as all Nebraskans should acknowledge while federally subsidized crop insurance bails out farmers in the Drought of 2012.

Winston Salem Journal Endorses Obama

Why “Obama is best choice for president”:

Obama is not always as gregarious as many Americans might like him to be, but he is committed to his country and candid with it — to the point of releasing far more of his tax returns than Romney. While Obama commits the occasional gaffe, we can’t imagine him ever dismissing 47 percent of his fellow Americans — as Romney did, and later apologized for doing.

Sacremento Bee Endorses Obama

Why Romney-Ryan ticket is scary:

The scariest part of a Romney victory is the potential that he and Paul Ryan would attempt to shape the U.S. Supreme Court to match their religious and political beliefs, including opposition to abortion. As Ryan made clear in the debate Thursday, “Our faith informs us in everything we do.” That could mean Romney would appoint justices who oppose abortion and gay marriage, even though Republicans normally pledge to “get government out of people’s lives.”

Cheerfully Contemptuous

Hendrik Hertzberg on “Biden, Literally Uniliterally“:

I’m sure that plenty of people were put off by the Vice-President’s facial antics—the patronizing grins, the mock exasperation, the silent giggles. I was a little put off myself, at first. But as he went along, he managed to earn a right to be what you might call cheerfully contemptuous.
