Anchorage Daily News Endorses Obama

Why Romney is not fit for President:

A strong executive who can buy and sell companies and is used to getting his way is not the same as a visionary leader who can pull people together.

Romney’s comment in a private donor setting – belittling the 47 percent who don’t pay income taxes as freeloaders – is damning and hard-to-shake evidence that he may not really care so much about many Americans of lesser portfolios.

In too many ways, Romney resembles a slick salesman, willing to fudge and say anything to close the deal.

New York Times Endorses Obama

“Barack Obama for Re-Election”:

In the poisonous atmosphere of this campaign, it may be easy to overlook Mr. Obama’s many important achievements, including carrying out the economic stimulus, saving the auto industry, improving fuel efficiency standards, and making two very fine Supreme Court appointments.

Obama helps small business:

Contrary to Mr. Romney’s claims, Mr. Obama has done good things for small businesses — like pushing through more tax write-offs for new equipment and temporary tax cuts for hiring the unemployed.

Miami Herald Endorses Obama

The Miami Herald on Obama’s firm position:

Not all Americans like what he stands for, but they know who he is. He has championed the middle class and has a larger, more tolerant notion of America that includes closing the inequality gap and evening the playing field, as exemplified by making an equal-pay-for-women bill the first law he signed. He has fought for the DREAM Act on behalf of the immigrant youths brought here by their parents, and he wants a Supreme Court that will continue to support Roe v. Wade. That’s crucial.

Washington Post Endorses Obama

Why Washington Post endorses “Four more years for President Obama” instead of Mitt Romney:

The sad answer is there is no way to know what Mr. Romney really believes. His unguarded expression of contempt for 47 percent of the population seems as sincere as anything else we’ve heard, but that’s only conjecture… Every politician changes his mind sometimes; you’d worry if not. But rarely has a politician gotten so far with only one evident immutable belief: his conviction in his own fitness for higher office.

Rape is Intended by God

Richard Mourdock, GOP Senate nominee, opposes abortion even in the case of rape because “it is something that God intended.”

This kind of religious belief freaks me out.

The R-Word

John Franklin Stephens responses to Ann Coulter’s tweet calling the President retard:

After I saw your tweet, I realized you just wanted to belittle the President by linking him to people like me. You assumed that people would understand and accept that being linked to someone like me is an insult and you assumed you could get away with it and still appear on TV.

The whole letter is worth reading.

Romney Endorses Obama

Los Angeles Times

Monday’s presidential debate, the third and last between President Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney, featured a forceful and articulate defense of Obama’s foreign policy. That was no surprise. What was surprising was that it came from Romney.

Who would be best to implement Barack Obama’s foreign policy, Mitt Romney or Barack Obama?

Third Presidential Debate

In the final debate, Mitt Romney agreed with almost every Barack Obama’s foreign policy. He even congratulated Obama “on taking out Osama bin Laden and going after the leadership in Al Qaeda.” Then he went on about making peace: “Our purpose is to make sure the world is more—is peaceful. We want people to be able to enjoy their lives and know they’re going to have a bright and prosperous future, not be at war.” A man who proposes to increase 2 trillion dollars in military is now talking about peace? Now that is a true case of Romnesia.

Obama dominated the debate last night and proved that he has the intelligent to take on foreign issues. His response to Romney’s lies were quite aggressive with lines like, “Governor Romney, you keep trying to airbrush history” and “Your strategy previously has been one that has been all over the map.” When Romney falsely accused him of the “apology tour,” he fired back, “the biggest whopper that’s been told during the course of this campaign.” Romney sank so bad in the debate that he kept saying, “attacking me is not going to help.” It sure helped him in the first debate when he attacked Obama.

Arizona Daily Star Endorses Obama

“Obama’s agenda gives steady hand to economic growth”:

Principled leadership, consensus and time are required. Obama’s accomplishments and positions on health care, higher education, and economic and social issues continue to make him the best choice for the interests at home in Southern Arizona and in our country.

Asheville Citizen-Times Endorses Obama

“Allow Obama to build on progress”:

With Obama, we know what we are getting. He has consistently embraced the concept of community. Obama believes we are not just a bunch of individuals but a nation, and that we must work together to address the challenges we face.

There has been so much ugly campaigning this year that the voter’s first chore is to separate fact from fiction. Obama is not a socialist — those who make this claim know nothing about either Obama or socialism — and Romney is not a hard-hearted corporate pirate who would shred the social safety net.
